Spring cloud Stream Solace Unit Test
Solace Spring Cloud BOM 2.4.0 Solace Spring Cloud Stream Starter 3.4.0 <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.cloud</groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-stream</artifactId> <type>test-jar</type> <scope>test</scope> <classifier>test-binder</classifier> </dependency> <!--…
Solace Client metrics to scaling my application
Hello guys, I'm migrating from RabbitMQ to Solace, there's a feature important in my spring boot applications with the rabbitmq client about metrics. We are using the metric `rabbitmq.consumed` to find the rate of consumed messages per second and scaling horizontally after a certain threshold. I'm able to get this metric…
StaleSessionException - Tried to call receive on a stopped message consumer
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834), exception_class=com.solacesystems.jcsmp.StaleSessionException, exception_message=Tried to call receive on a stopped message…
Using Spring cloud Stream, message is being sent as an attachment instead of content
hello, i am using org.springframework.cloud.stream.function.StreamBridge to send the message to a solace topic. Using the mime type as "text/plan". The message is being sent to queue. But as an attachment. The content size is zero bytes, but the attachment size is same as the message size I sent. I couldn't find any…
Now Available: PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ
I am pleased to announce the General Availability (GA) version of the Solace PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ v1.0.0 is now available! The connector is the 1st of many connectors coming from Solace that leverage a new, common architecture built on various Spring framework technologies. I introduced this new common architecture…
View topic subsciptions in Solace Admin UI
Hello We are using Spring Cloud Stream to consume and publish messages using solace binder. From the logs we can see the message - "Subscribing Queue xxxx to topic yyy" at application startup. However in Solace admin UI, we can't see any subscriptions under the topic. Could you please help where we can view the topic…
Spring cloud stream - concurrency
Hi there I'm trying to configure more than one Consumer Thread for my functional consumer But I saw that when I config concurrency as 5. It will create 5 session connection to the solace server. when config concurrency is 5. It will create 5 session connection to the solace when config concurrency is 10. It will create 10…
Do not alter queue settings when using Spring Cloud Stream binder for Solace PubSub+
Typically, queues and other Broker resources are pre-provisioned, and the clients simply bind and use them at run-time. The auto-provisioning feature supported by Solace binder helps the creation of queues at startup - a handy feature! Both message queues and error queues can be provisioned dynamically at the time of…
Close connection on openshift every 2sec
My consumer connection to solace is closed after every 2seconds that leads to fail big message more than 5 mb read. Please suggest
Custom Queue Names when using Spring Cloud Stream binder for Solace PubSub+
The Spring Expression Language (SpEL for short) is a powerful expression language that supports querying and manipulating an object graph at runtime. In Solace Binder, we can use the SpEL to specify queue name expressions to generate custom queue names. Not all properties present in the application configuration are…
Queue and Error Queue provisioning when using Spring Cloud Stream binder for Solace PubSub+
In an Enterprise context, queues and error queues are typically pre-provisioned, and applications simply connect to the queues at runtime to conduct their business. Solace PubSub+ provides API to provision the queues at runtime. On the same line, Spring Cloud Stream binder for Solace PubSub+ provides facilities to…
Solace SpringCloudStream PubSub model using durable topic endpoint
We have a requirement to stop listening to queue when any error occurred while processing. We are on Kubernates and we have many instances of an application which listening to the same queue, so if i try to stop listening to queue using the service name it stops only one instance others still listening to the queue. As in…
DMQ Eligible flag in Java different libraries
After some tests using JCSMP API, I assumed it is necessary to set this flag on the producer side to make the Dead Message Queue features working. Now, I am testing my new applications that use the Spring Cloud Stream with the Solace PubSub+ Binder and just see this parameter on the consumer side (Is that right?), which…
Solace - Spring cloud stream binder.
I found strange issue with my app. Application should have the bind count to 20 (4 Instance, Each with default 5 concurrency) but it went down to 2, the consumers for that queue stopped consuming and message started to spool. When i added another instance of the service the bind count went upto 7 and messages were consumed…
Client/Manual acknowledgement
Hi @marc I am tring to do Client/Manual acknowledgement using spring cloud. First I want to know what configuration I have to do for producer end bcz I did the configuration on consumer side and its getting failed as shown below logs. I have attached java code and yaml file as well please suggest. cid------>: null…
Spring cloud stream concurrency
Hi there I'm trying to configure more than one Consumer Thread for my functional consumer, the yaml file looks like this: cloud: stream: function: definition: bookIn bindings: bookIn-in-0: destination: BOOK group: BOOK_CONSUMER consumer: concurrency: 13 # has no effect_ The value is actually taken over into the…
Logstash using spring cloud
Hi Team, I have pub/sub model with dynamic routing, I have to integrate a different tool to grap the logs for event specific. How I can implement it using spring cloud like ELK or something like.. Please suggest.
