Solace JmsListener Message conversion Exception
The original message is Text Message only, it was working previously recently ran into this issue. org.springframework.jms.listener.adapter.ListenerExecutionFailedException: Listener method could not be invoked with incoming message 2022-01-04T12:16:54.220+05:30 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] [OUT] Endpoint handler details:…
Jms Message Id - default set unique id e. g. GUID if not set by publisher
I found that by default use of solace no message id is set when using jms client. As that field is best to corelate an error on subscriber with message parked in DMQ or perform de-duplication, i wonder if there is a. config in solacd to auto. fill when publisher does not set the ApplicationMessageId which normally turns…
Can you set compression port on JMS client?
When connecting to Solace via JMS JNDI LookUp with compression the lookup occurs over 55555 but the connection then connects of 55003. I have a network configuration where we port translate to multiple solace instances and trying to figure out how to map different servers to different ports but I can't seem to figure out…
JMS Message Handling Scenarios
I am coming through the Solace docs trying to figure out the differences between various JMS pub/sub configurations and how the message and acks would be handled. Here are my scenarios. What I am trying to identify is when an ack is sent, when a message is spooled to disk vs retained in memory, and when/how a message may…
"Guaranteed Message Publish Window Size" with (Solace) JMS
Hi there In one of our applications we use the com.solacesystems.sol-jms (version 10.6.4). I want to configure publishing as described in https://solace.com/blog/understanding-guaranteed-message-publish-window-sizes-and-acknowledgement/ I found this:…
Solace Spring JMSListner
Team, I am new to the Solace and i am currently using in the Solace SpringBoot JMS. I have created a Queue and Published 500 Message to it. I want to implement a Multithreading behavior to my consumer which will consume the message parallelly and process instead of one by one. I have added the minimum concurrency as 5 and…
webmethods JMS - Solace Integration
This document give basic Integration steps on Integrating webmethods with Solace Event broker for Pub-sub
Dynamic Queues
Hi All, How to disable dynamic Queue creation feature in Solace
About changing sol-jms version in solace-jms-spring-boot-starter 4.1.0
Hello, Due to some reasons, I need to use sol-jms 10.11. However, I want to use solace-jms-spring-boot-starter for my project but the latest version of the starter (4.1.0) is using sol-jms 10.8.1. I want to change the sol-jms version by: <dependency> <groupId>com.solace.spring.boot</groupId>…
Solace Pub Sub vs AWS Active MQ
Need to explore and understand which is more efficient : Solace Pub Sub or AWS Active MQ for Enterprise Systems Use Case : Legacy system deals with Apache MQ/ Rabbit MQ on premise. Idea is to migrate the same to cloud. But need to have clarity on higher level which is better and why -- considering future growth of the…
Difference between the Boomi Generic JMS Connector and Boomi Solace JMS Connector
Hi, we're evaluating Solace in combination with Boomi. What are the differences between the Boomi Generic JMS Connector or the Boomi Solace JMS Connector?
JMS Transaction COMMIT error
Hi Team, I have seen this error in logs. Can someone explains me when this error occurs and what happens to messages? javax.jms.JMSException: Error committing - internal error (Operation COMMIT disallowed in state COMMITTING.) Caused by: com.solacesystems.jcsmp.InvalidOperationException: Operation COMMIT disallowed in…
ERROR : Data sync from oracle to solace with golden gate via jms handler
*Hi Experts, I am new on solace and using oracle golden gate for bigdata JMS handler to sync message from oracle database to solace (docker) I can receive message though the try me! module on topic topic/solace/q1 but after starting ogg replication process then met below can not found topic error, please kindly help…
JMS With Proxy
I cannot seem to find a way to use the Solace Java JMS library to create a client that will connect to an existing publisher outside my company network. The documentation seems to allude to being able to set a SOCKS5 proxy in the host property, but when I try to do that, I receive an error that there are too many colons in…
solace JNDI Connection error
Hi, Im trying to fetch a feed of data via a VPN connection. The VPN connection is successful , however the jumpstart kit based on solace when runs throws an error ( screenshot attached). Hence we are not able to receive the data feed.
