📣 JAVA Folks! New upcoming PubSub+ Messaging API for Java 📣
I wanted to start this discussion to see who is using the Java implementation of the Solace Messaging Protocol API? Good news is we are releasing a Brand New Java API: "PubSub+ Messaging API for Java" so stay tuned and let me know if you want to be one of the first to try out this API and give us feedback. Early Access of…
Quarkus native and solace client issue
Hello, I'm developing an application with Quarkus and Solace. Quarkus allows you to compile java to a native application. Compilation is fine, but at runtime I have this issue: 2020-11-13 12:49:18,462 ERROR [io.qua.run.Application] (main) Failed to start application (with profile dev): java.io.FileNotFoundException:…
Reprocess messages which are not Ack-back by consumer
Hello There, Using JCSMP API. This might be repetetive query, appreciate if you point me to solution. 1. I am using Guaranteed Delivery Queue 'DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT' to publish a message on queue. 2. I have Single Consume for this Queue endpoint_props.setAccessType(EndpointProperties.ACCESSTYPE_EXCLUSIVE); cons =…
What causes messages to go to Incoming Message Discards and how to prevent it
I have a producer calling send after invoking newTopicProducer. Send looks successful, but not seeing it arrive at the queue that is set up for that topic. Looking at the stats on the Solace UI, I just see the messages being discarded. Are there tools to see why the messages are being discarded?
Integration/Functional Testing with JUnit and Solace
When developing event driven Java services for Solace PubSub+, at some stage you want to move from unit testing Java code to testing services against a broker. This repository demonstrates a base class for JUnit tests that launches a new PubSub+ instance in docker for use in tests. It utilises testcontainers, manages the…
Java Client: How to use lookup data
Hi together, what is the best way in Solace to use non static structured lookup data in a Java Client, without the use of an external system ? For example, I am getting an Id from a source system and now I want to enrich my data based on the lookup and send it back to Solace.
Java API: Working with the Topic String
Hello together, we are currently starting with Solace development and want to build different use cases. First we created a topic hierarchy, where for example a source systems stores different data parts in the topic string like: ${sourceSystem}/${stage}/${businessObject}/${objectId} Now we want to extract different parts…
@PollableBean for Reactive Suppliers in Spring Cloud Stream
Supplier beans, or functions that only publish messages in Spring Cloud Stream, are a bit special in that they aren't triggered by the receiving of events like Function or Consumer beans. This means that you often need a way to trigger them to be executed periodically. For imperative functions the framework by default…
New Spring Cloud Stream Dynamic Topic Publish Sample!
Heads up for everyone using Spring Cloud Stream I created a new sample that shows how to publish to dynamic topics! I'll be creating a tutorial or blog at some point to add more explanation, but for now you can check out the code on github: * DynamicDestinationProcessor.java * application.yml Note that this is already…
Checking payload with Json schema
Hi ! In the Event Portal I can associate a Json schema for checking the payload of an incoming event. I'm wondering how to do this when using Spring cloud streams messaging with the Solace binder in a Docker environment. Is there an example available ? BR Gerhard
Free developer workshop and course: Building the Battleship game with TypeScript, Java, and PubSub+
Good news! Solace has just released a free Udemy course and a free Codelab developer workshop! They teach developers how to build a working online version of the game “Battleship” using TypeScript with the Aurelia framework as the front end, Java with the Spring Cloud Steam framework as the back end, and Solace PubSub+…
Free developer workshop and course: Building the Battleship game with TypeScript, Java, and PubSub+
Good news! Solace has just released a free Udemy course and a free Codelab developer workshop! They teach developers how to build a working online version of the game “Battleship” using TypeScript with the Aurelia framework as the front end, Java with the Spring Cloud Steam framework as the back end, and Solace PubSub+…
JCSMPXMLMessageProducer - handling unsolicited CloseFlow exception from appliance
What is the recommended approach for handling com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPTransportException: Received unsolicited CloseFlow for producer (503:Service Unavailable)? I have infinite reconnect retries configured in channel properties so was expecting reconnection to occur when the appliance came back up, but this doesn't…
Topic Endpoint Replay
Can some one provide me java sample to Replay Topic Endpoint ?
PubSub+ is on start.spring.io
I wanted to share some exciting news - Solace PubSub+ is now an option on the Spring Initializr hosted at https://start.spring.io/! Spring Initializr allows developers to generate Spring Boot projects pre-populated with the dependencies they need to get started quickly. Projects can be generated directly on the site, and…
SubscriberMessageReader:read Exception
Hi, I've been trying to setup Solace in Java using solace-java-spring-boot-starter. Was able to publish and subscribe to and from a remote server however, IOException is being thrown a lot of times and it won't stop. I'm not really sure how to trace the issue. Has anyone encountered the same issue?
New Tutorial Available - Spring Boot Autoconfig JMS
A new tutorial has been posted to the Solace Samples pages! Be sure to check it out. https://solace.com/samples/solace-samples-spring/spring-boot-autoconfigure/