OPC UA-Connector with Sign&Encrypt
Hey, we're currently testing the usage of Solace in our corporate environment. For testing within Kubernetes, I tried to set up the Solace PubSub+ Event Broker with the Helm chart (this worked fine and MQTT is working). a OPC UA testing server (I used that one:…
Solace Spring Cloud processor app issues after the upgrade of the Spring libraries
Previously, before the upgrade of Spring libraries we used: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin:3.3.5 org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-core:6.3.2 org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-function-context:4.1.3 Now, after the upgrade we use:…
Spring cloud stream solace binder StreamBridge.send() unexpected error
Hi Solace team, we are using Spring Cloud Stream Solace in our Spring Boot project, when we try to send messages simultaneously from 5 different threads by using `StreamBridge.send()` the underlying implementation "randomly" throws `org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException`, by randomly I mean it doesn't matter if…
Publish block when over the memory / disk threshold
Hi, we are migrating from rabbit to solace now. There is a feature (https://www.rabbitmq.com/alarms.html) RabbitMQ will block connections that publish messages when over the memory/disk threshold. I see there is a way to set the threshold in solace: https://docs.solace.com/Monitoring/Configuring-System-Event-Thresholds.htm…
Spring publisher confirmation when channel is closed
Hi colleagues, We use spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace 3.5.0 and we have a question regarding this documentation https://github.com/SolaceProducts/solace-spring- cloud/tree/master/solace-spring-cloud-starters/solace-spring-cloud-stream-starter#publisher-confirmations. We are running a test scenario in which an…
Message Delivery Count in New Java API
I am using New Java API for my implementation. I would like to have a configuration like spring cloud binder eg : maxdeliveryCountforQueue:<number> or One particular Event type max deliverycount. I can see queue we can configure max delivery count and broker is tracking that info. But If I am getting the information in…
Solace JMS Channel closing on it's own when running on a Kubernetes cluster (Spring Boot Autoconfig)
Log snippet: {"com.solacesystems.jcsmp.protocol.impl.TcpClientChannel","label": "Client-109: Connected to host 'orig=host:55555, scheme=tcp://, host=host, port=55555' (smfclient 109)"} {"com.solacesystems.jcsmp.protocol.impl.TcpClientChannel","label":"Client-109: Channel Closed (smfclient 109)"} It basically loops like…
Consume from multiple queues in Spring Cloud Stream
Yesterday I got asked by a developer how she could have multiple functions in her Spring Cloud Stream microservice each consume from its' own queue. Luckily the framework makes this relatively simple to accomplish, but the devil is in the details as your configuration must match your code so I figured I'd share the steps…
Regarding Connectivity status, Session status and Consumer status
We are a consumer of couple of Solace queues. We are consuming messages from (1) Kafka Connect framework using Solace PubSub Plus Source Connector, (2) Custom developed Spring Boot Application using Solace JMS API. Case #1: issues with Solace PubSub Plus Source Connector Sometimes we found that the connector is not listed…
Message redelivery on Exception
Hi, I'm evaluating a move to Solace by playing with a PubSub+ Cloud free instance. I'm not sure to understand the message redelivery policy. My implementation is based on spring-jms backed by qpid amqp. I was expecting that an exception thrown from a @JmsListener annotated method would reject the message which then would…
JMS 2.0 support on sol-jms
Spring Boot 3+ is using JMS 2.0 and packages jakarta.jms.* instead of javax.jms.* (check for example: Thus solace spring boot starters cannot be used with spring boot 3 applications. https://github.com/SolaceProducts/solace-spring-boot/pull/60 Are there any plans to mitigate this obstacle ? Or any way to fix it ?
