Error creating consumers: intern error creating consumers (503: mac client exceeded for durable topi
Analysis: I have increased max bind count from 1 to 50!! Is it correct? Kindly help!!
Delete all subscriptions from a queue in one shot
Hello, Is there anyway to delete all subscriptions in one shot from a queue using Legacy SEMP and SEMP V2? @nram @Aaron Thank you
Solace/Boomi moves all messages to DMQ if a single message fails after x retries
It appears that our Solace test instance moves all messages to the DMQ if a single message fails after x retries. Example: Queue X contains 100 messages Queue X settings: retries = 3 Boomi listener retrieves 1 message from the queue, which fails. Then Boomi retries the messages 3 times (OK), but then Solace moves all 100…
FlowHandle received incoming message (flow stopped or duplicate received)
Hi All, When I try to configure Solace for multiple VPN connections, I am getting below exception while publishing message to ConsumerFlow. Please help. "FlowHandle received incoming message (flow stopped or duplicate received), ignoring. Could not reply for correlationId: 3926add4-4aab-4472-b7ab-4d460e0ecf30","exception"
Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for OpenMAMA releases
The following has been released and is available for download: * Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for OpenMAMA Please refer to the product release notes for information on new features, changed functionality, resolved issues, known issues and upgrade considerations. Release Summary The following fix has been introduced…
FlowHandle received incoming message (flow stopped or duplicate received)
Hi All, When I try to configure Solace for multiple VPN connections, I am getting below exception while publishing message to ConsumerFlow. Please help. "FlowHandle received incoming message (flow stopped or duplicate received), ignoring. Could not reply for correlationId: 3926add4-4aab-4472-b7ab-4d460e0ecf30","exception"
Correct handling of keepalive with go-amqp
Hi Solace Community, as long as the SMF API for golang is not available, we would like to create a reference implementation using golang with AMQP and PubSub+. Instead of QPID, we want to use https://github.com/Azure/go-amqp, because it does not require C bindings and looks way more easy to handle. The example on github…
Configuring Solace with Ansible : ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'solace_client_username'
Hi there, I am trying to use Ansible to configure solace (create client usernames and acl-profles) however i get an Error (at least one right now). The error says: ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'solace_client_username'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.The error…
measure size of queued messages - how identify how many messages >10k shipped ?
measure size of queued messages. How identify how many messages >10k shipped ? i only see the queue but not the size of message. show queue ...
Subscribing to EVENTS published by Broker
Under the reserved topics section of docs - have a question This is pretty close to tracking lifecycle changes of Broker managed objects as events at runtime, really great. However, I did not receive any events even with a wild-card subscription '#LOG/>' in 'try-me' tab on the PS+ manager tool. The doc says - "Subscribed…
Config-Sync not successful after failover to backup node
Hello All Recently we have issue on config-sync in Solace HA setup. solace usual setup with primary / backup / Monitor. there is no issue with Redundancy, when we move primary to backup. The same time Config-sync show down one of the environment. same setup with 5 set of solace HA was up and running no issue. except the…
SolAdmin releases
Version This maintenance release of SolAdmin includes: * The Commons Collections component was updated to address CVE-2015-6420 and CVE-2017-15708 and internal test code that included a hard-coded secret was removed. (reference # SOL-38177) * SolAdmin now uses Pre-emptive Basic Negotiation when sending requests to…
Automating configuration with cli scripts
Hi, Is there an option to automate configuration scripts written with cli commands. For example: enableconfiguremessage-pool message-vpn defaultcreate queue <MYQUEUE>no shutdownexitexitexit Having a file create_queue.sh with above statements and execute a command something like: solacectl cli create_queue.sh. Is there any…
Levels for naming topic/queue names
Is it always required to provide pattern of all 4 levels when we create a solace topic?
Integration testing without a broker
Hi, I am using solace java jcsmp and want to do some integration tests across gradle modules. The main issue is that we can't use a solace broker in this particular case, so using a local container with the broker isn't an option. Is there an alternative such as mocking the broker somehow?
