Error running Solace under Kubernetes on WSL
Hello, I have been struggling to get Solace running under k8s on WSL. I have tried using the Helm templates here: https://github.com/SolaceProducts/pubsubplus-kubernetes-quickstart and using the Docker compose template here: https://github.com/SolaceLabs/solace-single-docker-compose In both cases the container stops with…
Solace Appliance Disk Link Down
Hi we are using solace Appliance 3560 and my application has been rebooted on 18th Feb and then after few seconds/minutes automatically working. Ans also I shared over mail the error log. Can you please updated on this?
Question about Cleaning Up Resources
Hi. I have a question about cleaning up resources. I got a log message when shutting down the Tomcat. org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [com.solacesystems.jcsmp.impl.JCSMPXMLMessageProducer$1] (value…
Problem with performance of our solace consumer
We are struggling with the performance of a pub/sub test fixture that publishes to a solace broker at a fixed rate. We expect our consumer to consume the same rate. We were able to publish and subscribe at a rate of 1000 messages per second. However when we tried to publish 2000 three hundred byte XML messages per second…
Asynchronously Sending and Receive Messages using the Solace JMS API
The Solace JCSMP library provides a lot of power and configuration to produce and consume messages in many fashions. However, for my testing purposes, I must use the Solace JMS API library and it does not provide the as much functionality and it is to my understanding that the library is not JMS 2.0 compliant but still…
Appropriate debug logging switch to enable to log events that keep Message spools in HA in sync
Hi, I am looking for particular DEBUG logging switches that we can use to see the critical events that are exchanged between Primary, Standby and Monitoring node that keep Message Spools in Sync. And, events that detect message spools out of sync. Also, events that are initiated when monitoring node plays a role in leader…
Questions on Config-Sync between mates in HA Group and Replication
Hi, It appears that when config-sync is enabled in a HA-Group and Replication mates, it is provisioning additional MessageVPN and Queues. I have a few questions on the same: * As it is provisioning the additional VPN and queues, does it mean config-sync between mates in a HA-Group and Replication Group is asynchronous? *…
HA Group with multiple standby nodes
Is it possible to have HA group with one primary and multiple standby nodes ? I see documentation shows only 3 node configuration(1 primary, 1 secondary and 1 monitoring node) Thanks, Raghu
unique topic subscription id ?
Is there a unique subscription id generated when we do a subscribe request to a topic (similar to a cache request id) ? Topic solaceTopic = JCSMPFactory.onlyInstance().createTopic("abc/topic"); session.addSubscription(solaceTopic); If I can get or add a unique id for the subscription above which would be part of the…
Wrapper for Solace
Can we read data from files and push it to solace? Basically i want solace to act similar to TCP
Differences in Delivery Modes RAM, Input Stream, ADB or Disk
Hi, During my tests with the guaranteed messaging, I have observed different "Delivery Mode" values while monitoring queue from CLI such as "RAM", "Input Stream" and "ADB or Disk". Could someone explain the difference between these delivery modes? I am wondering even though it is guaranteed messaging why does it deliver…
Challenges while attempting to use Solace standard Version
Hi All, I am facing below issues is solace software standard version. Help needed urgently. 1. Posting messages to Solace topic using REST API I am giving the expiry as Solace-Time-To-Live-In-ms:10800000 but when I browse the queue (using java sdkperf tool) I see that in headers it is changing to this: 10800000. 2. I am…
HA deployment of Solace on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster
Hi, I'm trying to perform an HA deployment of Solace (with Primary, Backup and Monitor nodes) in a cluster. ref: https://github.com/SolaceProducts/pubsubplus-gke-quickstart I want to assign a smaller CPU size of node for the monitor node, and regular CPU size of node for primary and backup nodes. Supposed that I have…
non durable endpoint
Question 1: when will the non durable endpoint be removed in solace ?? ==> When the client session is fully going down ?? received SessionEvent.SessionDown ??? ==> In case the client session is recovered successfully through the reconnecting mechanism [ Receive SessionEvent.Reconnecting and SessionEvent.Reconnected]..…
What is the expected outcome if failover happens while replay is in progress
