Now Available: PubSub+ Connector for Tibco EMS v.1.0.0
I am pleased to announce that a brand new Self-contained Connector is available to integrate data between Solace PubSub+ and Tibco Enterprise Messaging Service (EMS) . This connector is another in the Self-contained Connector family which are each dedicated to a specific data service, but all share a common architecture…
Exporting Metrics to 3rd-party Monitoring Tools in Solace Self-contained Connectors
Hello "Connect Heads" (my chosen name for Solace connector enthusiasts!) I recently did a video, available on Solace.com, that talks about exporting metrics from your Solace self-contained connectors to various 3rd-party monitoring tools using the embedded Micrometer core libraries. The video shows exporting to InfluxDB…
Now available: v1.1 of the PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ
Hello all connector enthusiasts! Version 1.1 of the Self-contained Connector: PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ is now available. This release contains a number of new features and enhancements since the 1.0 release in Dec. 2022. These include: Support for durable topic subscriptions in the JMS/MQ input binding/consumer of a…
Delay Delivery Queue Property with New Java API
Hello, I am creating a Solace consumer using the new Java API with the "create resource" strategy. My application will create a queue if it does not already exist. I would like to add the capability in my code to set delayed delivery, which we are currently configuring through the Solace dashboard/CLI. Is there a way to…
Local SSL handshake failed: Server certificate verification failed: unable to get local issuer certi
Hi, We were trying to connect bridge from software broker(9.12) to cloud VPN (10.4.1) , but encountered this error "Local SSL handshake failed: Server certificate verification failed: unable to get local issuer certificate" Are we missing some configuration?
Spring cloud stream solace + Solace distributed tracing
Hello! I have a question/issue I hope I can get some help with! I'm using Spring boot 3, with the Spring cloud stream solace integration. Everything's working fine, but I would like to have distributed tracing across applications and solace. I've got traceability between producer < - > consumer, but no luck with adding…
Mule Solace Connector
How do we define the Number of Consumers if we are subscribing to a partitioned queue using the mulesoft solace connector. Using the JMS connector this option is available but on the mulesoft solace connector this is not available
Boomi/Solace: how to set dmq-eligeble=true by default for REST end points
Hi, We have the following use case * Apps are using Solace REST endpoints to send messages to Solace topics * Multiple queues are subscribed to this topic * It appears that REST clients need to set a HTTP header "Solace-DMQ-Eligible: [true|false]" in order to use the DMQ feature Question: can we somehow set the default to…
Camel JMS component
Hi Using JMS camel component, how to make connections using JNDI connectors using certs. I am not finding complete reference of configuration requirements and mvn dependencies to use the JMS component. Complete properties and configuration would be of great help. Thanks Senthil
Is solace pubSub-connector-debezium available ?
Hi, Just checked this post regarding debezium as solace CDC connector. Want to know where do I get its related documentation and jar/image etc as am not able to find it at below link. TIA!
How to use/ enable oAuth2 in spring cloud stream to connect to Solace broker ?
I have implemented spring cloud solace binder to consume messages from Solace Queue. I am using Azure OAuth and registered the app as well as enabled OAuth on the solace broker. I am having hard time finding Oauth properties to connect to solace binder. Referred to various dev tutorials and could only find below properties…
Using Azure Functions to move data from Solace to Azure SQL DB
Hello, I am using Solace & Azure Functions for the first time, and I was wondering if there is a git that answers my technical requirement. I have multiple files that come in real-time to Solace and I wanted to use Azure Functions to move them as they come into specific tables in Azure SQL Database. Thanks in advance :)
Spring cloud stream solace binder StreamBridge.send() unexpected error
Hi Solace team, we are using Spring Cloud Stream Solace in our Spring Boot project, when we try to send messages simultaneously from 5 different threads by using `StreamBridge.send()` the underlying implementation "randomly" throws `org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException`, by randomly I mean it doesn't matter if…
FlowId not matching with incoming message and silent ignoring.
Facing an issue with connecting to my OnPrem Solace server. The same issue is not seen on my local Solace using docker. I have created a Simple Spring Boot Application that produces a message on a topic and consumes the same. I am using the below version to achieve this. JDK 17 spring-boot-starter-parent: 3.2.5…
New JAva API ignores all incoming events
I am using new java API . When I connect solace with our onprem instance getting this log in our debug log. com.solacesystems.jcsmp.impl.flow.SubFlowManagerImpl - Received incoming message with no active flow found for flowId=-908676, ignoring. So this ignores all incoming events. But in my local instance it works fine
JMeter Config to publish or subscribe via JMS Producer or Receiver
We currently would like to use JMeter which comes along with JMS Producer and Receiver but i can't get it working. Can anyone in Solace instruct where to place the VPN ? In code samples: #85972: JAVA API (solace.messaging) Library does not support SenderTimestamp i see that one way is to use the VPN behind user: user@vpn…
Solace connectivity for Azure ADF
Hi Team, We have our data present in AWS Yugabyte. We are planning to use Solace for pub Sub. How we can move data to Azure Data Factory using Solace for pub Sub. Any expert please advice.
