I am using the following script in a batch file and it is throwing error: PATH NOT FOUND. I have double checked the path of queue and can see it in pubsub+ broker. What am I missing here? ———————————————- @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Define variables set BROKER_ADDRESS= set USERNAME=admin set PASSWORD=admin…
How can we integrate with PAM to update the password in Solace RDP
We are looking for the info if Solace is capable of integrating with PAM (Privileged Access Management) to fetch & update the latest password through rest api call in Solace RDP. If so, can you let us know the steps. If not, can you suggest any other alternative ways to integrate with PAM.
Boomi/Solace: how to set dmq-eligeble=true by default for REST end points
Hi, We have the following use case * Apps are using Solace REST endpoints to send messages to Solace topics * Multiple queues are subscribed to this topic * It appears that REST clients need to set a HTTP header "Solace-DMQ-Eligible: [true|false]" in order to use the DMQ feature Question: can we somehow set the default to…
How Solace makes an OAuth Token Call to APIGW
Recently, there was a concern from APIGW team that Solace is making more OAuth token calls than expected, which is impacting their license cost directly. Upon checking in details, it was found that the token expiry value was set to 900 by default at Solace. However, the token lifetime was set to 3600 from APIGW end.…
Protocol difference in publishing (AMQP vs REST)
Hi Community, We are using PubSub+'s multiprotocol capabilities for inbound and outbound communication. There are many general-fundamental differences between AMQP and REST in terms of usage however I would like to understand what difference it makes when we choose among them while "publishing" to the broker? (in terms of…
OAuth in SAP Advance Event Mesh (Solace Event Broker)
Hi All, We have recently added SAP Advance Event Mesh (Solace Broker) in our Integration Landscape which is under the hood a Solace Broker. I am trying to setup OAuth for external applications to authenticate themselves before publishing anything to a Topic using REST a endpoint. Thanks & Regards, Anuj Dulta
what is different between amqp request-reply and rest request-reply?
Just wonder, what are the main differences between rest and amqp request-reply? Is it amqp request-reply consider async ?
Introducing new, shiny home for PubSub+ Cloud REST v2 APIs
The PubSub+ Cloud REST APIs provide a mechanism for you to programmatically work with PubSub+ Cloud. Granular role-based access control: Manage who has access to application domains and their resources, what they can do with them, and which users can access which environments. Version control and lifecycle states: Apps,…
Can I implemengt REST request/reply mechanism using Rest Delivery Points
Hi Team I followed this tutorial and it seems it is possible to route a request to a REST backend via Solace Is there any way that the response from the backend REST service can be routed back to the API client who invokes the solace REST endpoint? This blog discusses a similar system, but in this case, the backend is JMS…
Unsupported protocol on OAuth 2.0 JWT Authentication - Solace M1 EA
Hello, New Solace user here. I have Solace running as a Docker container in my Mac M1 with Colima version 0.4.6. I am running the EA version available at https://solace.community/discussion/1529/pubsub-support-for-mac-m1-early-release-now-available. We have a REST Consumer configured to use OAuth 2.0 JWT Authentication and…
Set ApplicationMessageType via REST API?
I rely on the ApplicationMessageType property to map received events back to the POCOs that they were generated from. I am publishing events from a Blazor WASM application, and can't use the SolaceSystems NuGet package since it won't run in a WASM environment. Thus, I'm using an HttpClient with the REST API. I've looked…
How do I send a reply in Microgateway mode to a dynamic topic?
