Solace broker connection issue : Channel is closed by peer
Hi, I am currently trying to connect to a PubSub+ event broker (version= with TLS and client certificate authentication and I am facing an issue right after the TLS handshake: I am using the following client library for my Java project : <dependency> <groupId>com.solace.spring.boot</groupId>…
OPC UA-Connector with Sign&Encrypt
Hey, we're currently testing the usage of Solace in our corporate environment. For testing within Kubernetes, I tried to set up the Solace PubSub+ Event Broker with the Helm chart (this worked fine and MQTT is working). a OPC UA testing server (I used that one:…
Delay Delivery Queue Property with New Java API
Hello, I am creating a Solace consumer using the new Java API with the "create resource" strategy. My application will create a queue if it does not already exist. I would like to add the capability in my code to set delayed delivery, which we are currently configuring through the Solace dashboard/CLI. Is there a way to…
Java Client: How to set ttl (seconds) when creating a queue
Hey, I am trying to find a way of how to set a ttl property in seconds when creating a new queue via jms. Currently I'm using the EndpointProperties which provides only the option to respect the ttl (I guess that can come as a value in headers from the messages). By default when a queue is created and the respect ttl…
Error registering listner:Transactions not supported [condition = amqp:not-implemented]
Hello, I am trying to register listeners dynamically to the queues whose names can be fetched at runtime. I am using the JmsListenerEndpointRegistrar from spring for dynamic listener registration. My application is started, and connection to solace broker gets established but the listener invocation fails with the…
Release notes for sol-jcsmp,sol-common,sol-jms - 10.25.0
Hi team, I am using the following dependencies : <dependency> <groupId>com.solacesystems</groupId> <artifactId>sol-jcsmp</artifactId> <version>${solace.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.solacesystems</groupId> <artifactId>sol-common</artifactId> <version>${solace.version}</version> </dependency>…
Solace Java apps, shutdown hooks and deadlocks
I build a lot of JCSMP apps, and in my latest project (my PrettyDump console pretty-print message listener), I ran into an issue I thought was pretty interesting and thought I'd share here. It's a terminal app, and I wanted to use a shutdown hook so that it would capture Ctrl+C on the command line to initiate a graceful…
Spring cloud stream solace binder StreamBridge.send() unexpected error
Hi Solace team, we are using Spring Cloud Stream Solace in our Spring Boot project, when we try to send messages simultaneously from 5 different threads by using `StreamBridge.send()` the underlying implementation "randomly" throws `org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException`, by randomly I mean it doesn't matter if…
How to connect XASession of Solace JMS API with Weblogic Database XAConnection?
Hi Team, Am looking for a way to connect solace XASession with database XA connection (my datasource is on weblogic server) so that if the query execution fails, solace transaction should be rollback when db transaction.rollback is called; and same with commit statement. Or vice-versa - if solace transaction is rolled…
How to send NACK(Negative Acknowledgement) using java API
Hi Team, Need your help to find the solution. Current Implementation details, SolConnectionFactory connectionFactory = SolJmsUtility.createConnectionFactory(); --> for create connection factory using host , vpn,trust store,keystore with auth scheme AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE this.connection =…
OpenTelemetry Agent for Spring cloud binder
I would like to autoinstrument my scs based application. For trial I have added opentelemetry agent latest version and started my application- But traces are not generating. Is there any separate agent available for SCS to to auto-instrument ?
How to get a Map (java.util) of internal properties of a JCSMP message (in java)
When calling the `dump()` method on a message (BytesXMLMessage, with JCSMP API), there are two kind of information: 1. metadata, which are internal headers (replicationGroupMessageId, traceId, messageId, etc…) 2. message body in binary format I would like to know if it's possible to get the internal properties in a Map…
Opentelemetry support New Java API
Hi Team, I am building an application with new Java API. And I have a use case to integrate with open telemetry for distributed tracing. I guess 1.4.0 version is not supporting open telemetry. When can we expect the support? or is there any way that we can achieve this ?
Will JCSMPInboundChannelAdapter have configurable shutdownInterruptThresholdInMillis?
Hello, we are experiencing an issue with graceful shutdown of an application. We are using spring cloud "com.solace.spring.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace:4.1.0" There is no awaiting for the termination and messages finish in the error queue. Is there a better way to gracefully stop and resume? Will configuring…
How to get a specific message body from a queue using a unique ID
I want to know the best way to get the message Body of a specific message instance in a queue. The method I use is the following: My software is calling the SEMP API to get a list of messages metadata like this: {{solace-admin-url}}/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/my-vpn-name/queues/myqueuename/msgs and the json response looks…
com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 401: Certificate Error [Subcode:1]
Hi Team, I'm trying to publish on Solace queue with Client Certificate Authentication using self signed certificate. But getting below error: Remote addr: mr-connection-dcnuo3u5bkz.messaging.solace.cloud Remote port: 55443) - ) com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 401: Certificate Error [Subcode:1] at…
Message Delivery Count in New Java API
I am using New Java API for my implementation. I would like to have a configuration like spring cloud binder eg : maxdeliveryCountforQueue:<number> or One particular Event type max deliverycount. I can see queue we can configure max delivery count and broker is tracking that info. But If I am getting the information in…
Should the FlowReceiver be closed before recreating a new FlowReceiver?
