EBAY: AsyncAPI 2.0: Enabling the Event-Driven World

I found this article pretty exciting and figured I'd share: AsyncAPI 2.0: Enabling the Event-Driven World
Shekhar Banerjee, a principal architect at Ebay, talks about how they're adopting the use of AsyncAPI for their event-driven initiatives, how they're applying it to their microservices evolution, and even had a few call-outs to some of the tools they found useful so far:
1. Called out the java-spring-cloud-stream-template as "an awesome codegen utility to spring up microservices from an AsyncAPI contract" which is super exciting since it grew out of the Solace Community
2. Mentioned Solace as having AsyncAPI support (Yes, you can export an AsyncAPI document from Event Portal 😜 )
3. Called out the use of Microcks as a mock and test framework
Here's the article: https://thenewstack.io/asyncapi-2-0-enabling-the-event-driven-world/
Companies creating for internal use, or in this case for external/partner use, APIs that are asynchronous/event based to make them realtime is becoming more & more popular - this is just one public example. Great that EBay would share their experience.
This type of use case is why we built an Event Portal feature coming soon called Event API Products . So watch for that to be released in PS+ Cloud in the next few weeks.
If you don't have a PS+ Cloud trial account - go get one :-)3 -
Glad you enjoyed it @rajeshdns 👍