Messages Transport Retransmitted count is increasing
Currently, we are using Solace PUBSUB+ Software Event brokers of version We observe that messages/events are getting accumulated in the queues even when the JMS consumer/listener is actively bounded. Also, we see that the messages are getting redelivered with increase in the count of Messages Transport…
Retrieve destination information in JMS Connector
May i know how to retrieve destination information using JMS Connector? Is jms_destination not longer accessible for us to use in transform header expression to put in scst_targetDestination? Scenario : I would like to establish message bridge with my vendor using AMQP protocol. I worried that the messages in the queue…
Has anyone ever connected IBM CDC to Solace using JMS?
Hello Experts, I am trying to connect an IBM CDC subscription with Solace using JMS. I have a subscription which is reading data from a MSSQL data source and I want to put it on a Solace topic for which I need your help with. Would really appreciate if anyone can be of support.
Java Client: How to set ttl (seconds) when creating a queue
Hey, I am trying to find a way of how to set a ttl property in seconds when creating a new queue via jms. Currently I'm using the EndpointProperties which provides only the option to respect the ttl (I guess that can come as a value in headers from the messages). By default when a queue is created and the respect ttl…
Error registering listner:Transactions not supported [condition = amqp:not-implemented]
Hello, I am trying to register listeners dynamically to the queues whose names can be fetched at runtime. I am using the JmsListenerEndpointRegistrar from spring for dynamic listener registration. My application is started, and connection to solace broker gets established but the listener invocation fails with the…
Release notes for sol-jcsmp,sol-common,sol-jms - 10.25.0
Hi team, I am using the following dependencies : <dependency> <groupId>com.solacesystems</groupId> <artifactId>sol-jcsmp</artifactId> <version>${solace.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.solacesystems</groupId> <artifactId>sol-common</artifactId> <version>${solace.version}</version> </dependency>…
jmsListener selector mechanism for new solace bee's :)
while consuming solace messages with selector functionality from message header property, do not include any special characters in header key.. if in case if you are adding key with special character you may able to successfully send messages but while retrieving from queue/topic using jmsListener you may end-up with…
How to send NACK(Negative Acknowledgement) using java API
Hi Team, Need your help to find the solution. Current Implementation details, SolConnectionFactory connectionFactory = SolJmsUtility.createConnectionFactory(); --> for create connection factory using host , vpn,trust store,keystore with auth scheme AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE this.connection =…
java.lang.ClassCastException: Solace QueueProxy cannot be cast to Weblogic DestinationImpl
Hey Guys, I was recently introduced to Solace and am trying to deploy a sample Pub/Sub application using JMS API on a local Weblogic server but ran into this class cast error which I cant seem to find a solution for. I have created a topic "MyTopic" which is subscribed by a queue, "MyQueue" and also configured the JNDI…
Intermittent "Assured message delivery is not enabled on this channel" errors
Hi there, We've had this publisher app that sends events to topics other client apps in the firm are subscribed to using queues of their own, for years. Lately, though, we've started to notice these exceptions intermittently that we've encountered previously. The client profile has "Allow Guaranteed message send" enabled…
How to get a specific message body from a queue using a unique ID
I want to know the best way to get the message Body of a specific message instance in a queue. The method I use is the following: My software is calling the SEMP API to get a list of messages metadata like this: {{solace-admin-url}}/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/my-vpn-name/queues/myqueuename/msgs and the json response looks…
com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 401: Certificate Error [Subcode:1]
Hi Team, I'm trying to publish on Solace queue with Client Certificate Authentication using self signed certificate. But getting below error: Remote addr: mr-connection-dcnuo3u5bkz.messaging.solace.cloud Remote port: 55443) - ) com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 401: Certificate Error [Subcode:1] at…
JNDI CF Connection Parameters - Total Connection Attempts
Hi Team, I'm trying to get my head around the connect/reconnect properties configured inside a JNDI Connection Factory. I found this this article useful: Just expanding on the example in the article, I'm trying to get a figure for the total amount of connection attempts made based of the JNDI CF parameters. Based off that…
How to enable TLS connection in spring boot?
Hello everyone, I have successfully integrated queue communication in solace with spring boot but I'm facing an issue. I want to make it such that any client without a valid certificate (jks) is not allowed to connect even if the credentials are valid. It seems that the default settings allow anyone with credentials to…
Error sending message - Direct buffer memory
Hello We are using ( Solace + Spring JMS + Spring Boot + Pivotal Cloud Foundry ) to read a message from a queue and post to Topic. We are facing issue when reading 1 message of size - 7MB and posting to a topic. Smaller message size are working fine. Below error when sending to topic Error Message : javax.jms.JMSException:…
Regarding Connectivity status, Session status and Consumer status
We are a consumer of couple of Solace queues. We are consuming messages from (1) Kafka Connect framework using Solace PubSub Plus Source Connector, (2) Custom developed Spring Boot Application using Solace JMS API. Case #1: issues with Solace PubSub Plus Source Connector Sometimes we found that the connector is not listed…
JMS 2.0 support on sol-jms
Spring Boot 3+ is using JMS 2.0 and packages jakarta.jms.* instead of javax.jms.* (check for example: Thus solace spring boot starters cannot be used with spring boot 3 applications. https://github.com/SolaceProducts/solace-spring-boot/pull/60 Are there any plans to mitigate this obstacle ? Or any way to fix it ?
