Solace connectivity for Azure ADF
Hi Team, We have our data present in AWS Yugabyte. We are planning to use Solace for pub Sub. How we can move data to Azure Data Factory using Solace for pub Sub. Any expert please advice.
Hi Trying to setup connectors pubsubplus-connector-aws-kinesis , but struggle to understand the documentation. 1. Were must this be running? Connecting to Services on the Host If services (e.g. PubSub+ event broker) are exposed on the localhost, they can be referred to using the container platform’s special DNS name which…
Using solace in EKS cluster
we have upgraded our cluster to EKS and we are not able to up the solace ui on port 1943 , we are using nginx ingress controller, p\s let us know if any changes needs to be done from cluster end or in vluses.yml. If possible p\s share ingress templet with us
How do i enable tls on aws eks?
I have been working on to enable tls. I have tried creating the certificate from awspca.cert-manager.io and updated the changes while installing the helm chart. Like the secret name which has this tls.key and tls.cert Apart from these two changes do i need to do anything else to get tls/ssl at level level 7 not on level 4.…
Gettting JCSMPTransportException in AWS Solace HA environments
I'm getting this error below when HA configured Solace instances on AWS javax.jms.JMSException: Error sending message - transport error ((JCSMPTransportException) Error receiving data from underlying connection.) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at…
PubSub+ broker
Hi. Can anyone guide me how to setup pubsub+ software in private aws cloud.