StaleSessionException - Tried to call receive on a stopped message consumer
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834), exception_class=com.solacesystems.jcsmp.StaleSessionException, exception_message=Tried to call receive on a stopped message…
Acknowledge solace Msg in async way
we have a application with 3 dfiifrent profile , feeder ,transformer and consumer. each are running on different pod in cloud, feeder is reading data from solace and putting in temp DB , and then transformer is performing som logic and at last consumer is syncing data to destination ....we want ackonowledgement to solace…
Unable to connect with solace using amqps protocols with OAuth
String solaceHost = "amqps://<host>:<port>?amqp.saslMechanisms=XOAUTH2"; String solaceUsername = Username String solacePassword = access_token Error : Authentication has not completed yet. Please find attached logs
Spooled Messages gets deleted after the broker container restarts in kubernetes
Hi, We are deploying the pubsubplus broker in kubernetes cluster with helm chart. We did it using the reference doc - https://github.com/SolaceProducts/pubsubplus-kubernetes-quickstart/blob/master/pubsubplus/README.md We did set up volume in aws efs, below is the pv and pvc. And we are providing custom volume mount in…
Getting INVALID_SESSION_OPERATION after some time interval in solclientjs package while publishing
Hi All, We are using solclientjs node package for publishing message in guaranteed queue in standalone broker. PS+ broker and Publisher client is in same Kubernetes cluster. The publihser is publising message in using web protocol on to 1443 port. After some time interval '''publisher.session.send(message);''' method…
Any chances of the following features to make it into the broker eventually?
1) ECDSA keys 2) Proxy Protocol V2 Does CAPI support ECDSA based TLS connections? If yes, I could get away with a TLS terminator supporting that key. Proxy protocol would be nice though to still being able to enjoy IP based access control on the broker.
Is it possible that publisher get notified when consumer consumes message from queue?
We are looking for scenario where publisher application needs to get notified when the consumer application consumes the message so we can start some process at publisher application. Both consumer and publisher are nodejs application.
Does Python have this Cache Session??
For C#,I can use SendCacheRequest to get a synchronous cache request. But in Python I can't find any package allow request cache session? can any one help me? Thank you.
DMR cluster started multiplying messages across the mesh instead of smart subscriptions handling
I've got a setup of one backend HA group and three nodes for MQTT clients. All connected into DMR mesh. One backend node (primary) receives about 500-1k msgs/sec from a single publisher. No subscribers on the mesh at any node. Messages are trafficked across the mesh bridge links unconditionally and it seems that they even…
Unable to create connection/session using Oauth for amqps protocols
Unable to create connection/session using Oauth for amqps protocols in java. is it possible ?
How can I authenticate MQTT with OAuth?
There is very little documentation on how to accomplish this, and no working code sample that I can find. I am using the MQTTNet library with the following code: protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { var tokenRequest = await TokenProvider.RequestAccessToken(); if (!tokenRequest.TryGetToken(out var…
Golang based Solace client in Docker
Hi, I am trying to create a docker image that would contain the golang based subscriber. The subscriber is based on https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-go/blob/main/patterns/direct_subscriber.go The DockerFile looks like the following. FROM golang:1.18.0-alpine3.15 as builder WORKDIR /app #bring the go project…
Reprocess Messages from DMQ to Queue of the solace
I am able to reprocess messages from Solace DMQ to queue using the browser in JCMP solace package. But now I am facing an issue to process a particular message based on the message id or to process few messages that is there in between a date range. Please help me to find out which package or module I can use to check the…
Scaling Lambda to read multiple messages from the solace queue
I have a Solace queue. whenever a message arrives to this queue, Solace notified a REST endpoint on AWS side using API gateway using RDP , so that a lambda at the backend can go ahead and read the message from the queue. This is all good. If there are 10,000 messages, then there are 10K notification to the REST endpoint…
Would it be possible for you to confirm whether this is a defect or expected behavior?
Greetings, It has come to my attention while exploring the PubSub+ Cloud Console that the "Add New" button does not appear to work properly on the Clients Profile page. Here is a screen capture that shows how to reproduce this issue: https://www.loom.com/share/5a5f23dc8b714f77a4dc4ab5c15ad463
How to retrieve the System logs using cURL command?
Hi Community, Is there any option available to retrieve the System logs using cURL command in the shell script? Kindly let me know if there is any option available. Appreciate your support. Thanks, Rahul.