Hi, Consider a scenario where a Queue listener (JCSMP) is listening with CLIENT_ACK, typically a slow consumer processing the messages in the queue at a rate slower than producer in a guaranteed messaging approach with replay enabled. What happens if failover is triggered while replay is in progress on a slow consumer…
Durable topic subscription
Hi, In JMS world, we can have a topic and while connecting to the topic we can mention from the subscriber end to be a "durable" or "nondurable" subscriber. However, on solace side, when I created a topic from CLI by default it provisions a "durable" topic it seems. How can I control subscription type from client side…
Role of monitoring node in HA group setup
Hi, What is the role of monitoring node in a HA Group (Primary/Standby) setup? It seems that clients are able to failover back and forth even though monitoring node is down. Thanks, Raghu
Receive all unacknowledged messages using the .NET API
Are there any best practice recommendations to get all unacknowledged messages in a queue? The scenario I am thinking of is when messages are received by a client, but could not processed for what ever reason. The next time a new message is received on the queue, all the messages that are on the queue should be delivered…
Potential missing message during failover in a HA group
Hi, In a failover test that I'm doing while both producer and consumer are participating in a guaranteed message delivery, I am seeing below exception in the Producer JCSMPStreamingPublishEventHandler.handleError() callback. Exception message: Transport exception occurred when message Id not available.…
Maximum Connections per client
We are trying to replace existing activeMq with solace broker. We are trying some POC on this. Problem: We are getting error message 503: Max Client Queue and Topic Endpoint Flow Exceeded when number consumers on the client exceeds more than 100. We also tried increasing the max connection to 500 through solace yaml file…
How to create Solace HA cluster Manually
Hi Team I would like to create solace software cluster manually on my VMs. My VMs are on Azure and they are Red-Hats. (Note that I'm aware that there is a Azure template to achieve this easily but due to some reasons I cant use this automated way) As per some documents I came across I'm aware we need 3 nodes, solace1…
Initial latency observed up to 5 minutes with JCSMP clients
Hi, I have a performance test setup in which ingesting 100 messages per second from 10 threads at 100 ms interval. As per my observation, the initial Producer to Consumer latency (Producer -> Broker -> Consumer) is observed as 5 minutes. And, it keeps decreasing and reaches to nano seconds latency within 5 minutes.…
I am Trying to Lookup a distributed cache on my VPN using below snippet . I am not able to connect distributed Cache configured .Can someone provide me details to read Cached information from configured distributed Cache using Java API. // Connect, create a producer and a consumer, and start the consumer.…
Solace SEMP command
I am using below SEMP command to query solace queue stats and details. But I see that the GET query is returning only some queues Information. I have 28 queues and I see only 10 queues in the output. https://mrred2imhn.messaging.solace.cloud:20718/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/msgvpn-red52825/queues
Getting Solace broker's message receipt timestamp
Hi all - We are trying to run some performance tests on HA Group Message Broker software (Primary/Backup) with Guaranteed Messaging. We have a few clients that ingest messages to broker at a consistent rate. And, a receiver which receives messages as they put on EXCLUSIVE Queue. Is there a provision to use any message…
Client side configuration when connecting to broker in HA setup
Hi, Is there any additional configuration that we need to use besides configuring below in the Producer/Consumer code in order to make sure it fails over to other when one fails or releases activity to other. properties.setProperty(JCSMPProperties.HOST, "HOST1,HOST2"); Thanks, Raghu
How to transfer from one solace message broker to another
Is it possible to transfer/forward messages from one solace message broker instance to another solace message broker instance? Situation: The application will publish messages to an on-premises Solace message broker (broker 1) and from there we want to publish same messages to another Solace message broker (broker 2).…
Java RTO API Maven dependency
Hi ,Does anyone knows about maven dependency related to Java RTO API ? Please advise/suggest the ways to configure solclientj.jar in Maven Project .
Why the disk is full while only few messages are spooled when using internal disk?
Can anybody explain? What other stuff takes the disk space?
Message Count
Hi Everyone, Is there a way we can check the number of messages moved from a queue to Dead Message Queue ? A script which will run on daily basis with the count on number of messages moved from a queue to Dead Message queue.