JCSMP, JMS, and New Java APIs now support WebSockets!
Hi Community! 👋🏼 Just wanted to drop a note here in case you missed the Release Notes or Product Notification emails… Solace has added WebSocket support to JCSMP and all its derivative APIs..! Specific versions are: Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Java (JCSMP) 10.24.0 Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for JMS 10.24.0 Solace…
PubSub+ Messaging API for Python with Mac M-series Support - Now Available
I am pleased to announce that as of the latest release of our Python API (v. 1.7.0) it now has support for Mac M-series processors so developers can use the API when developing applications on the latest Mac hardware. It can be downloaded through all the regular channels such as: Solace Downloads Page: Solace Products…
API Release Notes are now in Docs
Hi all, We stopped posting the API release notes here b/c the release notes retrievable via docs now include release history. This makes it more convenient to see the complete history of an API in one place. Choose your API here, scroll to the bottom and get the release notes! Looking for Event Broker or PubSub+ Cloud…
Now Available: PubSub+ Messaging API for .NET & JavaRTO with Mac M-series Support
I am pleased to announce that as of the latest release of both our .NET (v. 10.23.0) and JavaRTO (v. 10.6.0) APIs, they now support Mac M-series processor so developers can now use these APIs when developing applications on the latest Mac hardware. They can be downloaded through all the regular channels such as: Solace…
Send Spans for Distributed Tracing are now available with Broker Release 10.4.1!
Solace Community, Now available: PubSub+ Event Broker release 10.4.1 - Solace's Long Term Support (LTS) release for 2023! One of the big features in this jam-packed release is Distributed Tracing's Send Spans. Send spans, when coupled with receive spans, complete the end-to-end success path use case by enabling the…
Having Trouble with connection retries? not able to reconnect ?
Hi, my application is running 10 consumers with a session. I tried to simulate connection retry mechanism but could not do it. Also I want to log retry events. Here are values. -Using 1 Host only. I took down internet connectivity in order to kick on this mechanism. ReconnectRetries set to 10 ConnectRetriesPerHost set to…
How Standard 100 Connections Broker can upgrade to 250 Connections Broker?
I am currently using a broker with a 100 connections standard. If I find that this capacity is insufficient in the future, how can I upgrade to a 250 connections broker? What is the process for scaling up from 100 connections to 250 connections, and are there any potential limitations or downtime I should be aware of…
Multiple consumer in DotNet not working in parallel despite having non-exclusive queue.
Hi, I am having an issue with Solace Consumer that I have implemented in dotnet. I have 10 consumers (my understanding is each consumer means each separate flow for message). So with this information I created multiple flows assigned them to separate threads/tasks. After Sending a burst of 5000 messages I did not see many…
503 Spool Over Quota. Queue or Topic endpoint limit exceeded
Hi Community, I have q1 and q2 which subscribed to topic t/test/baris When I publish a message to the topic t/test/baris if q1 quota is exceeded (even if q2 can receive messages in terms of space), the message is rejected by the broker with the below message and none of the queues receive the message as a result. I…
Replay Queues
When I login into my cloud account, I do not see an option to enable replay upon selection of VPN. Is there something that needs to be done, I am logging in as the admin
Messages Transport Retransmitted count is increasing
Currently, we are using Solace PUBSUB+ Software Event brokers of version We observe that messages/events are getting accumulated in the queues even when the JMS consumer/listener is actively bounded. Also, we see that the messages are getting redelivered with increase in the count of Messages Transport…
What is the correct broker URL to use in a Terraform configuration for connecting to a Message VPN
While running GitLab CICD pipeline using terraform for message VPN below configuration get used for solace provider # Configure the provider provider "solacebroker" { username = var.broker_username password = var.broker_password url = var.broker_url } What is the correct URL is it PORT 943 Message VPN…
SLB with PubSub+ Event Broker on VMware Tanzu
Is this necessary using load balance when PubSub+ Event Broker on Tanzu? Or when using PubSub+ Event Broker with Tanzu , Is there other way to do load balance? If we deploy PubSub+ Event Broker on Tanzu without load balance will be working ok? Thanks
How to implement a failover mechanism by connecting the Solace HA through a single URL
When we configuring a Solace HA (Software) cluster, Solace clients can usually connect to the primary and backup nodes of Solace HA to achieve automatic switching of primary and backup node failures. But, for Solace clients, configuring and managing two connection addresses can be a bit troublesome. To simplify client…
spring cloud stream solace pubsub
To handle publish error, using the @serviceActivator annotation. @ServiceActivator(inputChannel ="topic.errors") After springboot version 3.3.2 upgrade and spring cloud stream version 2023.0.2 upgrade, the publish errors are not handled by the serviceActivator.…
Message ID shown in UI incremental, Is there a limit on this or it gets refreshed?
