Solace Spring Cloud Stream and DMQ Binding
Hi there We configured an application like this: spring: cloud: stream: solace: default: prefix: myapp/${application.stage}/ consumer: prefix: ${spring.cloud.stream.solace.default.prefix} autoBindDmq: true A DMQ is created for each of our queues, and in case of application errors, the DMQ is written to. So far so good. But…
Quickstart Guide to Solace PubSub+ on Oracle Cloud (OCI) 2nd. Gen.
Hi everyone, I built a detailed guide on how to get the Solace Pubsub+ SW broker running on Oracle’s cloud, aka OCI 2nd Gen. I used Solace’s own GCP QuickStart as a basis (kudos to @Balazs, @KenBarr, and @ChristianHoltfurth) and went through all the steps to have your Solace instance running in no time, both in Standalone…
Can't connect to manager using TLS on port 1943
Hi, I've installed a Solace broker on an EC2 instance for test & training purposes. Works OK, we are able to manage the broker thru 8080, connect from Boomi using 55555 etc etc. Now, the next step is to use TLS for all connections. With Solace Cloud, that's easy. But how to set this up using your own EC2 instance? I had a…
Solace Cloud and basic auth
For one of our projects, we want to connect an ERP platform that can push events using a webhook mechanism. We use a Solace HTTP endpoint for this. The Solace part works fine. Challenge The ERP platform does not allow you to use a secured endpoint. So, we can't config certs or config basic authentication. It can only…
Pub-Sub+ Standard issues when starting the container
Hi everyone, I wanted to retry to set up a broker today over Oracle Linux and there's a new version of the PubSub+ Standard broker ( As I'm using Solace's GCP Quickstart guide to do my broker instantiations, I use the install script provided. Everything ran smoothly in the past, but not today. :) In this new…
Upload Certificate Authority
Hi everyone :) , I've been searching in the documentation and in the community forums for a while but I did not find the answers I need. I would like to enable TLS both on my PubSub+ Cloud service and on my PubSub+ broker running in a Docker container. What I got so far is that I need to upload a server certificate on my…
Any way to have broker in docker host networking mode bind to specific IP/interface?
I am trying to deploy brokers in multi-tenancy on docker in host mode and no matter which OS physical interfaces I configure on broker instances they always bind services and managment ports on Any way to influence that or multi-tenancy scenario is cursed to always have bridge networking?
Configuring the server certificate on PubSub Broker- Invalid certificate
Hi everyone, I'm having difficulties in configuring the broker's certificate correctly. I want to enable secure web messaging on a Oracle Linux VM that has a public IP. I installed a fresh Oracel Linux VM, installed Solace and everything is working correctly. As I also have a PubSub+ Cloud account, I tested it by sending…
Clarification on how to correctly handle DownError events to preserve message order
In the documentation I see the following paragraphs: Elsewhere the documentation also indicates that: Prima facie, these directives seem to conflict with each other. What is the intended pattern fort "destroying" a session on receiving a DownError event?
Solace Spring Cloud Stream and autoBindDmq
Hi there We configured our Application like this: cloud: stream: solace: default: prefix: myapp/${application.stage}/analysis/ consumer: prefix: ${spring.cloud.stream.solace.default.prefix} autoBindDmq: true With this configuration a DMQ is created for each queue. So far so good. I would now expect the created DMQ to…
SEMP : Can I get messages from a Queue or a topic with curl?
How do I get the actual messages from a Queue or a topic with the SEMP API? I used the SEMP (Action) documentation https://docs.solace.com/API-Developer-Online-Ref-Documentation/swagger-ui/action/index.html#/queue/getMsgVpnQueueMsgs and used this GET command to get messages from a queue. curl -X GET -u user:password…
What's happening when you have a VPN down due to "Cluster Subscription Sync Pending"
Have you ever experienced having your VPN down due to "Cluster Subscription Sync Pending"? If so, keep reading to find out what's going on with your DMR network and how you can get it back up and running. The error Cluster Subscription Sync Pending Why it's happening A VPN that is down due to "Cluster Subscription Sync…
Hi Team, How do we take "#config-sync" vpn backup ?
PubSub+ Cloud: Single Sign-On and Multi-factor Authentication Now Available
You can now integrate your organization’s Azure Active Directory (AD) with PubSub+ Cloud to enable single sign on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your enterprise accounts. Once set up, your organization will receive a customized URL to log in to PubSub+ Cloud. If you’re already signed in to your company’s…
Is it safe to reuse messages without calling Reset()?