Special characters (/, *,>,!) in SEMPv2
We have queue subscription topics that contain special characters like (/, asterick, !, >). We to want use SEMP V2 to delete particular subscriptions for a queue. I found the below SEMP v2 call to delete. /msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/subscriptions/{subscriptionTopic} But, since my subcriptionTopic…
Connection attempt failed to host '' ConnectException com.solacesystems.jcsmp
I was following the below page to use solace using docker. https://solace.com/products/event-broker/software/getting-started/ It installed and I can see solace is running as well but I am not able to connect it. I tried using the browser (localhost:8080) as mentioned on the page. Nothing running. I tried with JAVA API on…
SEMP script required for Enabling/Disabling VPN
I am trying to write powershell/BASH script to enable/disable VPN. Can anyone give me a sample script (BASH or powershell) Assume My VPN URL is this: let's assume user name is admin. Password is ADMpwd1
Choosing a broker version > 9.6 on Solace PubSub+ Cloud on Developer service type (eval)
By default the version 9.6 is selected - and there are no other versions of Broker available to choose from the list. How do we get access to latest versions?
How to trigger a solace supplier
I have a supplier function that will produce messages to a solace broker. By default, the supplier is called every second to generate messages. But in my case, I want to explicitly call the supplier based on an internal event. How do I do that?
One message multiple consumer
Hi I am trying to use Solace for cache invalidation and the use case is the following: I have 3 consumers (3 instances of the application). They are all listeners for the same queue. What i am trying to achieve is when one of the instance publish a message to the topic (has subsciption to the queue) all the consumers to be…
Comparison - DMR vs MNR
Based on my reading, both features serve the scaling needs of an enterprise - is there a feature comparison list of these two. When would a MNR be used over DMR or vice versa?
How to integrate information and solace for sending json file to solace message queue ?
How to integrate informatica power center and solace for sending json file to solace message queue ? What are the prerequisite required for this integration
How to get access to the document referred in "Guaranteed Message Publish Window Sizes" blog
In the blog titled "Understanding Guaranteed Message Publish Window Sizes and Acknowledgments " by @Dishant Langayan on solace.com refers to a document on SFTP with an interesting title "Solace Feature Provision Guide" - but clicking on the link asks for credentials. Wondering how one can get access to this document?
Queue: It's a Noun... It's a Verb... It's Both (2 of 2)
Queue as a noun, represents a list of objects, commands, etc., stored in a retrievable, definite order in the order of insertion. Queue as a verb, represents an operation to (re)arrange items from the set of operations such as dequeue, browse, replicate, empty, etc available on a queue. Solace Queues are created and…
Maximum node limit for a DMR cluster
Hi there, I want to know what is the limit of the maximum number of nodes in a DMR cluster (software event brokers)? I vaguely remember that the maximum is 15, but I'm not sure, and I can't find the documentation now, could anyone help me to find the answer?
Release notes for versions before
I saw the release notes here and found only the release notes after I would like to know the release notes before this version, where should I go them, thanks. :)
Solace Platform for Practice
I am a new learner. I like to practice Solace Integration from Java and Python. Do I need to download Solace and install ? Or any Docker available ? Or is there Solace in Cloud that I can connect form My Java and Python for the practice ? I like to have 5 clients and 1 server and exchange the messages or events among them.…
How to disable TTL (Time to live) using solace-pubsubplus python library
I am following the sample programs present on this official repo of Solace. https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-python/tree/master/samples The publication and subscription of messages are working, its just that I want the messages to be published with TTL set to False. I am not able to find any documentation or…
[New Video] Event Topics: Kafka vs Solace Implementations
https://video.solace.com/watch/DeMUHktSKDKCbf5kXh4YJZ When you build operational and distributed applications and microservices using event-driven architecture and the pub/sub pattern, it is important to consider how you define your event topics. Do you want to use the flat topic structure by Kafka or an advanced event…