How to get which broker is in control in HA pair (primary or backup) programmatically
How to get which broker is in control in HA pair (primary or backup) programmatically using SEMP API's or any other means but not using soladmin.
Consume existing Solace Queue using Python
Hi @marc @Tamimi we have existing solace queue with topic subscription enabled. need to listen and print message flowing to that queue. tried below code & got error, please help. persistent_receiver: PersistentMessageReceiver = messaging_service.create_persistent_message_receiver_builder()\…
Failed to consume a message from destination Queue
I am using Spring cloud stream 2021.0.2 to consume messages from queue, when some messages are sent , I can see the message get spooled continously in the queue but It is not coming inside application and processed because of below exception. Please help org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException: Incorrect type…
Blocking send operation
Is there a way to invoke the send method in a blocking way? I would like to wait for the ack/nack/timeout, and continue only after I have the result. My current solution is a wrapper of the original send method, that keeps track of the sent messages and waits for the event from the event broker.
Read Consumer response object from broker in function app
Hi, We have an Event driven app which publish a payload to a topic in solace broker from Azure function app. There is a consumer which is of REST endpoint. Once the message is delivered and processed by consumer, they send a 200 OK with an object `{"message": "SUCCESS"}` . We want to read this response object from the…
Failed to consume a message from destination
I have a queue A which has many topic subscriptions. We run our microservice using Spring cloud stream stack. When queue A receives messages from different topics and processing them and all of a sudden, we see below exception stacktrace is continuously printing in the logs. I am not sure about the reason, while it is…
Python connect to solace Pubsub+ cloud
I have service created on https://console.solace.cloud/services on GCP platform and I am trying to connect to this service from python 3.7 using solace-pubsubplus pypi package: https://pypi.org/project/solace-pubsubplus/ Here is my code snippet for connecting to the service: _def publish(message): import…
MQTT QoS 1 Queue name
Hello @all, when creating a queue on the Solace Broker with an MQTT Client 3.1.1 and QoS 1 the queue name consists of two parts #mqtt/{client id}/{3 digits numeric id} For example: #mqtt/MQTTFOGarticleStore/351 #mqtt/MQTTFOGarticleStore/347 When connecting with the client the numeric id changes. Is there a way we can fix…
"{'caller_description': 'From service event callback', 'return_code': 'Unknown (503)', 'sub_code': SOLCLIENT_SUBCODE_DATA_OTHER', 'error_info_sub_code': 28, 'error_info_contents': "Exceeded Spool File Limit - Topic 'my/topic'" Still haven't resolved this issue as the docs are quite ambiguous about this error code.…
Running Software Broker using Podman on MacOS (x86)
Here are the steps to get Solace Broker running using rootless podman. We will be using brew to install podman on the host. a) Update brew brew update b) Upgrade brew brew upgrade c) Install podman brew install podman d) Create and start your podman machine podman machine init --cpus=2 --disk-size=20 --memory=4096 -v…
How can I check session is connected or not (is session active/connected)? in solclientjs
Hi All, I do have few queries regarding the session lifespan in solclientjs lib. How can I check (periodically) session is active/connected or not? When connected using oauth2 and as soon as token expires then I see the session get disconnected, how does the client application get notified for disconnection instantly? I…
.net sdk writing directly to solcache
Is there a method of writing messages directly to topics stored in solcache without current subscribers receiving the message. Wondering if message filters is the best method of doing this.
How to set replyTo using sdkPerf
Hi, I am using SDK perf tool to perform the latency test. I have been able to send a binary message but how can I set replyTo topic ? Command used to send binary message: sdkperf_c -cip=server -cp=something -cu=something -ptl=mytopic_to_publish -mr=messagerate -mn=no_of_message -stl=static_response_topic -pal=mybinary.data…
error while creating receiver flow: Max clients exceeded for queue
We are currently building the Solution to integrate with Solace. We are still developing and not using Solace in Prod. Currently only a few developers uses this Solace and we donot have that many Sessions or connections to Solace. According to the Dashboard, it is using only 2 Active connections (But actually we have…
System scaling using helm chart
Hi. I have configured solace in my dev env(using helm chart) and currently it only allows upto 100 queues/endpoints creation. To scale I tried setting systemScaling values to : But it doesn't seem to be working. I setup solace in my laptop in docker and added these as --env system_scaling_maxconnectioncount=1000 --env…
C API for iOS simulator on m1
Are there any plans to support iOS Simulator on M1 Macs?
