Demo Video: Event Portal - Event Data Access Request & Approval
Hi all, I wanted to share a brand new demo video from @dmacrae. You can watch Darryl's video to check out the new event data governance capabilities recently added to Event Portal. Developers can now request access to controlled or sensitive event data for their applications and access won’t be configured on the brokers in…
New Access Levels for Event Portal Users to Use Runtime Event Manager
Hi all, 📣 We are pleased to introduce new access levels for Event Portal Users to use Runtime Event Manager. Previously, only Administrators and Event Portal Managers could access the Runtime Event Manager and its environment-focused features. Now, users with the Event Portal User role can be assigned the new EP Runtime…
New Graphical Designer in Event Portal
Hi all, 📣 We are pleased to announce the availability of the new graphical designer in Event Portal. This feature is being delivered in phases, with this first phase providing a graphical view of the event driven architecture for each of your application domains. ⭐️ The graph displays the latest, non-retired version of…
New Event Portal Event Access Request/Approval Workflows
Hi all, 📣 We are pleased to announce the new Event Portal Event Access Request/Approval Workflows feature. PubSub+ Event Portal now supports new event data access governance capabilities. This feature set introduces an event data request and approval workflow to streamline the process of granting access to sensitive or…
Understand SAP and Solace event broker connection
I would like to gain a better understanding of the connectivity details between SAP and Solace Event Broker. Specifically, I've observed that in the screenshot provided, the SAP system is connected to the Event Broker service as a producer. Could someone please clarify how this connectivity is established on the SAP side?…
Error while integrating with streamsets using JMS API
Hi, I am trying to connect to Solace event broker using JMS Producer from Streamsets and configured all JMS parameters (user name and password ) but still pipeline throwing below error: RETRY: JMS_00 - Could not create initial context 'com.solacesystems.jndi.SolJNDIInitialContextFactory' with provider URL…
Solace in Angular
I would like to integrate the solace client into our application written in angular. I encounter issue when initialized the SolclientFactoryProperties by calling "new solace.SolclientFactoryProperties()" in angular type script. Please advise it, the error that I encountered is as follow: 1:56:34 PM [vite] Internal server…
System User Management Account
Can system user management of Solace Event Portal manage by OpenLDAP ? Is CLI user refers to system user management? Based on , it talks about CLI user and File Transfer User. The event broker always first attempts to authenticate a CLI user using internal authentication. If user does not exist in the internal database,…
Query Solace PubSub+ Cloud using SQL with Steampipe
Introducing Steampipe Steampipe is an open-source tool that has redefined the way developers interact with cloud infrastructure. Breaking the barriers of traditional approaches, Steampipe empowers you to query Cloud REST APIs using the timeless language of SQL. With Steampipe, you can now leverage the familiarity and…
How to consume and publish EDA created in Event portal Designer
Hi Community, I have started to learn solace pub sub. First I have tried to create Queues in Event broker and using AMQP protocol I am able to publish and subscribe. No issues with this. But I have tried to create Application in event designer and added the event to environment. Now I am not sure how to publish and consume…
Introducing new, shiny home for PubSub+ Cloud REST v2 APIs
The PubSub+ Cloud REST APIs provide a mechanism for you to programmatically work with PubSub+ Cloud. Granular role-based access control: Manage who has access to application domains and their resources, what they can do with them, and which users can access which environments. Version control and lifecycle states: Apps,…
WebUI is down for monitoring node and unable to up
Hi, For somereason, my monitoring node is down and the port 8888 is not listening and am not sure, which command, should I use for bring this up? Due to this WEBUI is down. Iam pretty much new to Solace and any pointers will help. if you have any specific docs, that will be helpful too. Primary and secondary are up and…
The Ultimate Guide to Boomi and the Solace Connector + Projects
Incase you missed it, Solace released a brand new Boomi PubSub+ Connector as part of their partnership https://solace.com/press-center/boomi-and-solace/ I'm starting this thread to consolidate all the updates relating to the connector. As of right now, September 2020, you can access version 1 of the connector directly from…
How to deploy Event Portal 2.0 queues/topics on solace Event Broker?