DeliveryCount error
Hello, I have a .net application which subscribe to a Solace queue and I’m able to get the messages and to acknowledge them. After the acknowledge (with success) I receive an error: C# SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.OperationErrorException: Failed to get Delivery Count at…
golang example to read from queue via solace golang API
Hi, I was able to use the golang solace API to read messages from a topic but I need to read and acknowledge them from a queue. Is this possible? So far I was only able to do this via amqp sdk - I used the azure one. If yes: Can someone share a simple a code example? It should be a non exclusive queue...
Applying ACL profile on Queue Subscription!
Hi There! i have a scenario to apply ACL policy for a JMS Subscriber, i would want them to subscribe only from specific Queue. Is there any possibility of achieving this with PubSub+ Broker? Currently i can see i can give exemptions on Topic in ACL profile but not Queues
Errors on Lesson 1 of the Battleship Course
This isn't pubsub+ related, but I'm not sure where to put it. On lesson 1 of the battleship course, it instructs to use node.js for the frontend. I have tried using the solution code, but I get the same error no matter what I do. Not sure how to deal with this? I have tried a fresh install of Node.js, the code etc.
Can OAuth authorization be used while using amqp10 package for amqps protocol to connect solace brok
In my nodejs based application I am trying to connect solace broker using amqps protocol and package I am using is **amqp10 ** however I am unable to connect it. As per the doc I am creating the uri as 'amqps://:@broker-host:5671?amqp.saslMechanisms=XOAUTH2'. But this is not working. Any suggestions? Please share if any…
golang publisher error message
Hi, i have written a golang base message producer using the solace golang API/SDK. I create random messages and can define a level of parallelism and a message length. The program works fine and creates some 1k's of messages per sec for 1k long messages. But after some time it always terminates with…
mqtt subscribe disallow does not trigger disconnect
Hello, i defined such a "subscribe acl" . I tested with paho mqtt client and can subscribe also not allowed topic without disconnect. Can anyone say, why i'm not disconnected during subscibe not allowed topic ? (i expect a disconnect, but this does not occur.) ...because if i try publish not allowed topic, there is a…
Docker and Configuration Files (Backup/Restore)
Hi all, Am semi-new to Solace but wanting to ensure it is solid and stable from the start, even during my early testing... Have successfully deployed Solace within AWS using Autoscaling group (1 of 1) to an EC2 behind a load balancer - all pretty standard server items. However i am struggling to find how to either launch…
Security Scan against solace/solace-pubsub-standard:latest (2 months ago) shows 6 HIGH prio vulnerab
Hello, Security Scan against solace/solace-pubsub-standard:latest (ec1886a90f54 2 months ago) shows 6 HIGH prio vulnerabilities is there anybody who knows when solace will fix it and also in enterprise versions ? Any hint / script fix this fast from community ? output generated with docker-desktop and extension trivy…
Not able to update JWT using updateProperties()
Hi Solace Community, I am using the Java Api version 1.1 Currently I am experiencing a problem that I am unable to resolve where calling the "updateProperty()" function for the messaging service isn't logging, returning feedback or actually changing the JWT token that I am sending. The JWT I am generating is successfully…
How to check if one of the brokers on both sides is down.
Hi Community, I wanted to check if one of the brokers on both side is down due to HA switch or similar issue. Is there any option available to find out if both sides are down or only one side is down ? I have checked the System logs but I can only see the HA redundancy state changes or VPN_BRIDGING_LINK_DOWN. Kindly let me…
Enable Distributed Tracing
Hello Everyone , I am using Solace Software broker Standard edition . I want to try out the Demo version of the Distributed Tracing . I get the blow error when I run the commands : Solace(configure/message-vpn)# create telemetry-profile test Invalid command input create telemetry-profile test ^ -> unknown…
Can Oauth be used with amqp10 lib?
I am connecting my nodejs based application to solace broker using OAuth & mqtts protocol. I am using solclientjs API and which is working perfect. Now I am trying to connect using amqps protocol in same application and using amqp10 package however I am unable to connect it. As per the doc I am creating the uri as…
Message Type Text versus Binary
The handling of messages and message type is quite confusing as even most examples of code assume to send messages in binary format. What is solace recommendation for structured text messages ? (like json, xml, csv,...) Here the facts as i understood them: Default is always sending as binary message type Rest Messanging…