s/w broker Emulation library for Unit testing in automated environment
Is there a broker emulation library that helps developer unit test their code? Does not have to be full fledged supporting all the features of the Solace broker but basic functionality like publish/subscribe success/not-success. This allows developer to test their code in a automated testing environment like github/jenkins…
Docker container failed to start with Windows Bind Mount
I am using Docker Desktop on Windows 10. I followed this guide to externalize the storage of docker container: https://docs.solace.com/Software-Broker/Container-Tasks/Config-Container-Storage.htm#Examples_of_Configuring_External_Storage The container is created but failed to start with last record in log: "Unable to raise…
Getting error "solace failed to provision endpoint" while creating the queue manually
Hi, I am new to solace, trying to create the queue by referring the below tutorial https://tutorials.solace.dev/dotnet/persistence-with-queues/ , however i am getting error while executing the code. Also tried creating the topic with help of below article and code executed successfully but cant see topic created the on…
Feature Summary for the PubSub+ Messaging APIs
Hi All, If you have not checked out this page in the solace docs - I would highly recommend that. A matrix of API capabilities across languages in one place. Link to docs here - https://docs.solace.com/API/Messaging-APIs/Solace-APIs-Overview.htm
How to create multiple spans and identify as 1 trace in jaeger?
Hello all, I'm trying to implement multiple spans and those spans should be identified as 1 trace in jaeger. (As shown in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uwy26zPc-o&t=1118s at 24:12 timing he shows the same concept.) I'm using java to implement. Can someone provide some ideas, tips and tricks, which could be a…
Parallel processing of messages by Solace
Hi, We have a scenario to process the messages at a faster rate and in parallel with solace consumer/listener, so would like to get clarified on the questions below. If the scenario above is possible & supported by solace, how many threads are permissible & configured to do the parallel processing? Does it require any…
Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Python releases
The following product has been released and is available for download: * Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Python 1.1.0 Release Summary: The following new features have been added to this updated API: * Direct Messaging Request/Reply * Structured Data Type Support for Publish and Consume * Message Replay Support * Message…
Running Software Broker using Podman on Ubuntu
Here are the steps to get Solace Broker running using rootless podman on Ubuntu Linux. a) Update packages sudo apt-get update -y b) Install additional packages sudo apt-get install curl wget gnupg2 -y c) Refresh system identification information source /etc/os-release d) Update repositories sudo sh -c "echo 'deb…
copy-message available in sempv2?
copy-message available in sempv2? And in which version is so.
Solace listener blocks http listener
Hi Team, I'm trying to use solace message receiver is my python project . I'm successfully able to connect with solace queue and receiving messages but once solace service is connected I'm not able to procced with http request on same server . Could you help guide me on this ?
Two or more consumers for different topics
Here in this question, I managed to solve the queue issue: Two or more consumers for different queues Now, the following question remains: In the same application, I need to process non-persistent messages, which are sent to different topics and have different formats: 1) update-certificate; 2) update-credentials; In this…
How to retain original message properties like topic and sender ID when a message is moved to a DMQ
Hi, We are using Solace properties to dynamically route messages in Boomi on the Boomi listener side. For example sender ID or topic. However, if a message is moved to a DMQ after x retries, these properties are gone. My question is: is it possible to retain these properties? What happens now is that, after we moved the…
Solace PubSub Standard docker image for M1 Mac
Can I please know if you are planning to release ARM docker image for Solace PubSub standard in the near future? New engineers in our team uses M1 Mac but they can’t setup Solace locally in their docker as the current images do not work on M1 Mac and they are blocked at the moment due to this issue. Cheers, Smith
Introducing the "copy-message" command
Exciting news, Solace developers and administrators! You can now copy messages between queues! PubSub+ Event Broker version 10.0.0 has a new management command, copy-message, that lets a broker administrator copy a message from the replay log to a queue, or from one queue to another (like from a DMQ to a client’s queue).…
Two or more consumers for different queues
In this example, I see only one consumer, in one subscription like here: https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-java-jcsmp/blob/master/src/main/java/com/solace/samples/jcsmp/HelloWorld.java How should I create one consumer/listener for different queues? For instance, one consumer for certificateUpdate and another…
Send does not work, gives WaitingForDNS error yet connect() doesn't fail
I'm not sure whether my earlier post was misplaced, hopefully this is a better place. I'm trying to do a pub/sub tutorial, both publishing 1 message and subscribing to the queue. The original JS code as Solace created on Github. I'm trying to Typescript-ify the code and now it says OperationError: Cannot perform operation…
Authentication on reconnect?
