How to enable TLS connection in spring boot?
Hello everyone, I have successfully integrated queue communication in solace with spring boot but I'm facing an issue. I want to make it such that any client without a valid certificate (jks) is not allowed to connect even if the credentials are valid. It seems that the default settings allow anyone with credentials to…
TIBCO EMS to Solace Migration
We are working to migrate from Tibco EMS to Solace. Current solutions is using EMS message priority. Does Solace support message priority? Also, does Solace supports all the features that are available in EMS? Any inputs pls. Regards Venkata Madhu
Parallel Application (2 Hot Hot instance) off Same Queue
A strange request from our users where they want to have multiple instances of the same application; they want another VPN to be spun up for each instance and the same queue/subscription details on those VPN. I have suggested: for the two parallel instance of application (or any number >1) the method to do it is parameter…
TLS port not working after TLS enabling on a deployed Solace Broker
Hello, I have deployed a Solace Broker software helm chart which I've found on artifact hub -> There I have accessed a "Default values" section where I have downloaded a yaml configuration file in order to adjust it according to my needs. As a default setting we have a disabled TLS property (image below) -> At this point…
ssue with Solace Messaging Library and "amqps" Host - Error: SOLCLIENT_SUBCODE_UNRESOLVED_HOST
Hello Solace community, I'm currently working on integrating the Solace Messaging library into my project to establish a connection using the AMQP protocol. However, I'm encountering an error and I'm seeking assistance to understand the root cause and potential solutions. Issue:I'm trying to connect to an AMQP host using…
Can I make multiple topics in one topic endpoint?
I tried test this (1 endpoint, 2 topic) using 'try me' from two notebooks. But subscirbe to second topic I got ' Consumer could not bind to the topic endpoint: Max clients exceeded for durable topic endpoint' error. I increase 'Maximum Consumer Count' to 10, the result is same. Is it not supported or any other…
Many apps authenticating via OAuth
Hi! I have a scenario where many applications will authenticate to the broker using OAuth, consumers and producers. I managed to authenticate one app but I'm not able to authenticate the others. I don't want them sharing the same client id and secret, but they share the same issuer identifier…
my application is running in a Docker container and is using the tcp://host.docker.internal:55554 hostname to access the Solace broker on my local machine. i'm using CircleCI pipeline to run my application's tests, do i need to adapt the Solace host configuration to match the environment where the tests are being executed…
Certificate matching rule is not working for attribute
Hi team, i am testing certificate authentication for my msgvpn but after enabling the certificate authentication. i want to bind a certificates are user profiles. For which i have created a matching rule for certificate Thumbprint. The matching rule is not working as i an still able to connect with SSL cert which is not…
Is there way to bulk delete the queues
I need to delete multiple queue at one go, current SEMP api supports deleting single queue at time. Is there anyway we can delete multiple queues? Current SEMP delete queue api details
HA group using Podman Compose in rootless mode
Hello Solace Community, If you want to configure a High-Availability group using Podman in rootless mode, I just contributed this open source project to the SolaceLabs repo which uses podman-compose. The README will provide you with step-by-step instructions to make the deployment process both easy and secure. If you have…
Issue with setting up replication on software version of PubSub+
I have 2 docker desktop instances of Solace running soltr_10.4.1.66: Solace14 and Solace15 and respectively. Both instances have static IP configured, hostname configured via docker compose file and these settings are working - right after building containers each host is accessible via ping command by…
AMQP Service Port set to 0 after fresh install, but still active
Installing latest solace-standard. Under System > Service netstat -tulpn on the active broker in an HA setup: ipv6 ipv4 When trying to set it to 5671:
Regarding Connectivity status, Session status and Consumer status
We are a consumer of couple of Solace queues. We are consuming messages from (1) Kafka Connect framework using Solace PubSub Plus Source Connector, (2) Custom developed Spring Boot Application using Solace JMS API. Case #1: issues with Solace PubSub Plus Source Connector Sometimes we found that the connector is not listed…
Upgrade pubsub+ version from to latest version
Hello Team, need help/suggestions to migrate the Pubsub+ version without any downtime and data loss. Currently running pubsub+ with HA on EKS cluster pubsub+ helm chart 2.1.1 I tried upgrading pubsub+ but the readiness check failed and found one discussion regarding that As per the discussion I need to migrate the…
Scheduled Backup of HA Software Event Broker
Hi Dear Solace Community, is there any way to schedule a automated HA backup every day like there is for the singlenode instances ? () I thought about the naive way of just creating on all three nodes (primary,backup,monitor) the automated schedule process for a singlenode but the commands seem different for creating a…
Partitioned Queues are now Generally Available with 10.4.0
Solace Community, I'm proud to announce that Partitioned Queues are now generally available for all in today's release of 10.4.0! Partitioned Queues are included in the PubSub+ broker software at no extra charge and are supported by our most recent releases of Solace JCSMP, JMS, CCSMP, Python, Golang, .NET, and JS APIs as…
Get all messages from a queue
Dear Team, I have a requirement to retrieve all the messages from a queue at a given point of time. I believe On-demand JMS or Consume operations can only read one message per request. Do we have any parameter to configure in JMS or Consume operation in Mulesoft Soalce connector. Can we achieve this via SEMP apis? I would…
Find out Consumers of Particular topic
Hi All, How do you find out list of consumers of a particular topic? Would we be able to search who all consuming the given topic? Let us say, I have below queues subcritpion Q1 - hello/first Q2 - hello/second Q3 - hello/first Q4 - hello/first How do you find out the list of Queues who are consuming topics hello/first?