I am following along with this solace tutorial. I am now testing and handling this portion of the tutorial where I handle REPLAY_START_TIME_NOT_AVAILABLE: . I have added a System.out.println(consumer.isClosed()); before I recreate a new FlowReceiver to replay from the beginning. This is printing out false.…
PERFORMANCE! Why you should use Message.reset() in Solace APIs..!
Hi Developers! Want to go fast? Faster, anyway? Read on... I'm just putting the finishing touches on a new bunch of Solace Java (JCSMP) samples, and have been doing a bit of performance testing with them. They are still meant to be fairly simple and straightforward, and don't try to maximize absolute throughput…
Message redelivery for New Java API - if an exception or un-acknowledgement happened
I am exploring new Java API for solace integration. I have noticed that message redelivery is not happening if an exception happened in consumer thread. In JCMP api we were able close/ unbind and bind consumer. Spring cloud stream binder also doing same way. But new Java API I those apis's were not exposed. Please let me…
Consume from multiple queues in Spring Cloud Stream
Yesterday I got asked by a developer how she could have multiple functions in her Spring Cloud Stream microservice each consume from its' own queue. Luckily the framework makes this relatively simple to accomplish, but the devil is in the details as your configuration must match your code so I figured I'd share the steps…
Selector on Browser, how to do?
Hi all, I try to filter a specific message of a queue I want to delete (I have the message ID from a call before). How to set the selector? this is my code and I tried a lot of variations on the selector for example mi = '485' mi = 485 JMSMessageID = 485 JMSMessageID = '485' etc. when I browse via the console and select a…
Error sending message - Direct buffer memory
Hello We are using ( Solace + Spring JMS + Spring Boot + Pivotal Cloud Foundry ) to read a message from a queue and post to Topic. We are facing issue when reading 1 message of size - 7MB and posting to a topic. Smaller message size are working fine. Below error when sending to topic Error Message : javax.jms.JMSException:…
Effortless Request-Reply Functionality for Spring Cloud Stream Binders
Simplify Request-Reply Communication with spring-boot-starter-request-reply Hello, Spring Boot developers and integration enthusiasts! We're pleased to announce the launch of the spring-boot-starter-request-reply, a new addition to the Spring Boot ecosystem. This starter aims to enhance communication capabilities in Spring…
JMS 2.0 support on sol-jms
Spring Boot 3+ is using JMS 2.0 and packages jakarta.jms.* instead of javax.jms.* (check for example: Thus solace spring boot starters cannot be used with spring boot 3 applications. https://github.com/SolaceProducts/solace-spring-boot/pull/60 Are there any plans to mitigate this obstacle ? Or any way to fix it ?
Anyone using Quarkus or Micronaut with Solace Event Brokers?
Hey all, I've been getting a few questions lately around using Quarkus or Micronaut with Solace messaging APIs. I'll admit I'm not an expert in either of those, is anyone using them? If so, have you been successful? Any chance you can share a project? @gaetancollaud - I saw you posted a while back about Quarkus, did you…
Spring cloud stream Solace binder prevents application from running when Solace is down
Hello everyone, I am currently working on an application that consumes messages from Solace and serves users with HTTP endpoints. However, when Solace is down, the Solace binder prevents the application from running until Solace is reachable again. This behavior is problematic for our business as we want to continue…
Solace Client metrics to scaling my application
Hello guys, I'm migrating from RabbitMQ to Solace, there's a feature important in my spring boot applications with the rabbitmq client about metrics. We are using the metric `rabbitmq.consumed` to find the rate of consumed messages per second and scaling horizontally after a certain threshold. I'm able to get this metric…
Unable to connect with solace using amqps protocols with OAuth
String solaceHost = "amqps://<host>:<port>?amqp.saslMechanisms=XOAUTH2"; String solaceUsername = Username String solacePassword = access_token Error : Authentication has not completed yet. Please find attached logs
Reprocess Messages from DMQ to Queue of the solace
I am able to reprocess messages from Solace DMQ to queue using the browser in JCMP solace package. But now I am facing an issue to process a particular message based on the message id or to process few messages that is there in between a date range. Please help me to find out which package or module I can use to check the…