Sample on Solace with Spring Cloud Bus
Hi everyone, I recently created a simple sample that shows the use of Spring Cloud Bus (a lightweight enterprise message bus) with Solace PubSub+. I was asked to share it here, in case some of you might find it helpful. You can find the sample here. Let me know what you think - unless you hate it... ;) Cheers!
Spring cloud bus
spring: cloud: bus: enabled : true When i enable it, It is creating 2 queues like springCloudBus & error/springCloudBus ( ErrorQueue). I can change the queue name using spring.cloud.bus.destination = "" but have not control over the error queue, infact i dont want error but no way to stop it. I cant disable the…
Using Spring Boot Actuator with Spring Cloud Stream
I figured I'd share a quick post on how to use Spring Boot Actuator with Spring Cloud Stream microservices as it might be useful for others (And me when I want to set this up again in a month! 😝). This allows you to make simple GET requests to see config, state, and stats about your bindings and channels for monitoring or…
SSL Configuration when using Spring cloud stream
Hello We are using Spring cloud stream solace binders. We are trying to configure SSL cert when connecting to solace queue and topic. Below is the configuration that we use in java and is working- properties.setProperty("Solace_JMS_VPN", vpn); properties.setProperty("Solace_JMS_Authentication_Scheme",…
Solace JmsListener Message conversion Exception
The original message is Text Message only, it was working previously recently ran into this issue. org.springframework.jms.listener.adapter.ListenerExecutionFailedException: Listener method could not be invoked with incoming message 2022-01-04T12:16:54.220+05:30 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] [OUT] Endpoint handler details:…
503 max client queue and Topic endpoint exceeded
I have 15 queues each with 10 concurrency. when i start services i get the error max client queue and Topic endpoint exceeded. It's a spring cloud stream application. what could be the possible cause and solution for this problem.
Sample programs using spring cloud stream
I do limited examples of solace using spring cloud stream. Is there a repository where I can find many examples of solace using spring cloud stream.
Batch processing with Spring Cloud Stream
Hi Solace Community, It's me again. So we moved from RabbitMQ to Solace and identified that Solace does not support batch mode. See: https://solace.community/discussion/811/spring-cloud-stream-batch-mode So we started to implement a manual Acknowledgement function to accomplish something similar. But we are stuck in one…
Group name exclusive getting appended to queue name
Hello, my group name is getting appended to end of my queue while connecting, here is my .yml, Any suggestions why this is occurring ? Do I need a compatible version for this change? bindings: #The bindings section is used to define your input and output channels. read-in-0: destination: Sakshi_Test group: exclusive #The…
Spring Cloud Stream - Solace JMS Client Passwords configuration
Hi All, Let me share steps we use for us, 1. We have autoconfiguration for queues and topics, (using solace binders(Sink, Source, StreamBinders)) 2. We have solace auto configurations 3. Solace clients( random generated clients) connects to queues 4. I have to decrypt the password and inject the same password in runtime by…
Spring cloud stream support solace
Give the autogenerated binding a friendlier name spring.cloud.stream.function.bindings.supplyLoan-out-0=output what would be the equivalent of this in solace configuration ? =================================================== Supplier loanSupplier = () -> { Loan loan = new Loan(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), names.get(new…
How to get ReplicationGroupMessageId for message replay with Spring cloud stream
Hi , I was trying to find replayMsgId in message header using spring cloud stream , i printed all header which i received but not able to find any values as "rmid1:0117b-75462900ca8-00000000-00135082" Headers which i got as below: * solace_senderTimestamp --1628606024803 * solace_expiration -- 0 * deliveryAttempt -- 1 *…
spring cloud stream
compile("com.solace.spring.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace:3.1.0") when i add this dependency to my project using spring boot 2.3.12. Its downloading 2.4.3 jar also ( when removed it doesn't ) where as i tried 2 other project its not the case over there they still use 2.3.12 and does not download 2.4.3 and use it…
Spring Cloud Stream publishing messages
I have heard that SCS should no longer be used together with flux (flux destroys that: retry handling, error handling, transmission confirmation). With StreamBridge messages can be published. But in my opinion the StreamBridge is not quite consistent with the other declarative and functional handling of SCS. Are there…
Pull message from a queue on an adhoc basis
Hi, I have a requirement to use spring cloud stream binder for solace to connect and pull messages from a queue. The application should not listen to that queue continuously instead it should try to pull the message based on a scheduled time interval. Could you pls help me how to achieve this with minimal java code? Thanks
Spring cloud stream with solace
Couple of question i have for solace binder, 1. I tried an example for DLQ functionality where i could throw exception from the listener and it was published to error queue, does solace has any mechanism to reprocess them, except that we add a listener and reprocess manually/code. Even same for DMQ.
