After a SolOS upgrade (to 9.10) of your 3530 appliances in an HA pair, you may notice that the TRB is no longer detected. The broker is up but when you try to analyze the TRB in the Fabric 1 menu in SolAdmin, the TRB is not showing up. This is expected behavior. As of version 9.5, the Network Acceleration Blades (NAB)…
This can be done through a clear command (clear cache-instance) at the enable level of the CLI, one level down from the config level. You can see information about it by running " clear cache-instance ? "
When you initiate a replay on your queue, you may notice that only 1000 messages get replayed. You know that you have way more than 1000 messages matching your queue subscription that you should see. This is actually expected if you have no clients bound to the queue at the time of the replay. When clients bind, and as…