Suppose I have a Publisher class which encapsulates the details of the solace broker. For any given application, it will receive an instance of a Publisher for a given topic to which it wants to send guaranteed messages. This means that the IMessage properties Destination and DeliveryMode are guaranteed to be constant for…
External Linking two standard Event Brokers results in "Neighbor HandShake Failed"
I'm trying to connect two PubSub+ Standard event brokers running in docker containers. This is the docker run command used: docker run -d --privileged -p 8080:8080 -p 55555:55555 -p 55003:55003 -p 8008:8008 -p 1883:1883 -p 8000:8000 -p 5672:5672 --shm-size=2g --env username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin --env…
Transactions not supported
Hi, I'm actually a newbie to AMQP and Solace. I have questions regarding a issue publishing message using "AMQP 1.0 library for .Net" to Solace. i) I kept getting "Transactions not supported" when I try to publish message in a transaction scope. May I know if this is an expected exception? The Solace's AMQP 1.0 conformance…
Java RTO Issue - solclient_jni.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
Hi Team , While trying to Run Java RTO Sample through Eclipse I am getting Exception solclient_jni.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
Handling failures of ISession.Connect with .NET API
There is a comment in the ISession documentation for .NET of "Connect and disconnect on demand" but no more detail on that. Currently our app has: * Code at service startup to initialise Solace, create session, call ISession.Connect() * Additional threads utilising that ISession to create guaranteed message flows etc. The…
Mechanics of guaranteed publish callbacks when using batched send
Suppose I am publishing guaranteed messages. I build a buffer of 50 messages and use the Send(IMessage[]...) method to send all of them at once. I have a few questions about message acknowledgement: 1. Will I receive 50 acknowledgement events, or just one? 2. If I receive 50, are they guaranteed to come back in the same…
.NET best practices for lifetimes/instancing of context/session?
We are looking to add Solace support for publishing/receiving from Solace Topics & Queues to our existing .NET C# codebase that already handles MSMQ and MQ. One thing that I have not come across in the documentation / examples is how we should be instancing the IContext and ISession - the code examples simply create one of…
Issue with Bind count on a RDP queue
we have a Queue Q1 which is bindind to a Restdelivery point.the consumer here is a some hostname:port. Ideally the bndcount for queue Q1 should be one, as we have binded it to restdelivery and subscriber will be the consumer. but we recently observed that the bind count is 2, whe we see the client details conencted to…
How to see published messages
No formatter is installed for the format not-found
Pubsub+ in docker - cannot open admin console on web browser after creating pubsub+ container
Hi, I am testing pubsub+ in docker that I pull from docker hub after that running docker container and open port for admin as well. But when I try to access admin console from http://localhost:8080, it's nothing happen. So what should I check first to get the issue? Thanks in advance. Lukman
replay of message by clinet using JS web messaging API
I tried repalying the message using the messagereplay.html file. [17:17:56] Starting message replay for queue: TQUEUEREP1 [17:17:56] === Error: the message consumer could not bind to queue "TQUEUEREP1" === Ensure this queue exists on the message router vpn The queue exists on the router, i tried another queue as well, it…
Executing timed publisher retransmission
Hi, During a failover scenario from Primary to Standby (Solace processes are killed using kill -9), below statement is getting logged in Producer logs. Also, Primary's processes are restarted automatically after 20 seconds. Log entry: "Executing timed publisher retransmission." Could someone please help me understand the…
Replay option in cloude pub sub+
Hi, I'm exploring pub sub+ features deployed and provided from solace cloud. Replay option is not configured on cloud. So is this expected error with trail one? observed N/A in message-vpn summary page too. Any future ammend will allow this with trail one :) Error: Replay log is not configured and you do not have…
AMQP endpoint with spring solace starter configuration
Hello, I'm using the starter "com.solace.spring.boot:solace-jms-spring-boot-starter:3.2.1" in my spring managed project. I want to use the protocol amqp over JMS but when I configure the server host to: solace.jms.host: amqps://localhost:5671 (instead of tcp://localhost:55555) This does not works and I got the error:…
Replay feature in solace pub sub
I am Explorign the replay fetaure in solace pubsub+. when replay is enabled on a VPN we have two queues created.#REPLAY_LOG_ReplayName and #REPLAY_TOPICS_ReplayName. the messages are spooled to REPLAY_LOG and the when i replay the messages are coming from that log. what is the use of REPLAY_TOPICS? where do we use them? I…
Receiving of messages on single queue with multiple consumers
Hi we have a project which is using solace queue and has 3 consumers after it was deployed. If the messages comes on that queue expected order of receiving is Message1--Q1 Message2--Q2 Message3--Q3 If lets say the Message1 is not acknowleded, how the messages are processed, does the message 2 goes to Q2 or Q1. we observed…