Spring Cloud Stream Microservice Deserialize Messages
Hello, I have set up a Spring Cloud Stream microservice with the solace configuration. This microservice has been able to take in payloads of type string or java object, but I am now receiving SpB (protobuf) messages through solace. My goal is to deserialize these messages to JSON or POJO to be able to actually work with…
EBAY: AsyncAPI 2.0: Enabling the Event-Driven World
I found this article pretty exciting and figured I'd share: AsyncAPI 2.0: Enabling the Event-Driven World Shekhar Banerjee, a principal architect at Ebay, talks about how they're adopting the use of AsyncAPI for their event-driven initiatives, how they're applying it to their microservices evolution, and even had a few…
spring cloud stream, queue provisioning
@marc HI Mark I am setting so many properties repeatedly can you please help me how can i set most of them default testQueue: producer: provisionDurableQueue: false queueNamePrefix: null useFamiliarityInQueueName: false useDestinationEncodingInQueueName: false autoBindErrorQueue: true consumer: provisionErrorQueue: false…
Batch Mode Support on Spring Cloud Stream Solace Binder
We have an use case where in we need the consumer to receive a batch of messages and process them together as a unit and post it to an outbound topic. We want the batch to be acknowledged as a whole once the processing of batch is completed by the consumer. In spring cloud kafka binder we have a "batch-mode" functionality…
Spring cloud stream
Hi Guys Can you please let me know what is causing the issue, Commenting the logs, also what are the dependency required spring boot, spring cloud, gradle to use solace 2 and above version.
Solace spring cloud stream support
Couple of questions i have * Does solace has compress support for producer ? producer: compress: true * Does autoBindError Queue is supported only in consumer or producer ? * if i enable error-channel-enabled: true, is there a way to listen to all the error together in one channel, and i would be able to drop them back to…
Spring Cloud Stream + Microservice Pub/Sub
Hello, I am creating a microservice through spring cloud stream. My idea is to have a publisher application send messages through a queue to the microservice, which will then process data, and send out the processed data to a consumer application through a queue. I am having an issue with understanding how to configure the…
Create a Spring Cloud Stream Microservice in 5 minutes
Hope everyone is having a great week. I wanted to share my newest blog and video where I show how simple it can be to get started with Spring Cloud Stream using start.spring.io & of course a Solace PubSub+ Event broker. If you've never done it, you should give it a shot! It only takes 5 minutes :) Blog is here. And Video…
Spring cloud stream -- jmsTempate
I am trying to read a message using jmsTemplate but not able to cast it, i need to read payload/body and then i have to drop that message using jmsTempate to another queue. class com.solacesystems.jms.message.SolBytesMessage cannot be cast to class javax.jms.Message
Spring cloud stream
In case when we siphon the message from an error queue we dont get from which queue it was thrown like rabbit does it by proving original queue name, also how to get all the headers i am using jmsTemplate or jndiTempated i see property to gather there is not separate method to just get all the headers, also there is method…
Solace Dynamic routing
Is dynamic routing is same as dynamic destination binding Dynamic routing as per rabbit all producer published to same queue, configured on routingKeyExpression for producer and consumer listener receives it based on bindingRoutingKey. does this can be accomplished using stream bridge or BinderAwareChannelResolver??
403: Subscription ACL Denied - Queue 'scst/wk/txGroup/plain/txError' - Topic 'txError'
Config - application.yml spring: cloud: stream: default: group: txGroup contentType: application/json consumer: concurrency: 2 maxAttempts: 1 bindings: output: consumer: group: txGroup provisionDurableQueue: true autoBindErrorQueue: true errorQueueNameOverride: txError durableSubscription: true republishToDlq: true…
Spring Cloud Stream- Consumer config, queue name included in topic subscription list
Hi We are using spring cloud stream to consume events from topics defined by publisher application. We have Organization wide agreed topic hierarchy taxonomy for all applications across the board and subscription ACL (default disallowed) is aligned only to that agreed taxonomy. In the binder property…
Solace spring cloud stream support
Currently the project is making use of rabbit mq and message channels not functions i want to replace the rabbit mq with solace so what are the changes specific to solace. Information carrying in message header Re-processing from DLQ in SOLACE feasibility and approach for duplicate handling parallelism limits on Kafka vs…
Exchange Type , Routing key support
In our existing project Exchange type and bindingRoutingKey used which is rabbit only feature what could be the work around for this feature in solace ?
