How to implement the Nack for solace message in go language?

Mastan Member Posts: 2

As of now I can see for a Persistent receiver there is ack call on specific message but not able to view any specific implementation for Nack in go language.

The Nack is required for me to do requeue and discard a solace message.

could you please suggest on it or provide me solution for it.


  • murat
    murat Member, Employee Posts: 26 Solace Employee

    Hi @Mastan ,

    The ability to NACK messages will be available with the next release of our Go API which is tentatively scheduled for release sometime this month. I will update you on this thread once that release is available.



  • Mastan
    Mastan Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for update..

    Can we call C native API's from go lang code and achieve NACK functionality.?

    using this:

    solClient_flow_settleMsg (solClient_opaqueFlow_pt,solClient_msgId_t,solClient_msgOutcome_t)

    Suggestions and sample implementation if you have please provide me.
