RDP not coming up.
RDP is not coming up, mentioning that host resolution failure error. When checked with network team, they mentioned that it is because solace is not sending SNI header is not present when solace is trying to make a connection. It is working in dev and qa environment. The same configuration has been pushed to production,…
Observing DNS resolution failed when connecting to external application through RDP for .com url
We are currently using Solace version deployed through Podman and observing this issue for many integrations whenever .com url is involved. Flow : MuleSoft—>EMS(Solace RDP)—>MuleSoft(.com url) - Not working But the same integration, when APIGW is involved in between it is working fine. Flow :…
OAuth in SAP Advance Event Mesh (Solace Event Broker)
Hi All, We have recently added SAP Advance Event Mesh (Solace Broker) in our Integration Landscape which is under the hood a Solace Broker. I am trying to setup OAuth for external applications to authenticate themselves before publishing anything to a Topic using REST a endpoint. Thanks & Regards, Anuj Dulta
Rewrite URL Path - RDP Rest Consumer
Is it possible to rewrite the URLs before sending the request to the Rest Consumer using solace RDP? For example: ->
Can I implemengt REST request/reply mechanism using Rest Delivery Points
Hi Team I followed this tutorial and it seems it is possible to route a request to a REST backend via Solace Is there any way that the response from the backend REST service can be routed back to the API client who invokes the solace REST endpoint? This blog discusses a similar system, but in this case, the backend is JMS…
Unsupported protocol on OAuth 2.0 JWT Authentication - Solace M1 EA
Hello, New Solace user here. I have Solace running as a Docker container in my Mac M1 with Colima version 0.4.6. I am running the EA version available at https://solace.community/discussion/1529/pubsub-support-for-mac-m1-early-release-now-available. We have a REST Consumer configured to use OAuth 2.0 JWT Authentication and…
I'm not able to create a subscription topic under '#telemetry-trace' queue. How can I do it?
I'm using open-telemetry framework. I have created a queue named '#telemetry-trace'. Now I'm trying to create a subscription topic for that queue and I'm getting an error 'The #telemetry-trace queue may not be configured' Does anyone know how to solve this error? Thanks in Advance!
RDP consumer failed with Local SSL handshake failed: certificate chain too long
Hi , We were trying to configure an RDP but encountered this error "Local SSL handshake failed: Server certificate verification failed: certificate chain too long" The backend cert chain length is 5. Is it supported 9.12 version on cloud and if so are we missing some configuration. Regards, Rajesh
REST Consumer (RDP) OAuth JWT Authentication
Hi All, I am trying to configure service account authentication from solace REST consumer using OAuth JWT Authentication as specified here: https://docs.solace.com/Configuring-and-Managing/Managing-RDPs.htm#managing_rest_messaging_1948951837_1004979. My HTTP endpoint is Cloud Run service in Google Cloud Platform and needs…
Test REST Consumers against a Mock
Hello, I am trying to test the following scenario: I publish a mesage to a topic called rest, and then A rest Consumer picks that mesasge up and sends it to the mock server. Is this scenario possible? If so, i'll be running a postman mock and Solace will be running localy on Docker(I think i might run into some ssl…
how retries works in RDP
When message delivery got failure due to 503/504 does redelivery count will decrease or it will ignore that attempt? Ex: we have set 5 redelivery attempt and 3 times we got 503 for same message then does this means now it will do 2 attempts only.
Quick-and-dirty REST server for RDP testing
Hi there! I thought I'd share a (possibly!) useful snippet of code that you can use to receive REST requests, and respond with a canned body. It's in Node. I don't know Node, so apologies if it's not glamourous code. I was inspired by the "Simple REST Consumer" on this tutorial:…
RDP to Solace REST API
I want to cover the scenario that a queue forwards messages to another queue (on another Cluster/VPN) so: 1. I configured a RDP REST consumer for a queue (named Q-test) and filled in https://xxxxxxx.messaging.solace.cloud etc. bind it to the this queue 2. The status link is UP. 3. Tested the endpoint as well with Postman…
RDP: status of outgoing REST consumer status remains down
Hi, We're testing the RDP functionality using this example https://solace.com/blog/event-broker-cloud-lambda-aws-api-gateway/. Status of outgoing REST consumer status remains down. We have tried many different settings like Service mode "messaging" and "gateway". Any tips? I also tried the CLI to enable the outgoing REST…
Issue with Bind count on a RDP queue
we have a Queue Q1 which is bindind to a Restdelivery point.the consumer here is a some hostname:port. Ideally the bndcount for queue Q1 should be one, as we have binded it to restdelivery and subscriber will be the consumer. but we recently observed that the bind count is 2, whe we see the client details conencted to…