Now available: v1.1 of the PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ
Hello all connector enthusiasts! Version 1.1 of the Self-contained Connector: PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ is now available. This release contains a number of new features and enhancements since the 1.0 release in Dec. 2022. These include: Support for durable topic subscriptions in the JMS/MQ input binding/consumer of a…
Solace Client metrics to scaling my application
Hello guys, I'm migrating from RabbitMQ to Solace, there's a feature important in my spring boot applications with the rabbitmq client about metrics. We are using the metric `rabbitmq.consumed` to find the rate of consumed messages per second and scaling horizontally after a certain threshold. I'm able to get this metric…
Using Spring cloud Stream, message is being sent as an attachment instead of content
hello, i am using org.springframework.cloud.stream.function.StreamBridge to send the message to a solace topic. Using the mime type as "text/plan". The message is being sent to queue. But as an attachment. The content size is zero bytes, but the attachment size is same as the message size I sent. I couldn't find any…
Integrating Spring Boot with the Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Java
Hi Everybody, Happy new year and hope you have a wonderful 2023 ahead!! We do not yet have a Spring Boot Starter for the Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Java and I've been getting some questions around how to use this API with Spring Boot so I created a new samples repository with code showing how to do so. The…
Two or more consumers for different topics
Here in this question, I managed to solve the queue issue: Two or more consumers for different queues Now, the following question remains: In the same application, I need to process non-persistent messages, which are sent to different topics and have different formats: 1) update-certificate; 2) update-credentials; In this…
Consume a persistent Message from Queue or Subscription
After some studies, and proof of concept, I have a question about the consuming side, since the producer side is very clear to me. Let's say I need to save files using Solace Message Broker, so I have the following configuration for producer, topic, and queue: The producer sends a message with the Topic…
Retry mechanism with delay
We are adapting our services to use Solace, and one of our applications uses a retry mechanism with delay from RabbitMQ in which an error message would be sent to a DLQ, which had a TTL configuration and, after the TTL expiration, it would be sent back to the initial queue. Beyond that, the message had a specific header…
DMQ Eligible flag in Java different libraries
After some tests using JCSMP API, I assumed it is necessary to set this flag on the producer side to make the Dead Message Queue features working. Now, I am testing my new applications that use the Spring Cloud Stream with the Solace PubSub+ Binder and just see this parameter on the consumer side (Is that right?), which…
Send a message to the Queue instead the Topic
After hours of studying in Solace Documentation, Youtube Channel and etc, I believe I've ended up with some points to check with you: Although we have some samples of sending a message to a queue, the best practice is to send a message to a topic. As I could see in the Spring Cloud Streams samples, this is the only way to…
Spring Boot XA Transaction Autoconfiguration?
Hello, I am working on a Spring Boot Java project where we are trying to incorporate XA transactions using the Atomikos implementation of JTA. However, we are struggling to see how to easily create the XAConnectionFactory. There does not seem to be any way to autoconfigure the creation of this bean and we are having to…
Springboot Solace JMS Autoconfig with Client Authentication
I am using SpringBoot Solace JMS AutoConfig to listen and produce message for solace queue. I am currently using Basic authentication. Now, I am trying to use Client Authentication using truststore and key store. How do I connect to Solace using JMS AutoConfig?
[Video] Introducing Solace PubSub+ Connectors
Introducing new connectors built using the Spring Cloud Stream Applications Framework. Faster and more on-ramps and off-ramps to the Solace Event Mesh. Watch the short video clip
Solace Spring cloud stream, DLQ exception headers
There was exception thrown from the service and the message went to DLQ, when i pulled it from queue and checked there is no way to get why the exception was thrown. Rabbit has the headers like x-exception-stacktrace, x-exception-message where i can get enough details about it, there could be so many message in DLQ so i…
Using Spring Boot Actuator with Spring Cloud Stream
I figured I'd share a quick post on how to use Spring Boot Actuator with Spring Cloud Stream microservices as it might be useful for others (And me when I want to set this up again in a month! 😝). This allows you to make simple GET requests to see config, state, and stats about your bindings and channels for monitoring or…
SolaceMessageProducer Not Blocking Send call while sending on incorrect queue
I am using solace-jms-spring-boot-starter (4.1.0) with all default properties solace: jms: msgVpn: default host: smf://default:55555} clientName: default clientPassword: directTransport: false I am autowiring @ConnectionFactory and @JmsTemplate and using it directly to consumer and publish messages on Solace. I was able to…
Pull message from a queue on an adhoc basis
Hi, I have a requirement to use spring cloud stream binder for solace to connect and pull messages from a queue. The application should not listen to that queue continuously instead it should try to pull the message based on a scheduled time interval. Could you pls help me how to achieve this with minimal java code? Thanks
(403) - Publish ACL Denied
Team, I am using Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter for sending a message to a topic and getting the following error(403) - Publish ACL Denied solace.jms.host=tcps://hostname:30969solace.jms.msgVpn=integrationsolace.jms.clientUsername=usernamesolace.jms.clientPassword=passwordspring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true…
Spring Boot JMS Retry Connect configuration
I am using SpringBoot Solace JMS AutoConfig and i would like to know how can we add connect retires and reconnect-retries to the JMSTemplate and JMSListener. We are using the Solace Java client Library and we can handle this configuration through the below properties . solace.java.connect-retries…