Understanding the "connect retries per host" and ""connect retries" properties.
Let's imagine the situation that I have: number of solace hosts: 3 connect retries: 2 connect retries per host: 4 What would be the final number of retries, if it would be 24, like 2 x 4 per host? Or how it would work?
Best Practices for handling message processing failures (Go API)
Hi, just wanted to know what is the best practice for handling failures when processing consumed events from a queue? i.e. Upon consumption of an event from a queue subscribed to multiple topics, I would call an external API to send an email to a person based on the topic. However there is a chance that this API call would…
Spring Cloud Stream Data Type in Function
Function<Message<?>, Message<?>> The function takes the input paylaod as bytes even when datatype is mentioned. The auto conversion from json to pojo is not happening. Any suggestion? For example, Message<ClassName> when i directly use it, i am getting Class class exception ClassName a = message.getPayload(). Works as…
How to post to Solace VPN - using restAPI
How to post to Solace VPN - using restAPI ? Any documentation or samples on how to send a message to solace vpn using REST API.
NoClassDefFoundError - SolJNDIInditialContextFactory - need assistance
Hi TEam, I am java developers, if I am using the sol-jms-10.3.1.jar or sol-jms-10.3.1.jar I am able to connect to the Solace VPN If I tried to use the sol-jms-10.6.2.jar - I am getting the below error : NoClassDefFoundError - cloud not load class com.solacesystems.jndi.SolJNDIInditialContextFactory Am I missing anything…
Solace Jdk compatible matrix
Hi TEam, I am Java developer, I am looking for Solace Jdk-compatible matrix Which solace client jar is compatible with jdk version Thanks
any restriction on the number of subscriptions topics per Non-durable Queue level for solace 3530
Hi All, Please confirm if there is any restriction on the number of subscriptions topics per Non-durable Queue level for solace appliance 3530?
PubSub+ Messaging API for C & Go - Support for Apple's M-series Macs - Now Available
Hello everyone, We are excited to announce that the PubSub+ Messaging API for C (also known as CCSMP) and Go now officially support Mac M-series processors! This means that developers can now build applications that take full advantage of the power and efficiency of Apple's latest generation of processors using Solace's…
Spring Cloud Stream Batch Consumer and Batch Producer
Batch mode is true and batch size is 10. Still when we run the application with volumes of data, the batch size grows upto 75. Any suggestions on the below properties? Properties: spring.cloud.stream.bindings.receiveMessage-in-0.consumer.batch-mode=true…
How to use SDKPerf tool for connecting to VPN using certificate authentication
I have created a Message VPN, on which I have enabled certificate authentication. now I want to test the configuration using SDKperf tool, does anyone know how to do that.
Connecting Solace using Python with TLS
Hi @Tamimi , kindly help with below connection error whether certificates are not loading or need to do changes in code. from solace.messaging.messaging_service import MessagingService, RetryStrategy from solace.messaging.config.transport_security_strategy import TLS from solace.messaging.config.authentication_strategy…