Random "failed to retrieve" error in streaming scenario
Hello together, I currently working on a lokal setup where solace software acts as the message broker in docker setup. I try to receive events from a existing queue, which is not a problem in general, but in my case I emit them in a flink job (wirtten with pyflink). I receive around 1000-3000 events/sec from this queue. I…
Issue with Adding "Non-Owner Permission" to Queue Templates
Hi, I love the new feature to set up queue templates. We have defined two at the moment but are stuck with the following issue. We would like to add the property permission, also known as non-owner permission. I have looked up the meta definition of the queue template, and the property is available to use. Still, we get…
Partitioned Queue and Topic Subscription
We have a setup with the following A producer posting events to topic "T/o-all/event-type/{eventType}" where {eventType} is dynamic value. When posting the event to the topic we also set jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(topic, event, message -> { message.setStringProperty(SupportedProperty.JMSX_GROUP_ID,partitionKey); return…
Clarifitcations regarding sticky load balancing example architecture by Mathew Hobbis
Hello, I have read the example implementation of sticky load balancing by Mathew Hobbis on this link and am slightly confused about a few things. Was hoping I could get some answers to the following: Inquiry 1: Regarding "Consumer Group Clients", is this the same client as LBG Client? or is it a different service? Question…
PERSISTENT Messaging in an Event Mesh
Hello Team, I've stumbled upon this discussion where @TomF mentioned a feature that would automatically abstract persistent message consumption from location in an Event mesh. I couldn't find anything in the documentation regarding this feature. Could you please point me to the right direction ? To give you some context…
Solace Queue Browser Using Python
Was wondering if anyone has had any luck with building a queue browser using Python & the Solace Python API? I have seen some queue browsing options using SDKPerf & Java (including the Chrome Browser) but I was hoping to do something similar but with Python. It's also worth noting while the Chrome Browser tool is great,…
Solace fail-over test - affected consuming of event
Hi, While doing Solace fail-over test, once the test was initiated, the SolaceHealthIndicator Status change in following chronological order : DOWN -> RECONNECTING -> UP We didn't observed and pod restart. However, the consumer was in stale state, where no events were being consumed. Note that the event consumer health was…
Topic dispatching with guaranteed delivery using JCSMP
Hi there, The article here explains how one can have custom callback to handle guaranteed messages received with matching topics thru flows bound to queues using Java RTO. Is there something similar for the JCSMP API, or another way that we can achieve something like that? On a related note, there's normally only be one…
Day-to-Day Metrics of Queues in Solace Software PubSub event broker
Is it possible to get the metrics of Queues based on date range within the CLI or Solace UI.
Subscription Level Handlers on a Queue
I plan to have a temporary queue subscribed to 2 subscription topics for all my clients. I want to have a different behavior based on from which subscription topic the message came from. It is not possible to have separate queues for each subscription. So I'd like to know if there are any alternatives.
Is there any way to copy queues from one event broker to other
I am planning to create event broker service for PRODUCTION environment. Existing event broker instance I used for DEV and QA purpose. I know cloning whole event broker service but not sure about if we do have any way to copy the queue from one event broker to another.
Visualizing of data inside Solace topic/Queue
Hi, We have a requirement to see what field values are specified in the given record sent to Solace. Is anyone aware of any tool/utility that provides data visualization? Thanks. Regards Sameer
Drain Queue via MQTT
Hi everybody, I'm trying to drain a queue via MQTT. My queue is confingured like this: Following https://docs.solace.com/Messaging/Reserved-Topics.htm and https://docs.solace.com/API/MQTT/MQTT-Topics.htm#Special I created a client that subscribes to the Topics (_P2P/QUE/test-queue, _P2P/QTMP/v:default/test-queue ) that…
How to achieve Topic + Queue mechanism using NodeJS & AMQP
Hello, I'm using NodeJS as my tech stack and created a Queue and that queue is subscribed to the topic. Mechanism: Publish a message to the topic and subscribe to the msg from the queue, basically Topic to Queue Mapping. Query: I want to build the above mechanism using the AMQP protocol with NodeJS. Tried Approach: I've…
Need Help in orderbook-distribution-ext-users using Solace C API
SnapShot_Recovery(int Queue) { int argc=9; char *argv[9]; argv[0]="./SnapShot_Rec"; argv[1]="-c"; argv[2]="tcp:"; argv[3]="-u"; argv[4]="member_fo_prod@od_fo_prod"; argv[5]="-q"; if(Queue == 10){ argv[6]="lvq.nse.fo.od.10.orderbook"; } if(Queue == 11){ argv[6]="lvq.nse.fo.od.11.orderbook"; } if(Queue ==…
Golang Parallel For One Consumer?
