Writing to Solace with Spark
i have a spark dataframe and i want to write it to solace i.e. i want to send the rows of dataframe as events to solace(publishing basically) in a distributed way . like spark to kafka.
Error sending message - Direct buffer memory
Hello We are using ( Solace + Spring JMS + Spring Boot + Pivotal Cloud Foundry ) to read a message from a queue and post to Topic. We are facing issue when reading 1 message of size - 7MB and posting to a topic. Smaller message size are working fine. Below error when sending to topic Error Message : javax.jms.JMSException:…
View topic subsciptions in Solace Admin UI
Hello We are using Spring Cloud Stream to consume and publish messages using solace binder. From the logs we can see the message - "Subscribing Queue xxxx to topic yyy" at application startup. However in Solace admin UI, we can't see any subscriptions under the topic. Could you please help where we can view the topic…
Solace and Axway AMPLIFY API Management (APIM) via JMS - Part 3
Hey Solace users! Today we explore integration via the JMS Client in part three of our blog. Come check it out, and join us on our journey. https://devblog.axway.com/apis/axway-apim-solace-mq/
Solace and Axway AMPLIFY API Management (APIM) and Application Integration - Part 2
In part 2 of my blog series I explore integrating the Solace PubSub+ platform REST Client with our API Gateway. The policy we create can grab any context (message content, headers, IPs, cert attributes, etc.) and either directly use or map them to a topic to integrate with the Solace Event Broker. This could then be used…
Solace and Axway AMPLIFY API Management (APIM) and Application Integration - Part 1
Solace and Axway are working together to bring solutions to our customers around the globe. Evolving to an Event Driven architecture can have great benefits to your enterprise, but modernizing your enterprise architecture to embrace this disruptive transformation can be tough. Working together, Axway can enable this…
connect solace to kafka (not confluent)
Hi, I got solace pub/sub running locally. I can publish to a queue under a topic and consume from it via a subscription. I also have kafka/zookeeper running under WSL. I am trying to connect solace to standalone kafka by following Heinz Schaffner's video:…
Solace SCSt Binder now added by start.spring.io!
Hey Solace developers, I know a bunch of you are using Spring Boot to develop Microservices. I wanted to give you all a heads up that start.spring.io now automatically adds the Solace Spring Cloud Stream Starter for you when you choose Solace PubSub+ and Cloud Stream dependencies. Go check it out! Learn more about How…