Which correct protocol should I choose?
Hi! I'm new working on Solace PubSub and despite the fact I've been reading a lot, I didn't understand which is the correct protocol I should use. For example, I have an application publishing more than 1k events per hour on dynamic topics. It can be company/salesorder/usa/123/234, company/salesorder/usa/453/1/45,…
How to achieve Topic + Queue mechanism using NodeJS & AMQP
Hello, I'm using NodeJS as my tech stack and created a Queue and that queue is subscribed to the topic. Mechanism: Publish a message to the topic and subscribe to the msg from the queue, basically Topic to Queue Mapping. Query: I want to build the above mechanism using the AMQP protocol with NodeJS. Tried Approach: I've…
Protocol difference in publishing (AMQP vs REST)
Hi Community, We are using PubSub+'s multiprotocol capabilities for inbound and outbound communication. There are many general-fundamental differences between AMQP and REST in terms of usage however I would like to understand what difference it makes when we choose among them while "publishing" to the broker? (in terms of…
python qpid-proton cannot access solace broker after rename Message VPN
Hi everyone, I have some problems with connecting to solace with qpid-proton python. I connected to Solace that isn’t running on my local machine but other server, and I could send the message into the queue with the subscription topic and also receive the message from the queue successfully for a while. All I specified…
Unsupported message amqp-value type: map
Does solace message broker support amqp-value type - map ? I using Apache Camel to send message to the broker. However, i faced an exception when sending the following message to Solace message broker. {message=up, uptime=1000.200} Log Message : ```` Caused by: org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.ProviderException: unsupported…
Encountered sasl exception when connecting to Solace topic with AMQPLite dotnet library(AMQP 1.0)
Hello everyone, I am suffering an error when I tried to send/publish the messages with AMQP in my C# code. Below is the error: {error(condition:amqp:not-implemented,description:sasl-mechanisms(sasl-server-mechanisms:[ANONYMOUS]))} Below is the partial code, the Connect() method is an internal method which is responsible…
Publish block when over the memory / disk threshold
Hi, we are migrating from rabbit to solace now. There is a feature (https://www.rabbitmq.com/alarms.html) RabbitMQ will block connections that publish messages when over the memory/disk threshold. I see there is a way to set the threshold in solace: https://docs.solace.com/Monitoring/Configuring-System-Event-Thresholds.htm…
Message Signing Questions
Are the message broker able to verify message signing ? For example, Client A signed the message and sent the message to message broker. Then, the message broker check the message and reject the message if the message contain incorrect message signature.
Python Proton AMQPS Transport Error
Good afternoon all, Am having some odd behavior using a varient of Solace demo code for Python/Proton AMQPS connection: https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-amqp-qpid-proton-python/blob/master/src/simple_recv.py Using the methodology shown in this case, but with a pem key/password i can successfully connect to a…
what is different between amqp request-reply and rest request-reply?
Just wonder, what are the main differences between rest and amqp request-reply? Is it amqp request-reply consider async ?
Message redelivery on Exception
Hi, I'm evaluating a move to Solace by playing with a PubSub+ Cloud free instance. I'm not sure to understand the message redelivery policy. My implementation is based on spring-jms backed by qpid amqp. I was expecting that an exception thrown from a @JmsListener annotated method would reject the message which then would…
Can Message Selectors be Used with AMQP
Does AMQP support Message Selectors similar to JMS?
Solace PubSub+ broker / Informatica Cloud Integration over AMQP
Hi community members I created this integration to assist one of our customers with their use case to integrate to Informatica cloud to a Solace PubSub+ broker over the protocol AMQP. Overview: The steps are briefly as follows: Setup SDKPerf-jmsamq on your local computer. Setup a cloud Solace PubSub+ broker with a…
How to disable the automatic queue creation with amqp qpid jms client
Hello everyone, I am following the tutorial provided here: GitHub - SolaceSamples/solace-samples-amqp-qpid-jms1: Getting Started tutorials for using Apache Qpid JMS 1.1 over AMQP 1.0 with Solace Message Routers. I want to create a consumer on my queue which receives messages. This does work, however everytime the client…
How Oauth can be used with Apache Qpid JMS 2.0 AMQP
Hi All, I am using Apache Qpid JMS 2.0 to connect standalone PS+ broker on 5671 port. I am able to achieve using username and password however I am not able to authenticate using Oauth. Our other clients written in nodejs are able to authenticate and connect on 5671 with AMQP protocol and Oauth. As per doc I am providing…
Unable to connect with solace using amqps protocols with OAuth
String solaceHost = "amqps://<host>:<port>?amqp.saslMechanisms=XOAUTH2"; String solaceUsername = Username String solacePassword = access_token Error : Authentication has not completed yet. Please find attached logs
Can OAuth authorization be used while using amqp10 package for amqps protocol to connect solace brok
In my nodejs based application I am trying to connect solace broker using amqps protocol and package I am using is **amqp10 ** however I am unable to connect it. As per the doc I am creating the uri as 'amqps://:@broker-host:5671?amqp.saslMechanisms=XOAUTH2'. But this is not working. Any suggestions? Please share if any…
Can Oauth be used with amqp10 lib?
