Creating a bridge between two different pubsub+ instances results in 404.
I have deployed two instances of PubSub+ on separate Kubernetes clusters, both accessible via domain names, and I can successfully log in through the portal. My goal is to connect these instances using a Message VPN bridge. However, when attempting to establish this connection, I encounter a 404 unsuccessful HTTP response.…
Solace Pubsub+ Event Broker Operator is Now Available!
Solace Community, I am excited to announce that Solace has launched its own Kubernetes Operator a.k.a Solace Pubsub+ Event Broker Operator , Version 1.0.0 and it is available at https://github.com/SolaceProducts/pubsubplus-kubernetes-quickstart. Pubsub+ Event Broker Operator makes event broker deployment declarative in a…
Hi Trying to setup connectors pubsubplus-connector-aws-kinesis , but struggle to understand the documentation. 1. Were must this be running? Connecting to Services on the Host If services (e.g. PubSub+ event broker) are exposed on the localhost, they can be referred to using the container platform’s special DNS name which…
Pods are not running and failing very often
Hello Team, I have deployed the pubsub+ HA using helm chart in the GDCE environment (Google Distributed Cloud Edge) which is GKE cluster. There are 3 nodes, hence 3 pods are suppose to run. but 2 pods are failing very often. and one pod is about to start, but not starting. One of the Pod log says: "ERROR:…
Will JCSMPInboundChannelAdapter have configurable shutdownInterruptThresholdInMillis?
Hello, we are experiencing an issue with graceful shutdown of an application. We are using spring cloud "com.solace.spring.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace:4.1.0" There is no awaiting for the termination and messages finish in the error queue. Is there a better way to gracefully stop and resume? Will configuring…
K8s industrial environment
Hi guys, im the new guy, with a lot of questions - hopefully you can help me :-) I want to check if the solace broker is a good solution for our industrial k8s environments. (1) Im wondering because i cant find any helm charts for a production deployment, how do you guys operate your broker in a ha environment? I found the…
Expose Solace Service to the Internet using Kong Ingress
I am using Solace PubSub+ standard, which is deployed using Helm Chart. All pods and services are up and running. I have exposed Solace service into the internet using Kong Ingress. Issue is I am able to expose using root path, I want to use custom path. Please help me with the configuration changes that are made.
Want to make two pods communicate through Solace pubSub.
I have two pods in different namespace in Kubernetes and want each pod talk to other pods through solace, could you please tell me how I implement the same?
Solace JMS Channel closing on it's own when running on a Kubernetes cluster (Spring Boot Autoconfig)
Log snippet: {"com.solacesystems.jcsmp.protocol.impl.TcpClientChannel","label": "Client-109: Connected to host 'orig=host:55555, scheme=tcp://, host=host, port=55555' (smfclient 109)"} {"com.solacesystems.jcsmp.protocol.impl.TcpClientChannel","label":"Client-109: Channel Closed (smfclient 109)"} It basically loops like…
Help finding reason for Solace Pubsub+ Standard on GCP Kubernetes Autopilot costing so much
Dear all, It's a long shot, but this community has pulled off some amazing solutions, so it's worth a try. We're positioning Solace as part of a business solution for one of our customers. The solution as a whole is deployed in a single GCP Kubernetes autopilot cluster, including the Solace PubSub+ Standard workload. Now,…
TLS port not working after TLS enabling on a deployed Solace Broker
Hello, I have deployed a Solace Broker software helm chart which I've found on artifact hub -> There I have accessed a "Default values" section where I have downloaded a yaml configuration file in order to adjust it according to my needs. As a default setting we have a disabled TLS property (image below) -> At this point…
Spooled Messages gets deleted after the broker container restarts in kubernetes
Hi, We are deploying the pubsubplus broker in kubernetes cluster with helm chart. We did it using the reference doc - https://github.com/SolaceProducts/pubsubplus-kubernetes-quickstart/blob/master/pubsubplus/README.md We did set up volume in aws efs, below is the pv and pvc. And we are providing custom volume mount in…
kubernetes persistence volume issues
Hi all, I am using k8s to deploy solace pubsub +. While setting the persistence volumes, I hit a permission issue and here are some error messages: Starting PubSub+ Software Event Broker Container: Sun Jan 15 05:04:27 UTC 2023 Setting umask to 022 Sun Jan 15 05:04:27 UTC 2023 INFO: startup-broker.sh-Node ordinal: 0 Sun Jan…
Solace Exposing Event Broker Services to External Traffic (outside k8 cluster)
Hi Team, I have installed Solace through helm on k8 cluster, i would like to expose it through mqtt - 8883 amqps - 5671 https - 1443 some one please help me how can i expose above solace outside k8 cluster note: I have gone through below docs as well,…
Close connection on openshift every 2sec
My consumer connection to solace is closed after every 2seconds that leads to fail big message more than 5 mb read. Please suggest
Solace SpringCloudStream PubSub model using durable topic endpoint
We have a requirement to stop listening to queue when any error occurred while processing. We are on Kubernates and we have many instances of an application which listening to the same queue, so if i try to stop listening to queue using the service name it stops only one instance others still listening to the queue. As in…
Recently some of the microservice AMQP applications are disconnected based on the solace event logs. However, the microservice AMQP applications did not detect any "CONNECTION_CLOSE" event. And, the applications did not trigger DISCONNECT action. Is there any documentation of the reasons and the explanation for the causes…
How can we achieve solace message delivery of at least once with variable number of pods?
We have a kubernetes deployment having 2 pods. We want to send messages to both these pods in 1:n way (each message should be received by both) and each message should be delivered at least once(QoS1). To achieve the same, we have a topic and 4 queues created beforehand. All four queues are subscribed to the topic and…
Deploying own TLS certs on a broker that is deployed on AKS (K8S in azure)
Hi all together, I tried to achieve following: Having custom TLS certificates on our Solace broker that is deployed on an azure Kubernetes services (AKS) cluster. This is due to the requirement that only internal traffic is allowed for internal customers of our solace broker. We have a k8s Loadbalancer that routes all the…
New blog post: Event-driven logging with Elastic stack
Hi folks, I just published a post around event-enabling logging with Elastic stack, specifically for Kubernetes environment. This is based on few discussions with customers and friends who were looking on embarking EDA and also not fully benefiting from their logs yet :) Happy to chat if anyone has any feedback! Thanks! Ari
Error running Solace under Kubernetes on WSL
Hello, I have been struggling to get Solace running under k8s on WSL. I have tried using the Helm templates here: https://github.com/SolaceProducts/pubsubplus-kubernetes-quickstart and using the Docker compose template here: https://github.com/SolaceLabs/solace-single-docker-compose In both cases the container stops with…
HA deployment of Solace on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster
Hi, I'm trying to perform an HA deployment of Solace (with Primary, Backup and Monitor nodes) in a cluster. ref: https://github.com/SolaceProducts/pubsubplus-gke-quickstart I want to assign a smaller CPU size of node for the monitor node, and regular CPU size of node for primary and backup nodes. Supposed that I have…