StreamBridge creating consumer and it's subscription
I have created a Spring cloud stream application that publishes messages to Solace. The publish message is triggered by an external event. I am using StreamBridge to achieve this functionality of publishing messages. My application.properties look like this Problem: when the application starts it creates a consumer queue…
Topic tracing
Hi Team, I have created 2 producer and 4 consumer using DMR and spring cloud. I want to trace my topic in solace portal like if I have produce topic from P1 and its consumed by C1 and C3 then where I can see the topic in Solace portal. I can see the Queue but What I want I want to see like topic consumerd by C1 with Topic…
Multiple binder configuration
Hi Team, I am trying to connect to solace using spring cloud stream solace binder with all the properties in application.yaml I have 1 producer on Aws service and another one in azure service in solace and I have a consumer at my local, how I can deifne multiple binder for same confumer in spring Yaml file. Please suggest.
Solace throughput scaling
What is the rate of consuming message/sec for a consumer with 1 concurrency in spring cloud stream app with solace. Just wondering what would be throughput / hour if there is just one consumer with 1 concurrency smoothly. Using Physical Solace Appliances.
Found issue, Where messages were stuck in the queue, it wont accept and let consume from queue
The messages were stuck in the queue, we cant publish anything to it but the problem is the listener is not even consuming them to create space for new messages. Caused by: com.solacesystems.jcsmp.InvalidOperationException: Tried to perform operation on a closed XML message producer 2022-06-02T15:38:25.309-05:00…
how to stop message from being sent to next solace topic while going through chain of function?
how to stop message from being sent to next solace topic while going through chain of function? e.g. inTechVal|inFuncVal|map|persist|report-in-0: input inTechVal|inFuncVal|map|persist|report-out-0: output here message goes through inTechVal|inFuncVal|map|persist|report all of these functions but if i want to terminate and…
Can we discard or reject message in solace streaming?
this is our declaration spring: cloud: function: definition: inTechVal|inFuncVal|map|persist|report stream: function: bindings: inTechVal|inFuncVal|map|persist|report-in-0: input inTechVal|inFuncVal|map|persist|report-out-0: output here solace streaming is sending message out to solace as per out mapping e.g. after…
Solace Spring cloud stream, DLQ exception headers
There was exception thrown from the service and the message went to DLQ, when i pulled it from queue and checked there is no way to get why the exception was thrown. Rabbit has the headers like x-exception-stacktrace, x-exception-message where i can get enough details about it, there could be so many message in DLQ so i…
DLQ/Error QUEUE - Spring cloud Stream
When We publish message it goes to Queue via added topic subscription , which could be consumes using listener's easy. (Message published to Topic, Consumed From queue ) But, Why there is a difference in DLQ publish, I don't think when the message is getting republished to Error Queue it is published to Topic Endpoint,…
Solace spring cloud stream - pubsub
I was going through this post and got to know how can i work with topic, i can have many queues subscribing to one topic and each get message right ? i can have one queue subscribing to many topic as well right ? Topic subscription on Queues makes it persist, but.. if the application is scaling up and down with many…
Sample on Solace with Spring Cloud Bus
Hi everyone, I recently created a simple sample that shows the use of Spring Cloud Bus (a lightweight enterprise message bus) with Solace PubSub+. I was asked to share it here, in case some of you might find it helpful. You can find the sample here. Let me know what you think - unless you hate it... ;) Cheers!
Spring cloud bus
spring: cloud: bus: enabled : true When i enable it, It is creating 2 queues like springCloudBus & error/springCloudBus ( ErrorQueue). I can change the queue name using spring.cloud.bus.destination = "" but have not control over the error queue, infact i dont want error but no way to stop it. I cant disable the…
Using Spring Boot Actuator with Spring Cloud Stream
I figured I'd share a quick post on how to use Spring Boot Actuator with Spring Cloud Stream microservices as it might be useful for others (And me when I want to set this up again in a month! 😝). This allows you to make simple GET requests to see config, state, and stats about your bindings and channels for monitoring or…