Pubsub+ Now Offers Configurable Replay Topics!
Hey Solace operations and developers! PubSub+ is taking the replay log to the next level of flexibility by allowing you to configure exactly which topic is mapped to your replay log. PubSub+ Event Broker 10.0.0 allows you to customize exactly which topics are sent to your replay log. Your broker administrator to configure…
Reply Topic name in InboundMessage - GOLANG API
HI, I need to get reply to topic in message received in gateway mode.. It's possible? Exist some a property? I tried thus... reply_to, _ := message.GetProperty("reply_to") but not working... returned nill... How to do for get reply topic name in the message???? I am using GOLANG API 1.0.1... Thanks for help..
Solace throughput scaling
What is the rate of consuming message/sec for a consumer with 1 concurrency in spring cloud stream app with solace. Just wondering what would be throughput / hour if there is just one consumer with 1 concurrency smoothly. Using Physical Solace Appliances.
Is there a way to get a Queue Created Date in Solace?
Hello All, I would like to know if there is a way to get the queue created date via SEMP API's or any other means in Solace? Have tried with SEMP Over Message Bus & Monitoring SEMP API but it does not speak about when the queue was created. Thanks Tejas Chowsalkar
Cache instance status NotAvail in Docker demo instance
Hi guys, noob question. I am trying to setup most basic cache configuration. I am running this in linux container on Windwos 10 in WSL2. Commands: _docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 55555:55555 --shm-size=1g --env username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin --env username_admin_password=admin --name=solace…
Backpressure / message delivery and the Python API
Hi, We have a non exclusive durable queue with several consumers (compute worker) who connect using the Python API. Each consumer runs the MessageHandler in a separate thread, essentially just filling up a buffer with messages, the messages are then consumed by the main thread in the compute worker and results sent out.…
Is there a way to get the List of Topics, applications are using to pub and sub from a broker?
For governance purposes, there is a need to know the topics which are being created by various applications on the broker. As I know (and I might be wrong), there is no intuitive way to get a list of topics under usage on a broker. As of now, we are not using Event Portal and hence do not have an Event Catalogue.
Recently some of the microservice AMQP applications are disconnected based on the solace event logs. However, the microservice AMQP applications did not detect any "CONNECTION_CLOSE" event. And, the applications did not trigger DISCONNECT action. Is there any documentation of the reasons and the explanation for the causes…
SSL connection problem
Hello again, I used the scuresession.js file of nodejs toturious. And I created a Private Certificate Authority using this command: openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout MyRootCaKey.pem -x509 -days 365 -out MyRootCaCert.pem Then I created a certificate using blew command: openssl genrsa -out client1.pem 2048 openssl…
How to connect the event broker using ssl connection?
Hello, solace team I am a beginner and I want to ask some simple questions. I have created a PubSub+ Software Event Broker on my local docker following blew tutorial:https://docs.solace.com/Software-Broker/SW-Broker-Set-Up/Containers/Set-Up-Docker-Container-Windows.htm And I also connected to the broker using the node js…
OAuth + Microsoft Azure AD
Hello guys, does anyone have experience with how to set up the Solace connection using Microsoft Azure AD? I am aware of OAuth profiles in Solace admin, but not really sure what to input there. Thank you very much, Regards, Stan.
How do I send a reply in Microgateway mode to a dynamic topic?