Hi fellow Devs. I have distributed messages broker systems like nats and kafka etc. and I am new to Solace and first time getting myself to use UI. I cant help but notice this. I saw this Message ID field is being maintained by either EventBroker or UI. In my recent run I sent 8 messages and read 8 messages would this be…
Partitioned Queues and XA transactions
We noticed that we can not use XA transactions on a partitioned queues. Our primary use case is to process the messages in the order, and we wanted to use the "USER_ID" as the partition key and that would have taken care of our requirement of processing messages in order per user. With this restriction of XA not supported…
Facing issue in Building SolacePubSub in Go Project in different Environment
We have tried to implement solace in Go App. And we are facing some critical issue. I am having Windows Laptop with Intel i5 processor, I can build the project (via Debian in Windows WSL) and can run in Docker using the debian:buster image. But when one other Developer (his laptop is Windows with AMD Processor) tried to…
Clarifitcations regarding sticky load balancing example architecture by Mathew Hobbis
Hello, I have read the example implementation of sticky load balancing by Mathew Hobbis on this link and am slightly confused about a few things. Was hoping I could get some answers to the following: Inquiry 1: Regarding "Consumer Group Clients", is this the same client as LBG Client? or is it a different service? Question…
XA and Partitioned Queues
Will solace support XA transactions on partitioned queues ?
Issue with replication mode: Messages stuck in "Pending Replication" state
Hello all, I am trying to set up replication here between 2 nodes. I tried to follow the instructions as mentioned in the Steps-for-Replication-Configuration page. I tried to reach the replication state starting from both: kubernetes HA deployment fresh docker deployments (so not HA, just standalone instances (initially)).…
Regarding Token endpoints
I have configured an OAuth profile and need to test it. Could you please suggest where the token endpoint is located?.
Unable to Subscribe Topic in Solace Local from Streamset Pipeline (JMS Producer)
I have set up Docker containers for SQL Server, StreamSets, and Solace, following the steps outlined in the blog https://solace.com/blog/change-data-capture-solace-streamsets-dr/. My goal is to enable Change Data Capture (CDC) and stream data from SQL Server to Solace via StreamSets. In the setup, I'm able to configure…
Observing DNS resolution failed when connecting to external application through RDP for .com url
We are currently using Solace version deployed through Podman and observing this issue for many integrations whenever .com url is involved. Flow : MuleSoft—>EMS(Solace RDP)—>MuleSoft(.com url) - Not working But the same integration, when APIGW is involved in between it is working fine. Flow :…
"SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_EXCEEDED" occurred while running Event Broker.
Hello, "SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_EXCEEDED" occurred while running Event Broker. I have some questions regarding the issue. Q1. What is the definition of SPOOL_FILES? Q2. Where is the SPOOL_FILES stored? or is it in the 'spool' directory? Q3. How many SPOOL_FILES are created and is there an option in the CLI to control them?…
Can we copy files from Solace queue
We have a requirement to copy a csv file from Solace Queue to an Azure Data Lake location. I am new to Solace and I do not know if there are any existing services to directly copy a file from a queue instead of consuming the content of the file as a message and copying that. Please advise.
How can you track the topics being routed via DMR Subscriptions between an event mesh?
Trying to get a better understanding of our event mesh which is rather large and uses a lot of DMR subscriptions throughout. As a result - sometimes track the initial source of a message across the mesh can be quite difficult. I'm trying to find either a CLI command or SEMP query to get a list of DMR subscriptions arriving…
Intermittent error - JCSMPErrorResponseException: 503: No Subscription Match [Subcode:70]
I am using Camel and Spring with Solace Pub Sub. The camel route is transacted, I am seeing the below exception while publishing to a topic intermittently - com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 503: No Subscription Match [Subcode:70] So when the process starts, the initial events are published, but after…
Connecting With NSE
Hi Guys, i am new solace user where i'm connecting with nse but i got error tcp_TxRx callback for session '(c0,s1)_username' in channel state ESTABLISHED: Subscription ACL Denied - Topic 'queue name' Subscribe: Response code: '403'; Flags: 'c'; , client name 'MSPL-BP5-21/5828/00000001/t7ZE4yY8zL', VPN name '***', peer host…
Issue in accessing the Solace Software Event Broker CLI
We are working on setting up the Solace Software Pub Sub + Event Broker of Standard Version in lower environments. We are observing "Access Denied"" error when trying to login to the cli using the below command. podman exec -it solaceusqa1 /usr/sw/loads/currentload/bin/cli -A However, we are able to login to the…
Disable consumer at solace broker
Can we control enabling & disabling of a consumer at solace broker end. Like if i have 3 consumer of my queue i.e c1, c2 and c3 (non-exclusive queue) but i want that only c1 & c3 will receive the messages . So, it is possible that i control it at solace broker only? (FYI- my consumer is MDB, listening to pubsub+ event…
Spring JMSListener fails all the messages in the queue
I have a queue endpoint that's configured with non-exclusive access redelivery enabled with the default redelivery delays delivery count of 10 a dmq queue name non partitioned and pretty much everything else is the default values. I also have a springboot message listeners that has a concurrency of 1 is auto acknowledge…
Is there any way to copy queues from one event broker to other
I am planning to create event broker service for PRODUCTION environment. Existing event broker instance I used for DEV and QA purpose. I know cloning whole event broker service but not sure about if we do have any way to copy the queue from one event broker to another.
PubSub+ Maximum Message VPNs
Hello. My team and I require a Message VPN for each and every one of us, all of which should be on a single Solace instance (so there's no resource wasting). I tried reducing all the settings (of the VPNs) I could get my hands on to the minimum possible, but i cant seem to create more than 3 VPNs (including the default…
consumer setting to connect solace system
What are the installation to be done at consumer system( windows) to connect solace system