OutOfMemoryError: parsing SMF Message (message too big): GC overhead limit exceeded
Hi, We are using Solace JMS to read data from JMS Queues and we are constantly seeing the following Error and it is bringing down the client We are running the java app with JVM Args -Xms2048m and -Xmx12288m Seems like there is a resource leak some where in the code. Thanks Sateesh
Moving Message VPN Configurations Between Software Instances
I have created VPN on one software Instance. Now I need the same configuration on another software instance. I did below: * create username sftp password **** filetransfer. ERROR: Could not read from `/cliscripts/sample_vpn.cli': Permission deniedCommand Failed
receiving flow events in JMS
We use FlowEventHandler to confirm if we are successfully subscribed to a queue.(We use these for Fault tolerance). Is there a way to get these events in JMS ? public class CustomFlowEventHandler implements FlowEventHandler {public void handleEvent(Object o, FlowEventArgs flowEventArgs) { if(flowEventArgs.getEvent() ==…
Messages sent by Spring JmsTemplate not being received by normal JCSMP subscriber
I am able to successfully send and receive topic messages via Spring JMS but the messages are not being received by a normal Topic subscriber. My jms code for sending and receiving is below: @Autowired private JmsTemplate jmsTemplate; public void run(String... strings) throws Exception { for( int i = 0 ; i < 100; i++) {…
Solace browser code for java
Hi Can you please share some sample java code for browsing messages from solace queue created on Solace software instance.
Solace Client running out of memory with multiple consumers
Hi, We are using Solace JMS to read the Data from a JMS Queue and in order to keep up with the rate at which data is produced we are using 50 Consumers in worker threads and this is causing OutoFMemory Issue. Looks like as soon as we are creating the session and connection it is getting disconnected and the client/consumer…
Topic Endpoint Replay
Can some one provide me java sample to Replay Topic Endpoint ?
javax.naming.NamingException: JNDI lookup failed. Timeout happened when reading response from the r
Hi, We are using a Solace Client and able to connect to Solace JMS Queue and we started seeing the following Error all of a sudden. We didn't have this Issue for the past few months. This is happening when we try to create jmsConnection at private void init() throws JMSException, NamingException { jndiContext = new…
Architecting multi queue / multi topic subscriber component
All, Need your input around what solace team advises in terms of best practices. Our Architecture: We have a java app/service that runs independently. It subscribes to multiple topics(both solcache and normal solace topics) and multiple queues. The multiple topics and queues are the messages published by other…
Boomi with Solace
I have a Boomi listener process which is listening to a solace queue. When ever the local atom is offline the listener is stopped. When the atom is online the listener is not running automatically.. Manually we have to deploy the listener only then the listener is connecting to solace.
Solace on Kubernetes
I'm using the following link to setup solace pubsub on k8s. https://github.com/SolaceProducts/solace-kubernetes-quickstart I'm trying to figure out the best way to setup persistent storage that can be used by the solace instance. Looking at the documentation I see that gke and aws are supported, however we are not using a…
Steps to Configure Delayed Message Consumption
Dear All, We want to introduce delay for the Messages, so we are using TTL value and Respect TTL property of a Queue, but unable to publish message using TIBCOBW Palettes since we are getting the below error. Problem is how to connect to the queue with Respect TTL parameter using TIBCO BW JMS Palette ? Thanks, Surya |
Does Solace cloud free trial version support SSL authentication?
Does Solace cloud free trial version support SSL authentication. If yes how to configure the same in both client side and on solace .?
Solace VMR memory size
We have solace software standard version installed on our VMWare. I would like to know the memory size of my solace instance
How to migrate data from old Solace VMR to the latest PubSub+ version
This discussion has been moved.
SubscriberMessageReader:read Exception
Hi, I've been trying to setup Solace in Java using solace-java-spring-boot-starter. Was able to publish and subscribe to and from a remote server however, IOException is being thrown a lot of times and it won't stop. I'm not really sure how to trace the issue. Has anyone encountered the same issue?
Error while running the VMR using docker on Ubuntu 18
Hi, I am facing this issue while starting up the VMR on Ubuntu 18. Has anyone faced and fixed this issue? Starting VMR Docker Container: Wed Oct 9 06:48:32 UTC 2019 SolOS Version: soltr_9.3.0.22 ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA1 RSA DSA ECDSA ED25519 ** Unable to raise event; rc(would block)**
Client certificate Authentication
Please share a simple and effective document which has steps for configuring Client Certificate Authentication for Solace pubsub standard version: Source API: REST Destination API: JMS
Internal link is not restored after disconnect and reconnect?
Here is my topology: * 3 event brokers - 2 in a LAN, 1 in the cloud - the 2 LAN brokers are on separate computers and one of them is inside a virtual box ubuntu vm. The 2 LAN brokers are also both using the docker image while the cloud is subscribed to the aws marketplace image. * Setup clustering as follows: * Create same…
How to see the JMS Message ID in SolAdmin?
Is it possible?
MessageID versus JMSMessageID
In SolAdmin, I'm seeing that the MessageID that is generated for the new message I received is not the same as the JMSMessage ID. Are they supposed to be the same? TextMessage txtMsg = jmsSession.createTextMessage();messageID = txtMsg.getJMSMessageID();
How to create ISubscription instance to be used by Session.CreateFlow method in .NET API
I am trying to create a subscriber for my durable topic endpoint in solace via .NET APIs. I have the below method where in I am trying to create a flow for my durable topic endpoint. I don't understand what is the need for ISubscription instance in the Session.CreateFlow method.…
Redundancy show virtual routers in wrong state
From the CLI command "show redundancy", we found that the primary router had redundancy up, and both virtual routers were local-active. "show redundancy" on the backup appliance indicated redundancy was up and both virtual routers were mate-active.
license on my VMR/PubSub+ software
How do I set the license on my VMR / PubSub+ software?
Why is my client being disconnected due to reason "Forced Logout"?
I have not manually disconnected this client.
Is there a way for my .NET application to subscribe to VPN-level events over the message-bus?
If yes, what are steps?
My consumer is rapidly churning connections for each message received
I am using a Spring DMLC to consumer messages from a Solace PubSub+ queue. When I check in the event logs, my consumer is rapidly churning connections for each message received. How can I fix this?
RDP keep going UP and DOWN every 2 seconds
I have configured a REST Delivery Point which is working correctly except that I see the RDP keep going UP and DOWN every 2 seconds. Why?
How do I clear entries from solcache?
I'm using solcache and instead of getting our admins to reset the cache, it would be nice to be able to use the Java API to clear entries. I'm not seeing any way to do this. Can you help, or do I need full admin privileges to do so?
HTTP headers
With Solace Cloud, is there a way to get the HTTP headers in my message too? I realize that the HTTP option gives me the complete payload in my message but I wasn’t able to figure out from the docs how I can get the HTTP headers from the request into my message. In some of my cases (or at least where I’d love to use it…