Let's say I'm running an event broker in Microgateway mode and am handling REST requests with a streaming consumer/processing application. How do I send a reply to a dynamic topic? An example of why you'd want the reply on a hierarchical topic could be a req/reply validation flow, and having a downstream application (fraud…
Timeout when using Docker on Arch Linux
Hello Solace community, I have a small problem when trying to run Solace PubSub+ on my docker instance. I already launched an instance on another computer with the same OS (probably not the same installed packages I can imagine) and it was working like a charm, but when I tried on this computer I just wasn't able to make…
How to control client publish and subscription
Hi all, I would like to ask how to limit the client on Solace message broker publishing and subscribing topics or queues. For example I have a sender_001, he can only send out topic hello/python/> and I have a receiver_001 , who can only listen to topic hello/python/> and queue hello_q . I see that there is a page on the…
Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu is released
The following Solace PubSub+ Platform product has been released and is available for download: * Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu 2.9.0 Please refer to the product release notes for information on new features, changed functionality, resolved issues, known issues and upgrade considerations. Release Summary: **Solace PubSub+…
Receive the latest message only for both direct message and persistent message - python
Hi all, recently I am engaging a project that require data streaming. Therefore, even though there is a latency in processing the message, I would like the consumer always take the latest message. I am a python developer and would be grateful if someone can tell be how to achieve the above requirement for both direct…
Develop the C# client for sending and receiving messages through Solace Broker
Hi Team, I am new to Solace Pubsub broker. This is my first posting. So please apology me, if my query is not clear. I can elaborate it, if it requires. We want to develop the POC to send and receive messages (Pubsub pattern) for C# (Client). How to pass a data/messages using event schema defined in the event? How to…
House keeping for durable exclusive queues/DTEs having no consumer for a defined time
Hi, We want to implement a housekeeping mechanism for our Solace system so that durable exclusive queues/DTEs having no consumer for a defined time are deleted. We are thinking of the following approach. We implement a poller which looks at all the Queues/DTEs and finds out all the exclusive Queues/DTEs For each of them,…
Solace consumers and producers connecting with diferent protocol
We have multiple microservices connecting to Solace for different message publish and subscribe requirements. There are some java runtime-based microservices connecting using JMS APIs (using sol-jms library or apache qpid JMS 2.0 library), whereas there are golang and nodejs based runtimes connecting to solace based on…
Unable to setup HA group for event broker on Windows Docker
Hi I followed the guide for setting up HA group locally on my computer: When i run the docker start primary backup monitoring command the containers startup, but after 30-45 sec. the containers shutdown again. I created the network using the command: docker network create solace-net Create command for primary: docker…
DLQ/Error QUEUE - Spring cloud Stream
When We publish message it goes to Queue via added topic subscription , which could be consumes using listener's easy. (Message published to Topic, Consumed From queue ) But, Why there is a difference in DLQ publish, I don't think when the message is getting republished to Error Queue it is published to Topic Endpoint,…
Direct Message Behavior and Persistent Message Queue Configuration
Hi all, I am currently exploring the solace message broker and come across two questions. Question1: I am trying to pass images with base64 encoded and direct PubSub is adopted. Since there are some program the subscriber has to run for each message and it takes time. Therefore, I expect there will be a latency for the…
Spool Over Quota. Router limit exceeded
I am using a guaranteed message queue. This is sit under the default VPN. The `Configured Quota` is 5,000 MB for the queue. The `Configured Quote` is 1,500 MB for the VPN. I cannot push to the queue when the message size hit 1,500 MB. I updated the `Configured Quote` for the VPN to 10,000 MB but I still cannot push message…
Dockerfile custom entry point not working in 9+?
I am trying to create a Dockerfile with my VPN pre-populated through a configuration script called configure.sh. Dockerfile: FROM <hidden>/solace-pubsub-enterprise: ADD config /config ADD wait-for-it.sh /wait-for-it.sh ADD configure.sh /configure.sh ADD start.sh /start.sh USER root RUN chmod +x /wait-for-it.sh RUN…
Docker and AMQP (TryMe)
I am new to solace and have used docker to create solace container on my laptop. I am able to connect using "Try Me UI" with the address "ws://localhost:8008" and all works fine including sending messages, however, when i try connecting using AMQP protocol with the broker url "amqp://localhost:5672", it cannot establish…
Increase Message VPN limit
I am running docker for Mac as described here https://docs.solace.com/Solace-SW-Broker-Set-Up/Docker-Containers/Set-Up-Docker-Container-macOS.htm Container starts OK. But will not allow me to create more than 3 VPN - it responds "Message VPN limit reached". I cannot find any relevant documentation covering this…
Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Go v1.0.1
This patch releases fixes the issue with `go mod vendor`. Previously, vendoring with the v1.0.0 of the API did not work due to a bug with go mod that pruned C libraries. Tagging @ambuj501 and @dpurwo
AMQPS with Client Certificates using .Net and Docker Container
Hi Team, I am trying to send message using AMQPS protocol and also along with this using client certificate for client authentication. With the below code, I am able to send the message to solace broker. However, after disabling the Basic Authentication and enabling Client Authentication, the message send fails with the…
setting max bind count
Hi, I have to set max bind count value as 200 in our Production environment. But my solace admin is saying that the client limit setup was already restricted in prod at 175. Prod Client Limit - clientProfileName: 5-pymt maxConnectionCountPerClientUsername: 175 serviceSmfMaxConnectionCountPerClientUsername: 175 So my query…
Load Balancing on One Topic Multiple Consumer
Hi all, I am new to Solace. Recently I am working on a project that assume the publisher only work on one topic and there is multiple consumer listen to the same topic. The project will be deployed to a k8s and I expect there would be a scaling on the consumer side. My design at this point is one publisher publishing a…