Solace Spring Cloud processor app issues after the upgrade of the Spring libraries
Previously, before the upgrade of Spring libraries we used: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin:3.3.5 org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-core:6.3.2 org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-function-context:4.1.3 Now, after the upgrade we use:…
Implement a custom function that will be triggered when the application connects back to Solace
Hello Community, I am using solace spring stream for our application. We came across an issue where the connection gets broken to Solace. We need to check live site when solace gets connected, only then we start the bindings. Is there a way we could implement a custom function checkLiveSite whenever our application gets…
Spring Cloud Stream exception: "doesn't support message NACK" after upgrading Solace Binder to v5.x
Are you seeing this exception from your Spring Cloud Stream application? Caused by: org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException: The Solace PubSub+ Broker doesn't support message NACK capability, <inbound adapter c46eed03-a058-4b1d-9e8c-c402518f736c> at…
Spring cloud stream solace + Solace distributed tracing
Hello! I have a question/issue I hope I can get some help with! I'm using Spring boot 3, with the Spring cloud stream solace integration. Everything's working fine, but I would like to have distributed tracing across applications and solace. I've got traceability between producer < - > consumer, but no luck with adding…
spring cloud stream solace pubsub
To handle publish error, using the @serviceActivator annotation. @ServiceActivator(inputChannel ="topic.errors") After springboot version 3.3.2 upgrade and spring cloud stream version 2023.0.2 upgrade, the publish errors are not handled by the serviceActivator.…
How to use/ enable oAuth2 in spring cloud stream to connect to Solace broker ?
I have implemented spring cloud solace binder to consume messages from Solace Queue. I am using Azure OAuth and registered the app as well as enabled OAuth on the solace broker. I am having hard time finding Oauth properties to connect to solace binder. Referred to various dev tutorials and could only find below properties…
Spring cloud stream solace binder StreamBridge.send() unexpected error
Hi Solace team, we are using Spring Cloud Stream Solace in our Spring Boot project, when we try to send messages simultaneously from 5 different threads by using `StreamBridge.send()` the underlying implementation "randomly" throws `org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException`, by randomly I mean it doesn't matter if…
Spring Cloud Stream - Open telemetry Manual Instrumentation
I am trying to see any possibility to do manual instrumentation on scs consumer and publisher application. If there a possibility to achieve this with jcsmp opentelemetry dependency?
Content resolution example with Spring Cloud Stream
The Spring documentation mentions one of the core features of the framework: It tries to automatically convert incoming message payloads to type Person with the following code: @Bean public Consumer<Person> log() { return person -> { System.out.println("Received: " + person); }; } My attempts to have the incoming message…
OpenTelemetry Agent for Spring cloud binder
I would like to autoinstrument my scs based application. For trial I have added opentelemetry agent latest version and started my application- But traces are not generating. Is there any separate agent available for SCS to to auto-instrument ?
Will JCSMPInboundChannelAdapter have configurable shutdownInterruptThresholdInMillis?
Hello, we are experiencing an issue with graceful shutdown of an application. We are using spring cloud "com.solace.spring.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace:4.1.0" There is no awaiting for the termination and messages finish in the error queue. Is there a better way to gracefully stop and resume? Will configuring…
Solace Spring Cloud Stream Function (Processor pattern) with StreamBridge
Hi, I currently have a usecase wherein I have implemented a Processor pattern using the typical Bean Function<?,?> for my SCS application. I understand that a Processor pattern is a straightforward Input-Output Solace stream. But now I have an additional requirement that, within the processor, an arbitrary event message…
in spring cloud stream 3.2.3, how to Manually Handle Null Payload manually
preSend or extending AbstractMessageHandler did not work, And @StreamListener annotation is deprecated How to handle it, without changing any versions
Spring publisher confirmation when channel is closed
Hi colleagues, We use spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace 3.5.0 and we have a question regarding this documentation https://github.com/SolaceProducts/solace-spring- cloud/tree/master/solace-spring-cloud-starters/solace-spring-cloud-stream-starter#publisher-confirmations. We are running a test scenario in which an…
Message redelivery for New Java API - if an exception or un-acknowledgement happened
I am exploring new Java API for solace integration. I have noticed that message redelivery is not happening if an exception happened in consumer thread. In JCMP api we were able close/ unbind and bind consumer. Spring cloud stream binder also doing same way. But new Java API I those apis's were not exposed. Please let me…
Consume from multiple queues in Spring Cloud Stream