I am connecting my nodejs based application to solace broker using OAuth & mqtts protocol. I am using solclientjs API and which is working perfect. Now I am trying to connect using amqps protocol in same application and using amqp10 package however I am unable to connect it. As per the doc I am creating the uri as…
Error registering listner:Transactions not supported [condition = amqp:not-implemented]
Hello, I am trying to register listeners dynamically to the queues whose names can be fetched at runtime. I am using the JmsListenerEndpointRegistrar from spring for dynamic listener registration. My application is started, and connection to solace broker gets established but the listener invocation fails with the…
I am unable to Publish a message to Solace broker via AMQP in .Net
Hello Team Solace is running in my windows10 docker and i have configured to use 5670 port for AMQP. when i try to connect without user name and password amqp://localhost:5670 it will connect but not able to send the message error i am getting is "Amqp.AmqpException: 'The transport 'TcpTransport' is closed.'". if i connect…
Recently some of the microservice AMQP applications are disconnected based on the solace event logs. However, the microservice AMQP applications did not detect any "CONNECTION_CLOSE" event. And, the applications did not trigger DISCONNECT action. Is there any documentation of the reasons and the explanation for the causes…
Docker and AMQP (TryMe)
I am new to solace and have used docker to create solace container on my laptop. I am able to connect using "Try Me UI" with the address "ws://localhost:8008" and all works fine including sending messages, however, when i try connecting using AMQP protocol with the broker url "amqp://localhost:5672", it cannot establish…
AMQPS with Client Certificates using .Net and Docker Container
Hi Team, I am trying to send message using AMQPS protocol and also along with this using client certificate for client authentication. With the below code, I am able to send the message to solace broker. However, after disabling the Basic Authentication and enabling Client Authentication, the message send fails with the…
Non-Exclusive Queue using AMQP
Hi, can it be possible to create non-exclusive queue using amqp in solace ? I am exploring Apache Qpid JMS 2.0 over AMQP 1.0 I checked solace-samples-amqp-qpid-jms2/QueueConsumer.java at master · SolaceSamples/solace-samples-amqp-qpid-jms2 (github.com) and it creates an exclusive queue and connects the consumer to the…
1:n behavior using AMQP
Hi, we have multiple instances of application and when we publish a message, all instances should get the message. we can achieve the same using native soalce api using queue and topic. We create multiple queues and subscribe the same topic to each queue. And each instance of the application consumes from the respective…
Apache Qpid Messaging C++ rejection
I'm trying to write a small program using the Apache Qpid Messaging C++ library to send AMQP1.0 messages to a Solace broker. When I send a message to the broker, it looks like I'm getting a reject: delivery 0 refused: amqp:not-allowed: SMF AD ack response error I get the same result if I use the examples provided with the…
Solace JmsListener Message conversion Exception
The original message is Text Message only, it was working previously recently ran into this issue. org.springframework.jms.listener.adapter.ListenerExecutionFailedException: Listener method could not be invoked with incoming message 2022-01-04T12:16:54.220+05:30 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] [OUT] Endpoint handler details:…
Correct handling of keepalive with go-amqp
Hi Solace Community, as long as the SMF API for golang is not available, we would like to create a reference implementation using golang with AMQP and PubSub+. Instead of QPID, we want to use https://github.com/Azure/go-amqp, because it does not require C bindings and looks way more easy to handle. The example on github…
Special characters (/, *,>,!) in SEMPv2
We have queue subscription topics that contain special characters like (/, asterick, !, >). We to want use SEMP V2 to delete particular subscriptions for a queue. I found the below SEMP v2 call to delete. /msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/subscriptions/{subscriptionTopic} But, since my subcriptionTopic…
Transactions not supported
Hi, I'm actually a newbie to AMQP and Solace. I have questions regarding a issue publishing message using "AMQP 1.0 library for .Net" to Solace. i) I kept getting "Transactions not supported" when I try to publish message in a transaction scope. May I know if this is an expected exception? The Solace's AMQP 1.0 conformance…