Queue binding with Service Unavailable status
I new to Solace and I'm doing some exploration to see how this would fint in my organization. The use case straight forward, post a message from a producer to solace queue and have solace forwarding it to rest consumer. This is bit complex setup with private AWS API GW, but connectivity is there. I'm having a hard time…
StaleSessionException - Tried to call receive on a stopped message consumer
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834), exception_class=com.solacesystems.jcsmp.StaleSessionException, exception_message=Tried to call receive on a stopped message…
Acknowledge solace Msg in async way
we have a application with 3 dfiifrent profile , feeder ,transformer and consumer. each are running on different pod in cloud, feeder is reading data from solace and putting in temp DB , and then transformer is performing som logic and at last consumer is syncing data to destination ....we want ackonowledgement to solace…
Unable to connect with solace using amqps protocols with OAuth
String solaceHost = "amqps://<host>:<port>?amqp.saslMechanisms=XOAUTH2"; String solaceUsername = Username String solacePassword = access_token Error : Authentication has not completed yet. Please find attached logs
Spooled Messages gets deleted after the broker container restarts in kubernetes
Hi, We are deploying the pubsubplus broker in kubernetes cluster with helm chart. We did it using the reference doc - https://github.com/SolaceProducts/pubsubplus-kubernetes-quickstart/blob/master/pubsubplus/README.md We did set up volume in aws efs, below is the pv and pvc. And we are providing custom volume mount in…
Getting INVALID_SESSION_OPERATION after some time interval in solclientjs package while publishing
Hi All, We are using solclientjs node package for publishing message in guaranteed queue in standalone broker. PS+ broker and Publisher client is in same Kubernetes cluster. The publihser is publising message in using web protocol on to 1443 port. After some time interval '''publisher.session.send(message);''' method…
Is it possible that publisher get notified when consumer consumes message from queue?
We are looking for scenario where publisher application needs to get notified when the consumer application consumes the message so we can start some process at publisher application. Both consumer and publisher are nodejs application.
Does Python have this Cache Session??
For C#,I can use SendCacheRequest to get a synchronous cache request. But in Python I can't find any package allow request cache session? can any one help me? Thank you.
DMR cluster started multiplying messages across the mesh instead of smart subscriptions handling
I've got a setup of one backend HA group and three nodes for MQTT clients. All connected into DMR mesh. One backend node (primary) receives about 500-1k msgs/sec from a single publisher. No subscribers on the mesh at any node. Messages are trafficked across the mesh bridge links unconditionally and it seems that they even…
Unable to create connection/session using Oauth for amqps protocols
Unable to create connection/session using Oauth for amqps protocols in java. is it possible ?
How can I authenticate MQTT with OAuth?
There is very little documentation on how to accomplish this, and no working code sample that I can find. I am using the MQTTNet library with the following code: protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { var tokenRequest = await TokenProvider.RequestAccessToken(); if (!tokenRequest.TryGetToken(out var…
Golang based Solace client in Docker
Hi, I am trying to create a docker image that would contain the golang based subscriber. The subscriber is based on https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-go/blob/main/patterns/direct_subscriber.go The DockerFile looks like the following. FROM golang:1.18.0-alpine3.15 as builder WORKDIR /app #bring the go project…
Reprocess Messages from DMQ to Queue of the solace
I am able to reprocess messages from Solace DMQ to queue using the browser in JCMP solace package. But now I am facing an issue to process a particular message based on the message id or to process few messages that is there in between a date range. Please help me to find out which package or module I can use to check the…
Scaling Lambda to read multiple messages from the solace queue
I have a Solace queue. whenever a message arrives to this queue, Solace notified a REST endpoint on AWS side using API gateway using RDP , so that a lambda at the backend can go ahead and read the message from the queue. This is all good. If there are 10,000 messages, then there are 10K notification to the REST endpoint…