How to transfer from one solace message broker to another
Is it possible to transfer/forward messages from one solace message broker instance to another solace message broker instance?
Situation: The application will publish messages to an on-premises Solace message broker (broker 1) and from there we want to publish same messages to another Solace message broker (broker 2). Broker 1 is to be used internally and broker 2 is meant for clients. What is the Solace concept for this?
Also, is it possible to publish messages to broker1 in AMQP but from there to broker2 in MQTT?
Best Answer
@Virat Singhal - welcome and thanks for asking the question in our community!
To answer your questions:
Yes definitely! Solace brokers can be combined to form an "Event Mesh" which uses our Dynamic Message Routing to route messages from one broker to another. One of our developer advocates recently made a video that explains the event mesh and shows how to configure it:
And Docs can be found here to set up the DMR:, your publisher can send messages into the event mesh using AMQP v1.0 and once in the mesh our brokers perform protocol translation allowing consumers to receive the events using the Protocol/API of their choice (in this case MQTT). You can even have consumers of the same message using different protocols/apis.
@Virat Singhal - welcome and thanks for asking the question in our community!
To answer your questions:
Yes definitely! Solace brokers can be combined to form an "Event Mesh" which uses our Dynamic Message Routing to route messages from one broker to another. One of our developer advocates recently made a video that explains the event mesh and shows how to configure it:
And Docs can be found here to set up the DMR:, your publisher can send messages into the event mesh using AMQP v1.0 and once in the mesh our brokers perform protocol translation allowing consumers to receive the events using the Protocol/API of their choice (in this case MQTT). You can even have consumers of the same message using different protocols/apis.