How to disable the automatic queue creation with amqp qpid jms client
Hello everyone, I am following the tutorial provided here: GitHub - SolaceSamples/solace-samples-amqp-qpid-jms1: Getting Started tutorials for using Apache Qpid JMS 1.1 over AMQP 1.0 with Solace Message Routers. I want to create a consumer on my queue which receives messages. This does work, however everytime the client…
How Oauth can be used with Apache Qpid JMS 2.0 AMQP
Hi All, I am using Apache Qpid JMS 2.0 to connect standalone PS+ broker on 5671 port. I am able to achieve using username and password however I am not able to authenticate using Oauth. Our other clients written in nodejs are able to authenticate and connect on 5671 with AMQP protocol and Oauth. As per doc I am providing…
Now available: v1.1 of the PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ
Hello all connector enthusiasts! Version 1.1 of the Self-contained Connector: PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ is now available. This release contains a number of new features and enhancements since the 1.0 release in Dec. 2022. These include: Support for durable topic subscriptions in the JMS/MQ input binding/consumer of a…
Interceptors with Solace JMS
I just wanted to highlight a new feature that was added to Solace JMS v10.14.0. The API now allows for "pre-send" and "pre-receive" interceptors (AKA hooks). This allows a developer to implement common logic in one place and add it into the sending/receiving of multiple apps. A common use case for this would be for logging…
JMS Queue Browsing (Received incoming message with no active flow)
I am developing a Spring Boot Application (version 2.7.5). Currently, I'm trying to create a queue broswer using the following code: public int getMessageCount() { return jmsTemplate.browse(fromQueueName, new BrowserCallback<Integer>() { @Override public Integer doInJms(Session s, QueueBrowser qb) throws JMSException {…
Applying ACL profile on Queue Subscription!
Hi There! i have a scenario to apply ACL policy for a JMS Subscriber, i would want them to subscribe only from specific Queue. Is there any possibility of achieving this with PubSub+ Broker? Currently i can see i can give exemptions on Topic in ACL profile but not Queues
Connectivity Issue from TIBCO BW
Hi All, Getting below error while connecting from TIBCO BW5.x to Solace, we have increased consumer limit also but no use, could you please help. com.solacesystem.jscmp.JSEMPErrorResponseException: 503 Max Router Publishing Flow Exceeded Thanks
Springboot Solace JMS Autoconfig with Client Authentication
I am using SpringBoot Solace JMS AutoConfig to listen and produce message for solace queue. I am currently using Basic authentication. Now, I am trying to use Client Authentication using truststore and key store. How do I connect to Solace using JMS AutoConfig?
download JMS API on ec2 instance
Hi Team, How to download JMS API on ec2 instance. I have follow https://solace.com/blog/integrating-solace-with-logstash/ example for the same way I tried to download the JMS API. But when I am trying to unzip it getting below message. please suggest. unzip soljsm.zip Archive: soljsm.zip End-of-central-directory signature…
NonDurable TopicEndpoint Creation with Connection Factory for JMS API
Hi All, JMS Connection Factories can be created for each msg-VPN in Solace. This can be used to maintain/configure JMS connection properties administratively instead of API code. JMS applications can listen to Solace topic directly for both guaranteed and for non-guaranteed message delivery. When a JMS connection subscribe…
Solace consumers and producers connecting with diferent protocol
We have multiple microservices connecting to Solace for different message publish and subscribe requirements. There are some java runtime-based microservices connecting using JMS APIs (using sol-jms library or apache qpid JMS 2.0 library), whereas there are golang and nodejs based runtimes connecting to solace based on…
Non-Exclusive Queue using AMQP
Hi, can it be possible to create non-exclusive queue using amqp in solace ? I am exploring Apache Qpid JMS 2.0 over AMQP 1.0 I checked solace-samples-amqp-qpid-jms2/QueueConsumer.java at master · SolaceSamples/solace-samples-amqp-qpid-jms2 (github.com) and it creates an exclusive queue and connects the consumer to the…
Setting up standards for publishers using JMS
We are using Solace Cloud PubSub+ and trying to standardize JMS properties for Publishers using the Solace API for JMS. So, some of the recommendations to developers would be like setting these. * DMQ always set to true * JMSMessageID * JMSTimestamp Can these set by default when not supplied by the publishers ?