Let's say I'm running an event broker in Microgateway mode and am handling REST requests with a streaming consumer/processing application. How do I send a reply to a dynamic topic? An example of why you'd want the reply on a hierarchical topic could be a req/reply validation flow, and having a downstream application (fraud…
REST Consumer (RDP) OAuth JWT Authentication
Hi All, I am trying to configure service account authentication from solace REST consumer using OAuth JWT Authentication as specified here: https://docs.solace.com/Configuring-and-Managing/Managing-RDPs.htm#managing_rest_messaging_1948951837_1004979. My HTTP endpoint is Cloud Run service in Google Cloud Platform and needs…
[New blog post] How to generate dynamic topics from REST input headers
Version 9.11 of the Solace PubSub+ Event Broker introduced a great new feature for REST Delivery Points (RDP) to enable post request targets and HTTP request headers to be generated dynamically using substitution expressions. This new feature can be used on egress to enable message specific variables, such as part of the…
Test REST Consumers against a Mock
Hello, I am trying to test the following scenario: I publish a mesage to a topic called rest, and then A rest Consumer picks that mesasge up and sends it to the mock server. Is this scenario possible? If so, i'll be running a postman mock and Solace will be running localy on Docker(I think i might run into some ssl…
Quick-and-dirty REST server for RDP testing
Hi there! I thought I'd share a (possibly!) useful snippet of code that you can use to receive REST requests, and respond with a canned body. It's in Node. I don't know Node, so apologies if it's not glamourous code. I was inspired by the "Simple REST Consumer" on this tutorial:…
Message Priorities using REST Messaging
Hi all, Is there any way to set the message priority (https://docs.solace.com/PubSub-Basics/Message-Priority.htm) when publishing messages via REST? I have seen a note in the Solace REST documentation that REST does not support JMS message priorities - is this the same concept as the one linked before or are these…
Delete all subscriptions from a queue in one shot
Hello, Is there anyway to delete all subscriptions in one shot from a queue using Legacy SEMP and SEMP V2? @nram @Aaron Thank you
Special characters (/, *,>,!) in SEMPv2
We have queue subscription topics that contain special characters like (/, asterick, !, >). We to want use SEMP V2 to delete particular subscriptions for a queue. I found the below SEMP v2 call to delete. /msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/subscriptions/{subscriptionTopic} But, since my subcriptionTopic…
RDP to Solace REST API
I want to cover the scenario that a queue forwards messages to another queue (on another Cluster/VPN) so: 1. I configured a RDP REST consumer for a queue (named Q-test) and filled in https://xxxxxxx.messaging.solace.cloud etc. bind it to the this queue 2. The status link is UP. 3. Tested the endpoint as well with Postman…
Maximum number of Semp V2 calls at a time?
We have 3000+ queues in a appliance. We would like get all the queues information in JSON. We have a Python application Which makes SEMP V2 GET call to get all these queue information. Is it okay to issue concurrent SEMP v2 GET calls to the appliance ? I believe appliance will process the API call one after the other. We…
How to know total number of Endpoints are present in msgVpn via SEMP V2 ?
Is there any way to query(SEMP V2) to get: 1) Total number(count) of queues in a given msgVpn? 2) Total number of subscriptionTopics in a queue? 3) Total number of TopicEndpoints in a given msgVpn?
How to use where condition in SEMP V2 for subcripticTopics?
http://xx.x.xx.x/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/xxxxx-xxxx-xx/queues/xxx_xxx_xxx_Xxxx/subscriptions?where=subscriptionTopic==SLOG//* --> 400 error -->Cannot query an ancestor http://xx.x.xx.x/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/xxxxx-xxxx-xx/queues/xxx_xxx_xxx_Xxxx/subscriptions?where=subscriptionTopic==#SLOG// -->200 but empty response…
SEMP v2- get if any one of the condition (where parameter) is true
http://applianceIP/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns?where=eventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent!=40,eventIngressMsgRateThreshold.clearValue==300,enabled==true&select=msgVpnName In the above example, i am getting the results if all conditions are true/satisfied. But is there any way to get if any one or more conditions are true?
Approaches to consume the data from solace queues on need basis.
Hi Team, Could anyone share the solution approach for consuming the data from solace queues whenever it is needed. Lets says every 12 hrs or 24 hrs, the time frame might change as per the need. I am more looking in to pull mechanism, unlike RDP( Push). We have also MuleSoft in the approach, any feasible solutions is much…
How to host solace semp swagger ui on a linux machine?
I have downloaded the solace semp v2 spec file from www.solace.com. I would like to host the UI on my Linux server using this spec file. How can I achieve this? Please let me know what needs to be done and what I need to accomplish this?
Understanding and Testing the PubSub+ Event Portal REST API
Are you looking for a way to automate the creation of Events and Schemas, update subscribing/publishing Apps in your Event Portal environment? Have a look at the blog post: https://solace.com/blog/testing-the-pubsub-event-portal-rest-api/ to get an overview of the Event Portal REST API, and get some examples.
RDP is up and running still message is not redirected to the consumer.
followed https://solace.com/samples/solace-samples-rest-messaging/publish-subscribe/ though server is up and running rdp is not able to forward message to the consumer(comes in queue) whereas directly posting a message to this nodeJs server is working fine.
testing the Event Portal REST API
You can easily test the REST API of the Event Portal. Here is some examples I tested. First, follow this section https://docs.solace.com/Solace-Cloud/Event-Portal/Event-Portal-REST-API.htm to get your access token (you'll need it to perform all of these requests). How to retrieve events from an application domain? * First…
Event Portal REST API
The Event Portal REST API has an OpenAPI specification http://openapi.solace.cloud You can now import all your event definitions to Solace Event Portal and use it as a central way of managing all your Entreprise events!