How can I increase the number of connections for a consumer using pubsubplus-go-client? We pass a callback to ReceiveAsync for a consumer via PersistentMessageReceiver, but only one message is processed at a time.
Cleanup of Unused Queues
In an use-case like an mqtt client connects with CleanStart: No and Durable: Yes, the queue will be created and msgs are consumed as per the subscriptions. But when we restart the client, with a different session name will lead to creation of new queue. Now, both the old and new queues will have the same subscriptions.…
Binary to ASCII
Hi @marc @Aaron How do I convert the data received from queue(lvq) to ASCII or human readable format?
Queue with random order?
We aim to have a queue without order. The motivation behind this is that younger events update older events, and the updating process is relatively 'expensive'. However, if younger events arrive first, older events are simply discarded. How can we enable this?
How to make Queue browser to stop listening when no more message are in queue?
Context: I am using the Java API for browsing messages. I have my code looking like this: MessagingService messagingService = createMessagingService(clientUser, clientPass); Queue queue = Queue.durableExclusiveQueue(queueToBrowse); MessageQueueBrowser browser; if (selector == null || selector.isEmpty()) { browser =…
Using selectors in exclusive queue
Hi I'm trying to use exclusive queue with many consumers with different selectors. For some reason after starting application and providing consumers only first one stays active. Used library is JCSMP. var flowProps = new ConsumerFlowProperties(); flowProps.setEndpoint(queue);…
Receiving Error Response (503) Max clients exceeded for queue
Definition of exclusive queues: exclusive specifies that only one consumer can receive a message at any one time, while additional consumers may be connected as standby. That is, only one Flow can be active. Only the first consumer to bind can receive messages. If the first consumer disconnects, the second consumer…
Queue Authorizations
Dear All, When I check the queue authorizations(permissions), it looks like it's based on either you're being an owner or not and there is only one owner if I am mistaken. Is there a way to assign this ownership to multiple users-consumers so that only "these" can do the same activities, instead of only one user.
Javascript API > Return a specific range of messages from a queue without consuming them.
I have a use case where I'd like to browse a specific subset of messages from a queue. Example: 100 messages on a queue. We'd like to browse messages 20 to 30 without returning all 100 messages. I don't want to consume these messages so I think a QueueBrowser would suit, however, I can't see support for this in the…
How to scale services listening to multiple exclusive queues.
I have an application/service which listens to 10 exclusive queues(let's say we have 10 apache camel routes, each route is listening to one queue) where we are receiving the ordered messages in each queue. I want to scale this service upto 10 pods/instances incrementally. But now I want to have only 2 pods, each listening…
How to consume messages synchronously from a solace "Queue" via Spring boot application?
Hi Team I am trying to develop an application where we connect to a Queue ( which is subscribing to multiple topics) and read message synchronously and make sure the next message is consumed only after current message is acknowledged. I tried reading resources provided by solace documentation and found snippet available…
How to keep the queue consumer flow open?
Hi everyone, I have actually a bunch of questions, hopefully it's okay to ask here :) How to keep the queue consumer flow open? Example Consumer provided here (https://tutorials.solace.dev/dotnet/persistence-with-queues/) gets messages only currently on the queue and closes immediately after that. How to keep the flow open…
.NET - Enforcing Queue to Respect Message Priority
Hello everyone, I am trying to implement a simple PoC solution to check whether Solace PubSub+ will be appropriate for my company. All went fine to the moment I wanted to use priority messaging. I would like to 1. create a queue from .NET 2. assign Priority to messages 3. enforce the queue to respect message priority…
How to export queue configuration with SEMP API
I'm building a process to integrate Solace with CI/CD, where we need to export the queues from Dev to UAT as part of the deployment process. Basically developer create the queues in DEV using UI and then its moved to upper envs with automation. I could not find a way to export specific queues configurations using SEMP,…
Is there way to bulk delete the queues
I need to delete multiple queue at one go, current SEMP api supports deleting single queue at time. Is there anyway we can delete multiple queues? Current SEMP delete queue api details