🎄 Happy Holidays! 🥳

Most of Solace is closed December 24–January 1 so our employees can spend time with their families. We will re-open Thursday, January 2, 2024. Please expect slower response times during this period and open a support ticket for anything needing immediate assistance.

Happy Holidays!

Please note: most of Solace is closed December 25–January 2, and will re-open Tuesday, January 3, 2023.

Set ApplicationMessageType via REST API?

I rely on the ApplicationMessageType property to map received events back to the POCOs that they were generated from. I am publishing events from a Blazor WASM application, and can't use the SolaceSystems NuGet package since it won't run in a WASM environment. Thus, I'm using an HttpClient with the REST API. I've looked through the API documentation for the ApplicationMessageType message property, but I can't see how to set this property via HTTP headers or otherwise. Can someone please point me in the right direction?


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