🎄 Happy Holidays! 🥳
Most of Solace is closed December 24–January 1 so our employees can spend time with their families. We will re-open Thursday, January 2, 2024. Please expect slower response times during this period and open a support ticket for anything needing immediate assistance.
Happy Holidays!
Please note: most of Solace is closed December 25–January 2, and will re-open Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
Spring Cloud Stream msgTtl on producer/supplier binding
Hi there
I tried this:
spring.cloud.stream.bindings.bookSupplierV1-out-0.destination=v1/bookJson spring.cloud.stream.bindings.bookSupplierV1-out-0.binder=solace1
This works.
But when I do this in addition:
no message is sent to the destination.
The value in the SolaceProducerProperties is set to: 23000
This is also set:
public XMLMessage map(Message<?> message, SolaceProducerProperties producerProperties) {
XMLMessage xmlMessage = map(message);
if (producerProperties.getMsgTtl() != null) {
return xmlMessage;
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Hi @Mike13 ,
Weird, it's working for me. Are you getting any sort of errors on app startup? I'm trying to think of a reason it wouldn't actually send the message. This what I did just to try it out in a simple app:Version info from pom
<properties> <java.version>11</java.version> <solace-spring-cloud.version>1.1.1</solace-spring-cloud.version> <spring-cloud.version>Hoxton.SR8</spring-cloud.version> </properties>
@SpringBootApplication public class DemoApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args); } @Bean public Supplier<String> supplier(){ return () -> { System.out.println("Sending Hello World"); return "Hello World"; }; }
spring: cloud: function: definition: supplier stream: bindings: supplier-out-0: destination: output/test solace: bindings: supplier-out-0: producer: msgTtl: 23000
And then listening with
I can see the messages with the TTL set:0 -
Hey @Mike13, that's intriguing. Let me know what you find! I didn't have much time to look into it but I did quickly try using two solace binders in the same app and it continued working. Weird that for some reason using the Solace and Kafka binders together would act differently.
As a heads up I'm going out on vacation for the holidays so if I don't get back to you in a timely manner that's why