JMS Connector vs SMF (Solace Connector)
Hi there, We're currently looking at using Solace for our organization. We use Dell Boomi as an integration platform and would like to connect Solace to the integrations that occur within Boomi. I notice that we have a choice to connect to our Solace either using JMS or SMF (or others). One of the arguments for JMS is that…
Exponential retry for messages
1) We have a microservice consuming message and post the data to another microservice via http 2) Lets say if either the database or microservice is down, we like to push the message back to the queue (this we can do with JMSListener by throwing the exception). And we like to consume the message with exponential backoff...…
Acknowledging messages using Spring JMS
Hello, I would like to manually acknowledge each message I receive from the Solace queue using the JMS protocol. However with the configuration I have below, I am seeing that the messages are actually not being removed even after I explicitly call "message.acknowledge()" on the message. @Bean() public…
AMQP endpoint with spring solace starter configuration
Hello, I'm using the starter "com.solace.spring.boot:solace-jms-spring-boot-starter:3.2.1" in my spring managed project. I want to use the protocol amqp over JMS but when I configure the server host to: solace.jms.host: amqps://localhost:5671 (instead of tcp://localhost:55555) This does not works and I got the error:…
NOt able to see message content on Try-Me on Solace on docker
I have solace running on docker and have used JMS API to send message to a queue (the topic named "dt' is subscribed to queue named "que1'). The event is received through the code as 2020-05-03 20:34:30:300 [Topic dt] Delivery Mode: Persistent Sender Timestamp: 2020-05-03 20:34:12:510 Priority: 4 But the conntent of…
Regarding setting JMSProperties with the help of solclient C api
Hi, Please let me know how can i set the JMSProperties to value (other then NULL ) via solclient C api, as presently i'm using solclient_msg_setXML for setting the Payload as XML, but the JMSProperties still has NULL e.g. below message with JMSProperties NOT NULL JMSDeliveryMode:2,JMSDestination:Topic…
solace spark monitoring
Hi All, I am using spark streaming with solace. Data is consumed from solace using custom streaming job. Now I have to build a monitoring job which will publish stats around the topic i.e. number of subscriber, number of messages received with granularity and alerts if any goes wrong. Can Anyone guide me the right…
container startup exception
Booting up solace container on openshift. Getting this error. Where is it trying to write to ? Trying to track down permission denied error here.. /usr/sw/data <- is writeable by container user id (it's mounted in container as emptyVolume) Starting solace process2020-05-15T11:51:15.237+00:00 <local0.info>…
Regarding setting JMSMessageID with solclient C api
Hi, Is it possible to call / set JMSMessageId with the help of solclient C api? Or can i intgerate JMS api in C code to set JMS realted headers when sending message (via solclient C api)? Need help on this urgently. Regards Amol
JMSToolBox for Solace
Hi, JMSToolBox allows me to delete the message even if I connected as a read-only SEMP user. Has anyone experienced the same? also do we have any options to browse the messages on DTE?
SDK Perf Util vs Solace Client Code
Hi, We are trying to consumer around 2K messages per second and when we use sdkperf util with 50 Consumers it is consuming the data with out expiring any messages on JMS Queue. How ever when we use regular client using Solace JMS we cannot even get 50 consumers created. The Consumer connections are dropping off very…
.NET API to consume JMS?
I've been tasked with consuming messages from an established JMS. The sample code provided to me uses the Solace libraries. I'm more comfortable with C# than Java, so I'd prefer to use the .NET messaging API, if possible. Can I use the Solace .NET API to subscribe to the JMS queue and consume messages? I downloaded the…
How to set Solace properties with Boomi?
I want to set properties in a Boomi process like SOLACE_JMS_PROP_DEAD_MSG_QUEUE_ELIGIBLE. I have added it as custom JMS operation property but that doesn't seem to work. Another example is TTL. Is there any documentation on how to set Solace properties in a Boomi process?
non transacted queue listener session
This would help for the new solace Bee, while enabling spring based jmsListener for the solace queue (No Txn), need to explicitly make SessionTransacted=false and then make **mandatory **TransationManager=null. :) If we make only SessionTransacted=false while enabling listener, doesn't work. :( ..................... @Bean…
Spring JMS Session Usage.
What would be the best practice in the usage of JMS Sessions? Is it good to reuse a Single Session to handle multiple publishers & subscribers? What would be the benefits if I go for individual Sessions?