Trying to connect consumer to the pre-defined queue, getting error as Permission mismatch.
Hi, I am trying to connect pre-defined queue named GMMO.UCTRADE.DSLT01 it has ALL OTHER POERMISSIONS: No Access(0000) . When i try to consume frm the queue , application throws below error : org.springframework.cloud.stream.provisioning.ProvisioningException: Failed to provision durable queue GMMO.UCTRADE.DSLT01; nested…
springcloudstream processor app listening wrong queue with appended scst/wk/
i have created springcloudstream processor appliation which need to listen to queue "TEMPS.Q" and publish to topic "sensor/temperature/celsius/topic" But when i start running the application instead of listening to queue "TEMPS.Q" its creating new queue "scst/wk/PROCESSOR/plain/TEMPS.Q", so its not able to pull messages as…
spring cloud stream multi api version
The problem: A single spring cloud stream application, have to send out the same data via 2 major versions of the same api. spring: stream: bindings: myApiV1-out-0: destination: api/v1/the/topic myApiV2-out-0: destination: api/v2/the/topic Question: What is the most elegant solution for this problem? Idea / what i want to:…
SolaceExtendedBindingProperties does not provide the implementation of getBindings() , I would request you to please provide some method to get bindings details at run time.
Spring cloud stream Message Type Conversion Issue
Hi Team, We get the type casting issue when spring cloud stream reply the message to non spring cloud stream service. com.solacesystems.jcsmp.impl.BytesMessageImpl cannot be cast to com.solacesystems.jcsmp.TextMessage" Code: Below is the code used in the non spring cloud stream service which is type casting to text message…
Issue subscribing durable queue to topic
Hello We are using Spring Cloud Stream solace binder to connect to Solace. We are facing an issue when durable queues subscribe to topic. Case 1: When the application is creating the queue we are not facing any issue. The durable queue gets subscribed to the topic and is able to consume message successfully. Case 2: When…
How to get SDTMap properties in Spring Cloud Stream
We are using SDTMap to set custom application properties in one service which produce message..which uses normal springboot service. We access solace message api and create SDTMap. In Consumer we use spring cloud stream to receive and process. How to get SDTMap properties in Spring Cloud Stream?
Not able to access any of those solace specific headers,
@StreamListener("solace-test") public void onMessage(Message<String> message){ Destination destination = message.getHeaders().get(SolaceHeaders.DESTINATION, Destination.class); System.out.println("DESTINATION :: " + destination.getName()); System.out.println("MESSAGE " + message.getPayload());…
Integration Testing with Solace
All, I have a java based spring cloud stream application that publishes messages to solace topics based on an internal trigger. I am using StreamBridge to publish messages. I want to write integration test cases for it for which I need to bring up a solace server. Any idea on the best ways to do it? Thanks in advance!
Subscription concurrency to speed up data consumption
Hi, In solace I pre-configured a Non-exclusive queue and now trying to consume data in spring cloud steam app , by providing spring.cloud.stream.bindings.fn-name.consumer.concurrency=4 , In logs i can see it's trying to start four subscriber but all four are getting timed out. If we make this number as 1 or remove this…
New Tutorial Available - Spring Cloud Streams
A new tutorial has been posted to the Solace Samples pages! Be sure to check it out. https://tutorials.solace.dev/spring/spring-cloud-stream/
How to trigger a solace supplier
I have a supplier function that will produce messages to a solace broker. By default, the supplier is called every second to generate messages. But in my case, I want to explicitly call the supplier based on an internal event. How do I do that?
Spring cloud stream | Scaling
I just wanted to understand couple of things here.. * If i have 10 consumer configured then for each queue i see 10 consumer/subscription, that's going to be a lot no doubt because i have 50 queue and there will be like 50 *10 = 500 consumers and there are certain infra limitation within the organisation so i will reduce…
spring cloud stream
cloud: stream: bindings: inbound: destination: TestQueue group: perf concurrency: 2 I get 403 Permission Not allowed whenever i add a group name what is causing issue ? TcpClientChannel : Error Response (403) - Permission Not Allowed - Queue