Hi Trying to setup connectors pubsubplus-connector-aws-kinesis , but struggle to understand the documentation. 1. Were must this be running? Connecting to Services on the Host If services (e.g. PubSub+ event broker) are exposed on the localhost, they can be referred to using the container platform’s special DNS name which…
Debizium Connector
Hi, I posted to check on this a few months back, but haven't heard any update. Opening this up again to see if there is any news
Does Solace tibco EMS supports JavaRTO as consumer?
Hi Team, We are planning to migrate from TIBCO EMS to Solace. We have done some PoC and planning to Java RTO Messaging API. We have a use case where we need to sync data between Solace consumers and TIBCO Producers. We heard that Solace provides the connector for this but we are not sure if we can use it where the producer…
Spring Cloud Stream - Open telemetry Manual Instrumentation
I am trying to see any possibility to do manual instrumentation on scs consumer and publisher application. If there a possibility to achieve this with jcsmp opentelemetry dependency?
Regarding issue with the dll
Hi Team, I am trying to publish a message using a C# code. It is compiling correctly, but when I run it. It gives me error. By the looks libsolclient.dll is missing. Can you please help me?> Error Message System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. --->…
How does Queue or Topic Proxy differ from DestinationImpl?
In my previous post I am facing a class cast exception while writing the consumer code. java.lang.ClassCastException: com.solacesystems.jms.ra.outbound.QueueProxy cannot be cast to weblogic.jms.common.DestinationImplStack Trace for RuntimeException was:java.lang.ClassCastException:…
java.lang.ClassCastException: Solace QueueProxy cannot be cast to Weblogic DestinationImpl
Hey Guys, I was recently introduced to Solace and am trying to deploy a sample Pub/Sub application using JMS API on a local Weblogic server but ran into this class cast error which I cant seem to find a solution for. I have created a topic "MyTopic" which is subscribed by a queue, "MyQueue" and also configured the JNDI…
OpenTelemetry Agent for Spring cloud binder
I would like to autoinstrument my scs based application. For trial I have added opentelemetry agent latest version and started my application- But traces are not generating. Is there any separate agent available for SCS to to auto-instrument ?
Is that possible to get Broker information into json format with SEMPv1/curl?
Hi all, good morning I'm trying to query such information using the commands below, and I would like to know if I can get the output into json format? curl -u "user:pwd" "https://solace-broker-IP:443/SEMP" -d '<rpc><show><hardware><details></details></hardware></show></rpc>' curl -u "user:pwd"…
Error parsing request header. Our best guess of the apiKey is: -1
I am following the tutorial at www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkQT_B1S1fQ When I fire up the kafka console producer proxy to publish messages, I get the following error on the Kafka Producer Proxy Server: [oracle@oracleeast19cOnOracleLinux7 tmp]$ /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-11.0.21/bin/java -jar…
Synchronous call with solace new java api
Hi, currently, I'm using new Java Api so I'm using the below snippet for request-reply. -------- Request --------- RequestReplyMessagePublisher publisher = messagingService .requestReply() .createRequestReplyMessagePublisherBuilder() .build().start(); InboundMessage inboundMessage =…
Will JCSMPInboundChannelAdapter have configurable shutdownInterruptThresholdInMillis?
Hello, we are experiencing an issue with graceful shutdown of an application. We are using spring cloud "com.solace.spring.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace:4.1.0" There is no awaiting for the termination and messages finish in the error queue. Is there a better way to gracefully stop and resume? Will configuring…
SolConnectionFactory stuck on javax
Hi, I'm trying to migrate my project from Java 11 to Java 17 while also updating to Spring Boot 3. The depencies I use for this solace-jms-spring-boot starter and autoconfigure, both on v 4.3.0. My problem is that the DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory requires a ConnectionFactory that extends Jakarta ConnectionFactory,…
Facing "com.solacesystems.jms.ConfigurationException: Unable to load trust store" in OCP4.x (K8s)
Hi Team I have developed a spring boot application which reads message from solace queue and store it to a DB. My app works fine in local IDE, physical linux VMs and even in testbox podman containers. However, below exception occurs when I try to deploy the same in OpenShift container platform (4.x). I load the solace…
Connecting ActiveMQ Artemis to Solace Message Broker
Does Solace provide some kind of connector to read (subscribe) the (AMQP) messages from a ActiveMQ Artemis and publish them to Solace broker? And, subscribe message from solace message broker and publish to ActiveMQ Artemis?
How to get a specific message body from a queue using a unique ID
I want to know the best way to get the message Body of a specific message instance in a queue. The method I use is the following: My software is calling the SEMP API to get a list of messages metadata like this: {{solace-admin-url}}/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/my-vpn-name/queues/myqueuename/msgs and the json response looks…