Gopher in an Event-Driven playground
In this Conf42 Golang 2022 talk, @Tamimi gives a high-level overview of what an Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) is and its relevance to the real-world use cases. He shows how one can adopt a protocol and language agnostic event-driven architecture using GoLang. Watch the video to understand: Asynchronous Event APIs vs…
Go API v1.0.0 coming soon 👀
The PubSub+ Messaging API for Go will be GA towards the end of this week! Let us know if you will be using it 🙌 FYI: More details on the early access version is found here https://solace.community/group/4-solace-early-access-golang-api A couple of questions to the community Are you currently using GoLang in your…
Join the First Solace Developer Community Virtual Easter Egg Hunt (April 4-26)
April is for egg hunt! We are glad to announce the launch of the first Solace Developer Community Virtual Easter Egg Hunt. We sincerely invite everyone to take part in this fun event and we are eager to see how many “eggs” you find. When is the event? The event starts on April 4 and ends on April 26. Who can participate?…
Python client reconnection failure
Hi, I use Python package solace-pubsubplus v 1.2.0 to connect to Solace. My client has the following reconnection settings: reconnect retries = 20 and reconnect retry wait = 3000 ms. Here is my code for that: messaging_service = MessagingService.builder().from_properties(broker_props) \…
.NET solace API (data network) to get solace timestamp
As title, is there any API for me to get current timestamp from solace ??
What is the Context object and how many do I need?
The docs describe a minimum of one context being needed per process. What are the conditions to have more than one?
Configure a non Transacted Router in JMS Tool Box
Hello, I'm trying to get access to a queue through JmsTool Box, but I'm getting the following error : com.solacesystems.jcsmp.InvalidOperationException: Capability Mismatch: Router does not support transacted sessions. Capability Mismatch: Router does not support transacted sessions. The transacted mode is explicitly…
Messages to SOLACE are failing with the error “Too Many Connections For Client-Username”:
We have an integration from SAP PO (Middleware tool from SAP) towards SOLACE. SOLACE is able to accept 30 messages [to the max] from SAP PO at a given point of time. All other messages to SOLACE at that moment are getting errored out. Currently we are having 450+ messages as a backlog due to this issue.
Differences between (RPC and PubSub) RabbitMQ and Solace
Hi , i'm a newbie of Solace. I used for years RabbitMq and i would change for Solace. I'm reading documentation but i still didnt userstand the difference between Direct, RPC and pubsub. In Rabbitmq i have someone that publish on a certain queue a message and subscriber (registered on rabbit) of that certain queue receive…
Is it applicable to turn on/off Respect TTL settings in queue via API (using C#)
Hi everyone, as title, I would like to turn on/off the Respect TTL setting using C# due to I have multiple queues with the same topic for different systems, and not all of the queue has consumers. For those queue without consumers, I hope I can turn on the Message Expiry/Respect TTL freely until there is consumer to digest…
ServiceNow Discovery for CMDB population With Solace
We’re looking to auto-populate data from Solace appliances into CMDB. Any guidance around it, Any suggestions how we might auto-populate these into CMDB?
Does solace spring boot JMS api automatically help to configuration the JNDI object in the backend?
when I test solace samples https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-spring.git found that. Seem we do not need the JNDI object configuration when used JMS API depended from solace-jms-spring-boot-starter. Does solace spring boot JMS api automatically help to configuration the JNDI object in the backend?
Regarding messageReceiveCallback function of solace C API
messageReceiveCallback and eventCallback functions 3rd argument is void *user_p and the sonarqube flags it Critical i.e. "Replace this use of void * with meaningful type" i.e. void * should not be used in function parameter or return type. Can anybody please help how to overcome this error? thx
Can you publish multiple messages with a single REST request?
Is it possible to do a bulk publish to the broker with REST?
🎓 Developer Certification Challenge #ImSolaceCertified [March 2022]
🚀 Solace Academy offers a FREE certification for developers: Solace Certified Developer Practitioner (Level 1) 🎉 As we celebrate the end of Winter and launch into Spring in the northern hemisphere it felt like a perfect time for a challenge and some giveaways! Complete the steps below to be entered in a live giveaway to…
PubretransmitTimedTask --- Executing timed publisher retransmission
Hi all, My application meet some problem about sending message to solace server. The actual production environment suddenly appeared, each message sent to different queue or topic in the same solace server frequently appeared in this log, and the message was retried to send many a time.The printed log is…