Clarifitcations regarding sticky load balancing example architecture by Mathew Hobbis
Hello, I have read the example implementation of sticky load balancing by Mathew Hobbis on this link and am slightly confused about a few things. Was hoping I could get some answers to the following: Inquiry 1: Regarding "Consumer Group Clients", is this the same client as LBG Client? or is it a different service? Question…
Unable to Subscribe Topic in Solace Local from Streamset Pipeline (JMS Producer)
I have set up Docker containers for SQL Server, StreamSets, and Solace, following the steps outlined in the blog https://solace.com/blog/change-data-capture-solace-streamsets-dr/. My goal is to enable Change Data Capture (CDC) and stream data from SQL Server to Solace via StreamSets. In the setup, I'm able to configure…
Does solace topic support XA Transaction.
Am successfully tested XA Transaction when sending message to a queue directly. But when publishing msg (with XA transaction only) to a topic which is subscribed a queue, behavior is different. So does solace topic support XA Transaction ? or its there only for queue ( like when sending msg directly to queue)
Subscription Level Handlers on a Queue
I plan to have a temporary queue subscribed to 2 subscription topics for all my clients. I want to have a different behavior based on from which subscription topic the message came from. It is not possible to have separate queues for each subscription. So I'd like to know if there are any alternatives.
How can you track the topics being routed via DMR Subscriptions between an event mesh?
Trying to get a better understanding of our event mesh which is rather large and uses a lot of DMR subscriptions throughout. As a result - sometimes track the initial source of a message across the mesh can be quite difficult. I'm trying to find either a CLI command or SEMP query to get a list of DMR subscriptions arriving…
Why the messages remain in the QUEUE after the subscriber consume the message
Hello, I have a Java Apache Camel consumer that consumes and acknowledge messages from a topic a/b/c/t1 . I have a Queue subscribed to the same topic (a/b/c/>) . when I push a message (persistent or non-persistent) to the topic , I m able to consume the message in my java application but the message remain in the queue .…
Visualizing of data inside Solace topic/Queue
Hi, We have a requirement to see what field values are specified in the given record sent to Solace. Is anyone aware of any tool/utility that provides data visualization? Thanks. Regards Sameer
How to achieve Topic + Queue mechanism using NodeJS & AMQP
Hello, I'm using NodeJS as my tech stack and created a Queue and that queue is subscribed to the topic. Mechanism: Publish a message to the topic and subscribe to the msg from the queue, basically Topic to Queue Mapping. Query: I want to build the above mechanism using the AMQP protocol with NodeJS. Tried Approach: I've…
Binary to ASCII
Hi @marc @Aaron How do I convert the data received from queue(lvq) to ASCII or human readable format?
Intermittent "Assured message delivery is not enabled on this channel" errors
Hi there, We've had this publisher app that sends events to topics other client apps in the firm are subscribed to using queues of their own, for years. Lately, though, we've started to notice these exceptions intermittently that we've encountered previously. The client profile has "Allow Guaranteed message send" enabled…
Receiving Error Response (503) Max clients exceeded for queue
Definition of exclusive queues: exclusive specifies that only one consumer can receive a message at any one time, while additional consumers may be connected as standby. That is, only one Flow can be active. Only the first consumer to bind can receive messages. If the first consumer disconnects, the second consumer…
Match (regex) incoming message topic to a list of topics (Python)
Hi, I have a queue which is internally subscribed to various topics. When I read from this queue I can retrieve the original topic. I have a list of actions in my application that run based on whether or not this topic matches that entry: message topic: cars/toyota List of topic actions: cars/bmw > cars/> cars/*/> I think…
Receiving Queue Alerts in C#
I'm currently running into issues trying to subscribe to alerts from my queue. I currently have my queue set up where I should be getting threshold alerts when I have 2+ msgs in the queue. From https://docs.solace.com/Monitoring/Subscribing-to-MBus-Events.htm and…
Get all messages from a queue
Dear Team, I have a requirement to retrieve all the messages from a queue at a given point of time. I believe On-demand JMS or Consume operations can only read one message per request. Do we have any parameter to configure in JMS or Consume operation in Mulesoft Soalce connector. Can we achieve this via SEMP apis? I would…
Find out Consumers of Particular topic
Hi All, How do you find out list of consumers of a particular topic? Would we be able to search who all consuming the given topic? Let us say, I have below queues subcritpion Q1 - hello/first Q2 - hello/second Q3 - hello/first Q4 - hello/first How do you find out the list of Queues who are consuming topics hello/first?