golang solance API for certificate based authentication
Hi, I followed https://docs.solace.com/Cloud/ght_client_certs.htm and set up the solace system to allow and accept certificate based authentication. But so far I wasn't able to get it running with golang. Could someone indicate how to change the code from…
Can Message Selectors be Used with AMQP
Does AMQP support Message Selectors similar to JMS?
Integration patterns: your thoughts on this use case
Hi all, Any thoughts on this use case? Can we somehow implement this using Solace without a stateful database component?🙂 Use case An application sends sales orders to a Boomi API. The destination is an ERP system. The application can cancel the sales order within 15 minutes. Don't ask me why, but this is the requirement.…
TcpClientChannel - Channel Closed (smfclient x) - After Publishing Every Message to a Queue
Questions: 1.) Is this the "proper" way to programmatically create a permanent queue in solace? 2.) How to properly configure a Solace connection factory environment? 3.) What does the message, TcpClientChannel - Channel Closed (smfclient x) signify? I am getting a TcpClientChannel - Channel Closed (smfclient x) message…
Send Spans for Distributed Tracing are now available with Broker Release 10.4.1!
Solace Community, Now available: PubSub+ Event Broker release 10.4.1 - Solace's Long Term Support (LTS) release for 2023! One of the big features in this jam-packed release is Distributed Tracing's Send Spans. Send spans, when coupled with receive spans, complete the end-to-end success path use case by enabling the…
Replay messages - Couple of Questions
I was wondering if the messages that go into Replay log, consume any of the quota limits that are present on the VMR / Appliance example: Number of delivered but unacknowledged messages Number of replicated topics Number of topic subscriptions that can be assigned to all queues Maximum number of messages queued for…
Max Client Queue and Topic Endpoint Flow
Solace version: hosted on AWS Ec2 instance. Solace default VPN had 100 as the default setting for various connections. We have updated it to 1000 and restarted the appliance. Used cmds below to restart the solace: solacectl cli enable reload Boomi EDi is used to connect to queue as listener. When we got the below…
Questions on sdkperf
I have some questions on the sdkperf latency result. 1) Why 95th, 99th percentile latency is N/A ? 2) How does the bucket size affect the latency measurement? 3) How does sdkperf calculates Minimum and Average Latency for subs? Is the time based on the data packet travel from client to message broker and back?
Solace PubSub + Mac M1 based Docker container is not working.
Hi Community, I am trying to run the arm based docker image for PubSub+ event broker and container is getting existed after running the container. FYI - I have executed the docker compose image for - solace-pubsub-standard:100.0arm_proto.0.92 Following is the docker output for container. Access: 2023-06-09…
What happens to replay logs when using Dynamic Message Routing?
If I'm using Dynamic Message Routing/ an event mesh and have many Solace instances connected together, what happens with the replay logs? Does every instance have a complete replay log or is it distributed across all instances? Is there any way to add redundancy to replay logs?…
Is is it possible to consume user-defined headers using Try me in console?
we are using PubSub+ Kafka source connector as a consumer, so is it possible to consumer the user defined header using PubSub+ Kafka source connector?