How can we integrate with PAM to update the password in Solace RDP
We are looking for the info if Solace is capable of integrating with PAM (Privileged Access Management) to fetch & update the latest password through rest api call in Solace RDP.
If so, can you let us know the steps.
If not, can you suggest any other alternative ways to integrate with PAM.
Hey @Dhanusri,
I'm intrigued by your question, but would like to get a little more information to make sure I understand what you're trying to do.
My assumption based on your question is that you have RDP Consumers set up with HTTP Basic authentication and are looking for a way to programmatically change the password for them based on PAM. Does that make sense? If not, please clarify.
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Hey @Dhanusri, yes I just figured out how to do this using SEMPv2. This is something you'll have to do via an external script/agent, as there is nothing built into the broker/RDP to do this itself.
Using curl, this is my REST call:
curl -u admin:admin \ http://localhost:8080/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/VPN-NAME-HERE/restDeliveryPoints/RDP-NAME-HERE/restConsumers/RC-NAME-HERE \ -X PATCH \ -d '{ "authenticationHttpBasicUsername":"test", "authenticationHttpBasicPassword":"test" }' \ -H content-type:application/json | jq
(the "jq" at the end is just to pretty-print the result from the broker)
The SEMPv2 API reference can be found here:
Hope that helps!