measure size of queued messages - how identify how many messages >10k shipped ?

measure size of queued messages.
How identify how many messages >10k shipped ?
i only see the queue but not the size of message.
show queue ...
Hi @mathaase,
three options come to my mind:Option 1:
In your consumer queue set "max msg size allowed" to 10K.
Then, all messages > 10K are discarded from your consumer queue and you can see discard statistics for that queue..
Disadvantage: They are NOT available in the queue to the customer.Option 2:
Setup a new audit queue with subscription to the topics you're interested in.
Set the "max msg size allowed"
Set "TTL" to a short time (e.g. 20 seconds...) - so this queue wont be filled with messagesIf you're just interested in a statistics, you can check discards on that audit queue for "message too big".
Option 3:
(derived from:
Set the large-message-threshold in the message-vpn
setting in the cli ena conf message-vpn xxx event large-message-threshold 10000
=> With this config, you will see one-shot events (that have to be cleared afterwards) in event.log
BUT: You can't identify the content of the message2