arih Solace Employee

  • Best Practices Gems here folks

    I'm not sure if this has been shared before, but I don't see any harm of popping this up to the surface for all of us. This is where we put a compilation of best practices for different areas around …
  • Re: Test REST Consumers against a Mock

    Okay, so I did some tests on my own, and it seems Ngrok can give you different destination each time. I've seen the remote endpoint sometimes up and sometimes down and having different address each t…
  • Re: Test REST Consumers against a Mock

    hi @PedromDimas Yes that is possible with RDP, where basically you'll have a Queue subscribing to the topic and then binding that Queue to a REST Delivery Point that will act as a REST client for you…
  • Re: (403) - Publish ACL Denied

    Hi @bsudabathula the error is telling us that the ACL profile of the user that you use to publish is not allowed to publish to topic 'T/tab/Singelton/Sender' The difference between Queue and Topic is…
  • Re: (403) - Publish ACL Denied

    hi @bsudabathula , Your username is likely having an ACL profile that does not allow you to publish to "myTopic" - you should check the ACL profile of your client username using CLI or web …