Solace spring cloud stream support
Hi I am a software Engineer and my name is Atul. Currently our project is making use of rabbit mq and there are two option kafka and solace by which we will replace the solace and i am here to know more about solace i have visited the docs and vedios but they are majorly using functions but as you know i have existing code…
How can we achieve exception handling in spring-cloud-stream using solace binder?
We tried following the exception handling as per spring-cloud-stream documentation (https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-stream/docs/current/reference/html/spring-cloud-stream.html#_consumer_properties). But it is not working as expected. I have attached the spring application yaml for your review to find if something needs…
Solace Spring Cloud Release Notes
v1.1.0 of solace-spring-cloud has been released! Release info is in github here but I'm also copying below for convenience. The release is also available on maven central Solace Projects Name VersionSolace Spring Cloud BOM 1.1.0Solace Spring Cloud Stream Starter 2.1.0Solace Spring Cloud Connector 4.3.0 Global Changes *…
Develop spring cloud stream code to manually send acknowledgement post message consumption
Develop spring cloud stream code to manually send acknowledgement post message consumption "pick up message from Solace broker --> do some business logic --> if business logic successful --> ack the message so that it gets deleted from queue (if not, don't ack)"
Spring Cloud Stream Binder - Sending Persistent Messages with StreamBridge
Good morning everyone, using the spring-cloud-stream-binder-solace sending Messages via the StreamBridge, is there a possibility to send persistent Messages? "show client ... stats" only reports non-persistent messages beeing sent by the application. Thank you guys for your support and have a great day! Timo
Solace Channel Interceptors
I am trying to implement common functionality in my methods marked with @StreamListener. I tried registering a GlobalChannelInterceptor but found that the postReceive/afterReceive methods are not triggered when a message is received. Only the preSend/postSend/afterSendCompletion callbacks are executed when sending a…
A Bootiful Podcast - Spring Cloud Stream Lead Oleg Zhurakousky
If you're interested in hearing about the latest with Spring Cloud Stream & Spring Cloud Function be sure to checkout the latest podcast from Josh Long. In this episode he talks to Oleg Zhurakousky, the lead of the Spring Cloud Stream and Spring Cloud Function project. While you give it a listen keep in mind that the…
Spring Cloud Stream msgTtl on producer/supplier binding
Hi there I tried this: spring.cloud.stream.bindings.bookSupplierV1-out-0.destination=v1/bookJsonspring.cloud.stream.bindings.bookSupplierV1-out-0.binder=solace1 This works. But when I do this in addition: spring.cloud.stream.solace.bindings.bookSupplierV1-out-0.producer.msgTtl=23000 no message is sent to the destination.…
Spring Cloud Stream Consumer Binding to a DMQ
Hi there Is there a way to bind a Spring Cloud Stream consumer to a DMQ? I tried things like that: failedMessage-in-0: destination: DEAD_MSG_QUEUE contentType: "application/text" But a consumer always binds to a queue which has a subsciption to the topic (in destination), right? So this doesn't work. Is there a solution…
Solace Spring Cloud Stream and DMQ Binding
Hi there We configured an application like this: spring: cloud: stream: solace: default: prefix: myapp/${application.stage}/ consumer: prefix: ${spring.cloud.stream.solace.default.prefix} autoBindDmq: true A DMQ is created for each of our queues, and in case of application errors, the DMQ is written to. So far so good. But…
Solace Spring cloud stream and opentracing
Hi there I am trying to introduce tracing in my project, for that I defined the following dependency: io.opentracing.contrib opentracing-spring-jaeger-cloud-starter 3.1.2 There are starters for kafka, rabbitmq... But unfortunately none for Solace. Now I want to implement it on my own. What would be the best hook for a…
Reactive approach micro-services for API integration (direct using WebClient), without MessageBroker
I am implementing microservices however not planning to have any message broker. services will talk to each other with WebClient/web flux. Is there any risk of going production like this? what are the drawbacks like failover/replay?
Java Client: How to use lookup data
Hi together, what is the best way in Solace to use non static structured lookup data in a Java Client, without the use of an external system ? For example, I am getting an Id from a source system and now I want to enrich my data based on the lookup and send it back to Solace.
Java API: Working with the Topic String
Hello together, we are currently starting with Solace development and want to build different use cases. First we created a topic hierarchy, where for example a source systems stores different data parts in the topic string like: ${sourceSystem}/${stage}/${businessObject}/${objectId} Now we want to extract different parts…