HA group using Podman Compose in rootless mode
Hello Solace Community, If you want to configure a High-Availability group using Podman in rootless mode, I just contributed this open source project to the SolaceLabs repo which uses podman-compose. The README will provide you with step-by-step instructions to make the deployment process both easy and secure. If you have…
Running Software Broker using Podman on MacOS (x86)
Here are the steps to get Solace Broker running using rootless podman. We will be using brew to install podman on the host. a) Update brew brew update b) Upgrade brew brew upgrade c) Install podman brew install podman d) Create and start your podman machine podman machine init --cpus=2 --disk-size=20 --memory=4096 -v…
Running Software Broker using Podman on Ubuntu
Here are the steps to get Solace Broker running using rootless podman on Ubuntu Linux. a) Update packages sudo apt-get update -y b) Install additional packages sudo apt-get install curl wget gnupg2 -y c) Refresh system identification information source /etc/os-release d) Update repositories sudo sh -c "echo 'deb…