download JMS API on ec2 instance
Hi Team, How to download JMS API on ec2 instance. I have follow https://solace.com/blog/integrating-solace-with-logstash/ example for the same way I tried to download the JMS API. But when I am trying to unzip it getting below message. please suggest. unzip soljsm.zip Archive: soljsm.zip End-of-central-directory signature…
Python API limits message size to 0.176MB while Solace configuration has 10MB limit
Hello all, I am trying to use the Python API from the official repo (https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-python/blob/master/patterns/guaranteed_publisher.py) to publish some messages of size 3-5 MB to a Solace queue, but all the messages under 0.176 MB work and the ones above do not work. I am trying strings…
Is there any connector available for Google PubSub ?
I want to consume messages from Google Pubsub topics. I have signed up for the 60-day trial version on cloud. But it shows the connector only for Google Cloud Functions. Is it because of the trial version or there is no connector available for Google PubSub ?