Solace MQTT
Hi community, I have two queries for using MQTT with Solace (1) Can we set TTL for QoS 1 , so that for the created Queue , the same TTL is associated with it ? (2) Can we bind second consumer to an exclusive queue which has been already created before by another consumer ? We noticed with java-mqtt-paho library, when we…
Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Go releases
The following product has been released and is available for download: · Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Go 1.0.0 Release Summary This is the first release of the PubSub+ Messaging API for Go. Solace created this API to support the growing Go ecosystem and to address customer demand to create applications in Go that can…
Non-Exclusive Queue using AMQP
Hi, can it be possible to create non-exclusive queue using amqp in solace ? I am exploring Apache Qpid JMS 2.0 over AMQP 1.0 I checked solace-samples-amqp-qpid-jms2/QueueConsumer.java at master · SolaceSamples/solace-samples-amqp-qpid-jms2 (github.com) and it creates an exclusive queue and connects the consumer to the…
Window size(prefetch) control of unacknowledged message in Node.js
The messages in our system need to be processed in sequential (we expect the message to be handled one after another) and we are trying to build a queue consumer with the liberary solclientjs. (https://www.npmjs.com/package/solclientjs) I read some blogs and posts that mentioned two keywords the flow windowSize and…
Native C# Client for Web Sockets
Hi all! I need to connect via WebSockets to an on-prem Solace Broker from my native app (UWP written in C#). I also need to add I the Connect() HTTP request a specific HTTP Header "Authorization" with a Bearer token that I generate in the app. I cannot see a way to configure the Solace C# SDK to perform such a custom…
1:n behavior using AMQP
Hi, we have multiple instances of application and when we publish a message, all instances should get the message. we can achieve the same using native soalce api using queue and topic. We create multiple queues and subscribe the same topic to each queue. And each instance of the application consumes from the respective…
Channel immediately getting closed after connecting to host
main impl.TcpClientChannel:55 - Client-1: Client channel (smfclient 1) starting KA timer main impl.KeepaliveTimeoutHandler:28 - Created new KA timer handler main impl.TcpChannel:300 - Scheduling KA timer in 3000ms main impl.ChannelOpStrategyClient:381 - ** Got CLIENTCTRL, updating P2PINBOX to…
Durable Queue Inactive Consumer Indication
Hi community, we are exploring the Active/Inactive Consumer Indication feature of solace queue. We have created a durable queue at Solace and connected two consumers with the queue. We have tried with Java and Nodejs. (1) JAVA JCSMP API public void handleEvent(Object source, FlowEventArgs event) { System.out.println("Flow…
Non Exclusive Queue Behavior using MQTT
Hi, we have multiple consumers connected to a durable non-exclusive queue and when we send a message to the queue , only one of the consumers gets the message. Can it be possible to achieve the same behavior using MQTT / java-paho-mqtt ?
How can we achieve solace message delivery of at least once with variable number of pods?
We have a kubernetes deployment having 2 pods. We want to send messages to both these pods in 1:n way (each message should be received by both) and each message should be delivered at least once(QoS1). To achieve the same, we have a topic and 4 queues created beforehand. All four queues are subscribed to the topic and…
How to get the number of current consumers of a durable queue ?
Hi, is there any native API (Java, NodeJS, GoLang) by which we can get the number of current consumers of a durable queue ? one way is to use SEMP API ("GET /msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/txFlows"). We are looking if there way way to do the similar task using some native API.
How to access the Solace CLI
I am using docker image to run the solace broker. The image is solace/solace-pubsub-standard:latest . I would like to access the CLI and for example check the current version or log checking. I followed the steps but it seems that there is not enough access right for me. I would like to ask what is the correct way to…
How to use the guranteed publisher
Hi all, I am trying out the guranteed_publisher.py: https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-python/blob/master/patterns/guaranteed_publisher.py There is a callback on_publish_receipt: https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-python/blob/master/patterns/guaranteed_publisher.py#L43 I see that is the…
Event Broker version availabilitry
Hi @marc I have seen the event broker version available in trial version of pub sub+ cloud is whereas the latest one is Can you please suggest why the same is not availbale in trial version. Would like to do some POC on Oauth using SEMP Regards Prosenjit Das
Non-Durable Queue Lifecycle
Hi Community, I am going through Understanding Solace Endpoints: Durable vs. Non-Durable - Solace and tried to create Queues using Solace Java API (jcsmp). We could see that Non-Durable queue gets deleted if it is disconnected from Client for more than 60 seconds. Can it be possible to increase more than 60 seconds , for…
What problems solace solves when I use an Async API
What problems solace solves when I use an Async API where I clearly define the spec that has the channels , payloads , whats the role of Solace when you use an Async API.