I'm developing an application with the Java API. The application is a long running server. We are authenticating with username and password, and our passwords are rotated every twelve hours. It's not clear to me if sessions need to be reauthenticated on reconnection. If they do is there a way to update the PASSWORD in a…
Client Certificate Authentication Is Shutdown - How to activate?
user@broker-vm:/var/opt/solace/jail/logs$ tail event.log 2022-09-21T09:55:08.842+00:00 <local3.notice> broker-defaultshard-primary-vm event: VPN: VPN_BRIDGING_LINK_REJECTED: vapnonprod_vpn - Message VPN (1) vapnonprod_vpn Bridge edge_defaultshard.to.core_b from VPN vapnonprod_vpn rejected: Service Unavailable…
Return error information after enable TLSv1.2 on .Net Platform:
TLSV1,TLSv1.2 is working, Session connect is ok. But Return error information after enable TLSv1.2: [18:53:51 ERR] Exception thrown Operation Error: ReturnCode = SOLCLIENT_NOT_READY Error Info: (Subcode=CommunicationError, Error string=SSL establishment failed as the client due to 5 (ret -1, 'Peer closed socket') for…
Automatically run cli script during/after docker startup
Hello, is there a place or option somewhere that allows us to automatically run CLI scripts right after the startup completed ? The idea comes from PostgreSQL where you can create .sql files and place them in a specific path (here initdb.d) and they will get automatically executed. [...] If you would like to do additional…
Subscribing with #noexport fails to receive messages
Per the Solace docs, if I prefix my topic with "#noexport," I should be able to subscribe to the topic, but the subscription will not be advertised to adjacent nodes by MNR or DMR. But I'm having trouble getting that to work. In the below example, everything takes places on the same broker. Here is my publisher: 2022-10-20…
Queue not able to send expiry message to DMQ
Hi, I created 2 message queue 1) Main_Queue 2) DEAD_MSG_QUEUE The main queue has been configured 'DEAD_MSG_QUEUE' as DMQ name and 'Respect TTL enabled' with Maximum TTL (sec) as 180 sec. A producer is sending a message with DMQEligible to true and when the trough dashboard i can verify that message properties for…
When the fix "Q1CY2023" will be available for the usage ?
Will it fix the StalesessionException issue ? at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834), exception_class=com.solacesystems.jcsmp.StaleSessionException, exception_message=Tried to call receive on a stopped message…
Delete All Messages on a Queue/Topic Endpoint now available in Broker Manager and SEMPv2
One of the most requested features from our management users has been the ability to Delete All messages in one action from a Queue or Topic Endpoint. Well, I have good news! This feature is now available in version 10.0.1 of PubSub+ Event Broker. The Broker Manager UI now has an "Action" to "Delete All Messages" in either…
Protected Request Headers collection now available for RDP Queue Bindings
What? Solace has introduced a new collection/list of "Protected" Request Headers that management users can manage via PubSub+ Broker Manager, SEMPv2, and CLI management interfaces. The Protected Request Headers are exactly the same as the existing Request Headers collection that defines the REST header/value pairs defined…
Hello....first post in the community so please be gentle. What is the difference between PubSubCache+ and Solcache ? is it just a rename? I want to try to push solcache as a solution for reference data store however, one restriction that I can't seem to suggest a solution for is: example: Object is Listing and Stock is…
Close connection on openshift every 2sec
My consumer connection to solace is closed after every 2seconds that leads to fail big message more than 5 mb read. Please suggest
Solace PubSub+ APIs (JMS/JCSMP, C, .NET) are released
In case you don't get the email notifications I just wanted to share the latest API info! Download from solace.com/downloads or grab them from the Solace Products site :)
Set ApplicationMessageType via REST API?
I rely on the ApplicationMessageType property to map received events back to the POCOs that they were generated from. I am publishing events from a Blazor WASM application, and can't use the SolaceSystems NuGet package since it won't run in a WASM environment. Thus, I'm using an HttpClient with the REST API. I've looked…
Solace SpringCloudStream PubSub model using durable topic endpoint
We have a requirement to stop listening to queue when any error occurred while processing. We are on Kubernates and we have many instances of an application which listening to the same queue, so if i try to stop listening to queue using the service name it stops only one instance others still listening to the queue. As in…