JMSToolBox : sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException
JMSToolBox is installed on my Windows machine. Step1: Trying to Connect Pub sub standard edition of Message VPN Step1: Used connection server as tcps://IP1:Portnumber,tcps://IP2:Portnumber Step3:Provided Client Username and Password who has permissions to publish and subscribe messages from the Queue Step4:Under Properties…
Publish REST Consumer payload with x-www-form-urlencoded
I'm investigating if I can possibly replace an old web hooks implementation with Solace (I sure hope so). This article has been a great read so far: https://solace.com/blog/how-to-maximize-microservices/ Sadly, my product has thousands of existing web hook subscriptions that rely on the the payloads being sent as…
How to integrate Publisher and subscriber code in a same c# file ?
Hi, I want to run publisher and subscriber in a same c# file to use it in unity3d does anyone did before?
Solace Message Compression
Hi Team, I need some help with solace message compression.In our solace broker the maximum message size is configured as 10MB.So I used the below property to compress the message : message.setIntProperty(SupportedProperty.SOLACE_JMS_COMPRESSION_LEVEL, 9); As of now we don't have a specific broker to publish compressed…
How to use publisher and subscriber codes in a same script in unity3d?
Hello , I am working with unity and I am trying to use both of the subscriber and publisher in a same unity file so to do that I did following solutions: I use publisher script and add it to my button and I use subscriber and add it to another Game object but unity crashed Because it wanted to run subscriber and publisher…
How to add guaranteed subscriptions across a static bridge
How to add guaranteed subscriptions across a static bridge? I could add an incoming direct subscription- add subscription button unlike the incoming gauranteed subscriptions for which I do not see any button. What is the process for this. Is there any other way apart from adding these bridge subscriptions across solace…
Configure logging retention through SEMP v1
Hello everyone, I am back with a(nother) question about the SEMP v1. We are trying to set the logging retention for X amount of days through SEMP v1 in our terraform provider. So I checked which CLI command is needed logging - retention - days - 30 Then I try to add this command into the cli2semp to get the according SEMP…
Topic replication on same vpn
Hi All, Is it possible to replicate the messages received on a topic to another topic. The use case is as follows producer application puts messages on a topic a/b/c/d with DeliverToOne set. Whenever a message is put, a copy of that message should go into a topic e/f/g/h ( with DeliverToOne set) on the same vpn The…
Consume messages from queue thru topic subscriptions
We have a publisher publishing messages to topics which are then spooled in a durable queue [endpoint] for guaranteed delivery, with several topic subscriptions for various subscribers. In our tests, the subscriber application acknowledgements do not seem to have any effect on the messages persisted in the queue; only a…
Setting up standards for publishers using JMS
We are using Solace Cloud PubSub+ and trying to standardize JMS properties for Publishers using the Solace API for JMS. So, some of the recommendations to developers would be like setting these. * DMQ always set to true * JMSMessageID * JMSTimestamp Can these set by default when not supplied by the publishers ?
[Solace-prometheus-exporter] Monitor mqtt broker status
Hi everyone ! First of all, sorry for my english. I started to use Solace prometheus exporter from solacecommunity. I'am a beginner with all of these things (Solace included). We use docker-compose to start Solace-broker: solace-broker: image: solace/solace-pubsub-standard: container_name: solace-broker # For…
Python API import issues
Hi Solace Community, I have a strange issue with the Python API - or I might just be dumb right now ;) I've started with a pretty simple script that connects to a broker and just reports the client id and disconnects. (removed sensitive values...) from solace.messaging.messaging_service import MessagingService,…
Python Starting Point
Hi all, am new to Solace and really struggling with the documentation. Have created a cloud account with a Cluster as per the demo video. Trying the 'try me' within the browser works a treat (thou i am yet to find the config option for try-me to have guaranteed queue option?) Anyhow, looking at the Python demo's, i have…
How to get the number of current consumers using SEMP V2
Hi, We're trying to find out how to retrieve the current number of queue consumers (TCP sessions) using the SEMP V2 API. The response of "GET SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}" does not contain this. Thank you :smile:
Durability of events in Solace PubSub+
As in Apache Kafka, the messages are durable on the partition for 7 days by default but can be configured based on the time or size, how is the durability aspect in Solace. Also where to configure the durability of messages. Is it a broker level setting or topic level setting?