Each time my consumer/subscriber application is redeloyed, the messages are redelivered from the sta
Let us say I have received/ processed 18000 messages over subscriber/ consumer. The subscriber has been redeployed, now I see all the 18000 messages being sent across to the subscriber all over again. Why is this happening? My deployment model is a zero downtime RTF based
ClientAck behavior in case ack is not sent (timeout)
Hello everyone, I'm trying to implement the transactional client with timeout-based delivery in Solace leveraging the ClientAck mode but I'm struggling to understand what is the timeout setting used by Solace to redeliver a message in case the consumer that receives the message does not send the Ack within a specified…
Estimation of expected background traffic for a subscriber that is not receiving data?
Suppose I have a c# application which receives guaranteed messages from a solace pubsub+ broker. The application runs as a windows service or daemon. In other words it is always running, but essentially just sitting idle (asynchronously waiting on an IAsyncEnumerable) when there is no data to process. Under this scenario I…
Topic Naming Validation via Regex
Hi Solace Community, I wonder if anyone else before had the need to validate topic names (including wildcards), for example in CI/CD pipelines. Because I couldn't find anything, I've tried myself to assemble a regex that validates the general structure of topic names. By no means I feel like it's perfect, however at least…
Assert Durable Queues Into Existence Via AMQP?
Hello, I'm used to RabbitMQ / AMQP 0-9-1. Clients with the right credentials can assert queues into existence and bind them to multiple topic bindings. Clients can specify if queues are durable etc. It's quite convenient. I'm trying to get the same thing working in Solace via AMQP 1.0. Sorry but I'm not super familiar with…
PubSub+ Event Broker is Now Available in the Red Hat Certified Catalog
The following products have been released and are available for download: PubSub+ Event Broker Red Hat Certified Container PubSub+ Event Broker Red Hat OpenShift Certified Helm Chart Release Summary: Solace PubSub+ Software Event Broker is now available in the Red Hat Catalog. PubSub+ release 9.13.0 and all subsequent…
Solace Software standard version Upgrade for AWS
Currently we are using Solace Software Stand version 9.8 and we are planning to upgrade to 9.12. As per the documentaion available to upgrade solace version for AWS, We ahve to download entire AWS Instance. Is there a way we can upgrade only the solace service version instead of downloading the entire AWS Instance ?
REST Consumer (RDP) OAuth JWT Authentication
Hi All, I am trying to configure service account authentication from solace REST consumer using OAuth JWT Authentication as specified here: https://docs.solace.com/Configuring-and-Managing/Managing-RDPs.htm#managing_rest_messaging_1948951837_1004979. My HTTP endpoint is Cloud Run service in Google Cloud Platform and needs…
How can you find topics that have no subscriptions?
A publisher can be producing events on a topic that have no interested consumers. Is there a way to list those topics for the purposes of clean-up or decommission of unused flows? This condition would also be causing the client counter Ingress Discard - No Subscription Match to increment.
How do I publish a bytearray on the Solace Direct Publisher?
Hello everyone! Trying to publish a bytearray instead of an outbound message object on the direct publisher but it seems nothing is being published / subscriber is mishandling the received message. Can't seem to figure out which. Here is my publisher script: def publish_one(self, msg, _topic): try: topic =…
Issues with running Solace Helm chart with Redundancy and TLS enabled.
Trying to figure out what reason this would not work. I am able to use the solace helm chart (https://github.com/SolaceProducts/pubsubplus-kubernetes-quickstart) to run solace in my GKE kubernetes cluster with tls enabled using my cert secret, however when I enable redundancy, 2 of the pods will not become ready. I was…
Latest version and release notes of C API
Hi All, A quick question. How can I check the latest version of C API library(solclient) and release notes showing updates history? I can see server side release notes but not client. :< Many thanks in advance, Kia
Solace spring cloud stream - pubsub
I was going through this post and got to know how can i work with topic, i can have many queues subscribing to one topic and each get message right ? i can have one queue subscribing to many topic as well right ? Topic subscription on Queues makes it persist, but.. if the application is scaling up and down with many…
Pub-sub with multiple consumers having offline capabilities
Hi, We have an application running with multiple instances and consuming from a solace queue. We want all the instances to receive messages. Currently, only one of them receives messages. The instances can be scaled up and down dynamically and if one of them is offline, they should be able to receive messages after coming…