How to Publish messages in JSON Format in PYTHON ?
Hi Myself ranganath working as software engineer in standard chartered bank my requirement is to publish message in JSON Format in python . Kindly assist.
Applying selectors in queue's outbound messages using SolClient.js
Hi, I have checked the SolClient documentation link, however I couldn't identify any way of applying selectors while consuming queues messages. I undertsand that applying selectors can make the consumption slower. But in our use case, the queue is subscribing to 6 topics. And I want the consumers to read only the specific…
I'm not able to create a subscription topic under '#telemetry-trace' queue. How can I do it?
I'm using open-telemetry framework. I have created a queue named '#telemetry-trace'. Now I'm trying to create a subscription topic for that queue and I'm getting an error 'The #telemetry-trace queue may not be configured' Does anyone know how to solve this error? Thanks in Advance!
Consume a persistent Message from Queue or Subscription
After some studies, and proof of concept, I have a question about the consuming side, since the producer side is very clear to me. Let's say I need to save files using Solace Message Broker, so I have the following configuration for producer, topic, and queue: The producer sends a message with the Topic…
Send a message to the Queue instead the Topic
After hours of studying in Solace Documentation, Youtube Channel and etc, I believe I've ended up with some points to check with you: Although we have some samples of sending a message to a queue, the best practice is to send a message to a topic. As I could see in the Spring Cloud Streams samples, this is the only way to…
Query regarding Topic Based Filtering of Payload
I have a Solace Topic Based Filtering related requirement in which we have a topic already established with the topic name: Dia/Tech/Mulesoft/Interlayer/PRC/PIOS/RSVD/RSVD/FromMSBQueue/Published/1/PRC/PIOS which is attached as a subscription to Queue in On-Premises : Dia.Azure.POC & Queue in Cloud Broker :…
[Demo & Live Coding] Topic filtering with message replay
Tamimi and Rey show you how to use this feature.
Topic tracing
Hi Team, I have created 2 producer and 4 consumer using DMR and spring cloud. I want to trace my topic in solace portal like if I have produce topic from P1 and its consumed by C1 and C3 then where I can see the topic in Solace portal. I can see the Queue but What I want I want to see like topic consumerd by C1 with Topic…
Is there any connector available for Google PubSub ?
I want to consume messages from Google Pubsub topics. I have signed up for the 60-day trial version on cloud. But it shows the connector only for Google Cloud Functions. Is it because of the trial version or there is no connector available for Google PubSub ?
Pubsub+ Now Offers Configurable Replay Topics!
Hey Solace operations and developers! PubSub+ is taking the replay log to the next level of flexibility by allowing you to configure exactly which topic is mapped to your replay log. PubSub+ Event Broker 10.0.0 allows you to customize exactly which topics are sent to your replay log. Your broker administrator to configure…
How do I send a reply in Microgateway mode to a dynamic topic?
Let's say I'm running an event broker in Microgateway mode and am handling REST requests with a streaming consumer/processing application. How do I send a reply to a dynamic topic? An example of why you'd want the reply on a hierarchical topic could be a req/reply validation flow, and having a downstream application (fraud…
topic drop messages when full
I am sending messages to a temporary topic from my jms endpoint. Jms provide a timeToLive property that configures how long the message lives on the topic. I was trying to figure out if there is a way to configure on jms to tell the broker to drop messages from the topic if the topic is full and not block it. I dont see…
Topic Naming Validation via Regex
Hi Solace Community, I wonder if anyone else before had the need to validate topic names (including wildcards), for example in CI/CD pipelines. Because I couldn't find anything, I've tried myself to assemble a regex that validates the general structure of topic names. By no means I feel like it's perfect, however at least…
Library to Unsubscribe Topic from Queue
Hi Community, I am exploring Solace and its Use Cases. Using Solace Java API Library we can create a Queue and subscribe a Topic to the Queue. Using SEMP Java Client Library we can Create and Delete a Queue. Using SEMP REST API we can create and delete Queue , subscribe a Topic to Queue and can also unsubscribe a Topic…