Is solace 10.11 compatible with log4j2 (v2.15)?
Hi there. Because of the actual log4j issue (Log4j2 Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)), i was asked to change our jms client implemtation to use the latest version of log4j2 (v2.15). The previous log4j version used by the client was log4j-1.2.16. Everything was working fine there. I know this old version is not affected,…
Can you set compression port on JMS client?
When connecting to Solace via JMS JNDI LookUp with compression the lookup occurs over 55555 but the connection then connects of 55003. I have a network configuration where we port translate to multiple solace instances and trying to figure out how to map different servers to different ports but I can't seem to figure out…
How to integrate unity3d and Solace pubsub?
Hi I am very happy that I can join to your community. Since some months ago I was working with solace pub sub+ and now I want to integrate Solace to unity3d for publishing messages from unity to Solace I didn't have any problem but to receive data from Solace and using unity as a subscriber I had lots of problem and I…
How to push Syslog to ELK ?
We need to push Syslog to ELK, so that we can have end-to-end message flow dashboard.
Want to use same topic across multiple environments like QA, Staging and Prod.
I want to use same topic across multiple environments like QA, Staging and Prod. Is it possible to use Event broker with topic name domain/test/{env}/supply, where {env} is the variable dynamically replaced with a value sent from client in message header? I know the actual Topic name is required to be provided from…
5 minute vmr-solaudit cpu spikes
python3 /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.9.0.34/scripts/vmr-solaudit -d --daemonize does anyone else see a curious 5 minute cpu spike on the PubSub+ 02:40:46 PM 1000001 18428 16.00 6.00 0.00 22.00 2 python3 02:40:47 PM 1000001 18428 76.00 24.00 0.00 100.00 2 python3 02:40:48 PM 1000001 18428 55.00 21.00 0.00 76.00 3 python3 02:45:49…
Clone Message in Java ? (for DMQ move to Main Queue)
I have a problem with functionality which is not implemented in all offered programming languages. The use case i work on is a utility to move messages from DMQ back to main queue to re-publish the messages). The problem is that there is a flag DMQ eligible…
How to delete a subscription using Solace CLI
Hello, I created a subscription using 6f09e644721e(configure/message-spool/queue)# subscription topic entity/created How do I delete this subscription? Thanks.
Is there a way to run Solace without a container?
Hello, I'm looking for a way to run Solace standalone on a server without any sort of container and not on any cloud platform. I can't see any executables provided on the developer site, are there any available?
Spring cloud stream support solace
Give the autogenerated binding a friendlier name spring.cloud.stream.function.bindings.supplyLoan-out-0=output what would be the equivalent of this in solace configuration ? =================================================== Supplier loanSupplier = () -> { Loan loan = new Loan(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), names.get(new…
What username will Bridge use if no username is mentioned?
Hi, I created two bridges on the same appliance for two different VPN's from two different software brokers for two different VPN's, I haven't mentioned client username in both the bridges. And I observed that one of the bridge is using #client-username and the other is using default. There are no configuration changes as…
Purge or Delete Queue message via C#.net
We have few application services currently using Message Queue and currently transitioning to use Solace Messaging. In .Net Message Queue, it has a feature the Purge all the Messages. These application services require to Purge all messages when it is starting. I do aware Solace Application do have this in Queues -> Queue…
TTL - Message Expiry check on the queue..
If TTL on a message is set to 180secs (say), wondering when the expiry is checked and removal of expired events occur? Just curious how the following scenarios are handled: a) If DMQ is enabled, the dequeue from current queue and enqueue on the DMQ has to occur at the exact time when the message expired, right? b) If no…
C++, Max clients exceeded for queue
Hi, I would like to send Guaranteed messages to a queue and then read them back within a C++ project. I have managed to create a session (solClient_session_create), then I created a transacted session (solClient_session_createTransactedSession). When creating a flow (solClient_transactedSession_createFlow), I get the…
Test REST Consumers against a Mock
Hello, I am trying to test the following scenario: I publish a mesage to a topic called rest, and then A rest Consumer picks that mesasge up and sends it to the mock server. Is this scenario possible? If so, i'll be running a postman mock and Solace will be running localy on Docker(I think i might run into some ssl…