I've been using Event Portal 2.0 in PubSub+ cloud and created my resources (application domains, queues, events, etc.) and everything has been smooth. But at the end now that I want to deploy the whole specification on an Event Broker (a Solace Event Broker) I have faced lots of difficulties and now I'm thinking if that is…
How to Expose Events with Event API Products Using Event Portal 2.0
Senior Product Owner Giulio Graziani explains how PubSub+ Event Portal users like API Product Managers, Enterprise Architects, and Business Analysts can use Event Portal 2.0 to expose high value business events as event API products to internal and external developers. Inspired by API management platforms that build and…
Slack App for PubSub+ Event Portal
Hello Solace Community, In an attempt to enhance your EDA experience, we have built integrations to tools and the processes that you and your IT teams use on a daily basis. These include Slack, Confluence, GitHub, IntelliJ, Jenkins, and many more. As a starter, I recommend reading the blog Supercharge your Software…
Event Portal 2.0 Lifecycle Management Features are now Generally Available
Event Portal 2.0 Lifecycle Management Features are now Generally Available The following Event Portal 2.0 features are now GA. Version control and lifecycle states: Create and track every version of each object type through their lifecycle. Available for applications, Event API Products, event APIs, events, schemas, and…
Bridge Topic Subscriptions - Remote versus Local
SolAdmin shows both Remote topic and Local topic subscriptions for a configured VPN bridge. I know the remote topic subscriptions is what you apply to the bridge to attract topics over the bridge. What is the local topic subscription for?
Solace launches PubSub+ Event Portal 2.0
Good news! Today Solace announced the launch of PubSub+ Event Portal 2.0, which is designed to transform the way architects and developers design, lifecycle manage, and govern event-driven APIs and applications across a variety of brokers, including Solace, Apache Kafka, Confluent and Amazon MSK. With 2.0, you can benefit…
PubSub+ Event Portal 2.0 Now Available in Beta
Solace is making available the beta version of our second generation PubSub+ Event Portal. This second generation makes it much easier for companies to adopt and optimize their EDA. Here are the new key capabilities available: More granular role-based access control (RBAC) Version control and lifecycle status for each…
Does Solace have an inbuilt schema registry ?
Does Solace have an inbuilt schema registry ? Is that an open source registry? What problem is the registry solving in Solace?
[Demo] PubSub+ Event Portal Lifecycle Management
Learn about the lifecycle management features in PubSub+ Event Portal, like finer-grained role-based access controls, object versions, lifecycle stats, and environments. Watch the demo
How to Purge Queue?
Hi team, I have around 2k messages in queue. is there any way to purge the queue? I do see only delete messages not purge in actions tab. Best, Nagaraju Kshathriya
How to change solace client name
Hi all, On the web portal, my connections showing a random generated client name. I would like to ask how can I assign a more meaningful name on the application side? I am using python apis. I am using config like this by following the hello_world_pubsub.py example. Thanks broker_props = {…
An error occurred The event RideUpdated has a topic that is not supported by the AsyncAPI specificat
I am doing the tutorial: Be Real-Time: Design, Document, Discover and Develop Event...https://codelabs.solace.dev/codelabs/design-document-discover-develop-event-driven-apis/index.html?index=..%2F..index#10 I am on Step 11 and exporting the YAML from the ProcessPayment application I get this error after I select YAML and…
Schema management with Solace PubSub+
I come from Apache Kafka background and started evaluating Solace PubSub+. As with Confluent where we have a schema registry, and we can add the schema version in the message payload, so that the consumer can validate and we have provide versioning, how to perform schema validation, graceful upgradation/deprecating the…
Direct Message Propagation Over DMR Mesh
How and when are messages propagated from Direct to Non-Persisted when Durable Queue with a matching subscription? Specifically how does this work in a DMR mesh. Consider the following two scenarios, how and when will messages be propagated and spooled accordingly? Scenario A: Direct publisher to Node A which has not…
How to use streamset connectors ?
Hi @marc The following connectors are not available under Solace pub sub cloud ( trial version). Can you please suggest how to configure the below 2 connectors ? Is there any documentation for connecting below 2 streamsets connector from solace ? Google Pub/Sub Subscriber Google Pub/Sub Producer I have checked the doc and…
Connectors option not available
@marc Just wanted check why connectors option (like AWS, Azure etc) is not available under SOLACE Pub Sub + Event Broker Cloud as a service version (Free) ? Is it only for paid version ? Can I get those connectors if I install docker /windows version of it ?
Production level Use Case of using Solace Event portal
@marc I am currently working on design and solutioning of event driven platform and we have done couple of POC on solace pub sub portal. I would like to know more on solace event driven portal designer tool . Like 1) How designer tool can be used to design E2E solution like on-boarding of application in event driven portal…
Hello is it possible to create subdomains in the portal designer? As in Accounting (Domain) / Receivables (subdomain) or do you just name the Domain Accounting_Receivables? and of course Accounting_Payables....
Cross Domain events and topics
Hello. New to Solace development. Can you map an event/topic from one domain to another? Invoice (Domain) microservice sends to a Payables Domain microservice subscriber? Therefore on the Designer graph you would see the flow arrows connecting the Domains then as you drill down into a Domain you see the internal…
Domain in Solace versus the DDD or Domain Driven Design
Hello, I see in your RideShare sample domain you include the client apps as in driver app in the domain. In microservices design normally client apps are not included in domains or sub domains only backends. Is the Solace model for domain different? if so why?