Yesterday I got asked by a developer how she could have multiple functions in her Spring Cloud Stream microservice each consume from its' own queue. Luckily the framework makes this relatively simple to accomplish, but the devil is in the details as your configuration must match your code so I figured I'd share the steps…
Specify Spring Cloud Stream Error Handlers though application configuration
In the current scheme of things, you would be wiring the error handlers through @ServiceActivator annotation. The annotation parameters helped distinguish global versus binding-specific error handlers. If you notice, the association is captured in the code, and a change would require code-level updates. In the…
Spring Cloud Stream Batch Consumer and Batch Publisher using Function
Consumer spring.cloud.stream.bindings.receiveMessage-in-0.consumer.batch-mode=true spring.cloud.stream.solace.bindings.receiveMessage-in-0.consumer.batchMaxSize=255 spring.cloud.stream.solace.bindings.receiveMessage-in-0.consumer.batchTimeout=500 ### Publish messages to Topic…
Spring Cloud Stream | Batch | TPS | Tuning
In our micro service, we are using solace binder with SCS, during non-functional testing we found some differences in performance, Could you please help to understand. service - Processor is used. The TPS is approx 200 TPS. Function<Message<List<String>>, Collection<Message<SafeStoreObject>>> receiveMessage() The…
Spring Cloud Stream - Confirming publication and Acknowledging Receipt
Hi I read the following as well as some of the guides which talks about publishing and the dispatch being async. All the examples refer to using a StreamBridge however, the same case occurs when an application is a 'processor', in which case we can't use the CorrelationData approach as described. Please correct me if I am…
Spring Cloud Stream | Solace connections
Hi All, I am running a microservice with Spring cloud stream The batch mode is true and batch size is 255. So does the service opens 255 connections to read the msg ? as i am seeing the window size is 255. which controls this window size of the solace queue.
Effortless Request-Reply Functionality for Spring Cloud Stream Binders
Simplify Request-Reply Communication with spring-boot-starter-request-reply Hello, Spring Boot developers and integration enthusiasts! We're pleased to announce the launch of the spring-boot-starter-request-reply, a new addition to the Spring Boot ecosystem. This starter aims to enhance communication capabilities in Spring…
StreamBridge null pointer with Spring 3
I try to get "spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace" version 3.0.0 with spring 3.1.0 running. But every time i use the "StreamBridge" i get this error message: 2023-06-01T14:38:25.602+0200 ERROR Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed:…
Spring cloud stream Solace binder prevents application from running when Solace is down
Hello everyone, I am currently working on an application that consumes messages from Solace and serves users with HTTP endpoints. However, when Solace is down, the Solace binder prevents the application from running until Solace is reachable again. This behavior is problematic for our business as we want to continue…
Spring Cloud Stream Solace - Sticky Load Balancing Implementation
Can any one please help me with a sample implementation of sticky load balancing with spring cloud stream solace. My use case is account transaction information are posted to a solace topic to 6 different partitions. There will be consumer(s) reading from these partitions. Initially there will be 1 consumer which is hosted…
Spring Cloud Stream Solace - Manual Acknowledgement
The batch mode is working fine as i am able to receive the msgs as batch and publish as batch. Now, i am trying to manually acknowledge the messages. If no exception, update the database with success and then accept the message. Else, update the DB with error and then requeue the message. Function<Message<List<?>>,…
Spring Cloud Stream Data Type in Function
Function<Message<?>, Message<?>> The function takes the input paylaod as bytes even when datatype is mentioned. The auto conversion from json to pojo is not happening. Any suggestion? For example, Message<ClassName> when i directly use it, i am getting Class class exception ClassName a = message.getPayload(). Works as…
How to connect to pre-provisioned queue in solace using spring cloud stream ?
I am using @StreamListner, created input binding of type SubscribableChannel & trying to connect to a pre-provisioned queue and used similar configurations as suggested in previous comment but i am not able to bind consumer with queue . Getting error - "EL1008E: Property or field 'isAnonymous' cannot be found on object of…
In Spring cloud , i would like to read data from pre-define queue.
Currently spring cloud app will create the queue "scst/an/some randome-id/plain/myConsumer-in-0" at server startup (some thing similar), Since i already have a queue and queue has some persistence message so how to command spring cloud to use existing queue for subscriptions.
Failed to consume a message from destination Queue
I am using Spring cloud stream 2021.0.2 to consume messages from queue, when some messages are sent , I can see the message get spooled continously in the queue but It is not coming inside application and processed because of below exception. Please help org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException: Incorrect type…