Does Solace inspect the schema of message with AsyncAPI contract?
Hi, We use AsyncAPI to define our event contract and I'd like to know whether Solace will inspect the schema of message sent by publisher before the consumption? Thanks
Generate C# code using Async API
Hi, As per my understanding, Async API tools generate the basic skeleton code. Could anyone used Async API to generate code for C#. If it is could you please share me the useful links. With Warm Regards, Sreeram Architect
EBAY: AsyncAPI 2.0: Enabling the Event-Driven World
I found this article pretty exciting and figured I'd share: AsyncAPI 2.0: Enabling the Event-Driven World Shekhar Banerjee, a principal architect at Ebay, talks about how they're adopting the use of AsyncAPI for their event-driven initiatives, how they're applying it to their microservices evolution, and even had a few…
Async API Error in Event Portal + AsyncAPI Code Generation Codelab
When I run the command "ag -o RideDropoffProcessor -p binder=solace -p reactive=true -p artifactId=RideDropoffProcessor -p groupId=org.taxi.nyc -p javaPackage=org.taxi.nyc -p host=taxi.messaging.solace.cloud:55555 -p username=public-taxi-user -p password=iliketaxis -p msgVpn=nyc-modern-taxi…