Does Solace tibco EMS supports JavaRTO as consumer?
Hi Team, We are planning to migrate from TIBCO EMS to Solace. We have done some PoC and planning to Java RTO Messaging API. We have a use case where we need to sync data between Solace consumers and TIBCO Producers. We heard that Solace provides the connector for this but we are not sure if we can use it where the producer…
Now Available: PubSub+ Messaging API for .NET & JavaRTO with Mac M-series Support
I am pleased to announce that as of the latest release of both our .NET (v. 10.23.0) and JavaRTO (v. 10.6.0) APIs, they now support Mac M-series processor so developers can now use these APIs when developing applications on the latest Mac hardware. They can be downloaded through all the regular channels such as: Solace…
Solace Jav RTO Max Send Buff and Receive Buff
Hi, I am using Java RTO and I am not really clear with Max Receive Buffer Size and Max Send Buffer Size. Say if my Send Buffer size is 1024 bytes, does it mean Solace API waits and collates messages upto 1024 bytes and sends them together ? Similar question of the reveive Buffer Size.
Java RTO Context Handle Busy Spin
Hi, I have allocated core while initializing Context Handle but it doesn't keep the core busy and due to this first message is always has high end to end latency. How can I keep Context Handle on busy spin ? My Java RTO is version 7 and Java 11.
Can I set the CPU Core for the context thread in JavaRTO API?
Is there the ability to define the core to which a given thread will be pinned to?
JavaRTO solclientj-native-common runtime dependencies (version 10.2.0)
Hi team, Please can I ask for some guidance with respect to handling runtime dependencies of the solclientj-native-common.jar present in version 10.2.0 of the API in the context of gradle builds - I am fairly new to gradle. For example: <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>com.solacesystems</groupId>…
Is it possible to obtain the maximum message size for guaranteed messages through the API?
I'm using the Java RTO library. I would like to know if its possible to obtain the maximum message size that can be sent using guaranteed messages programmatically.