Topic Naming Validation via Regex
Hi Solace Community, I wonder if anyone else before had the need to validate topic names (including wildcards), for example in CI/CD pipelines. Because I couldn't find anything, I've tried myself to assemble a regex that validates the general structure of topic names. By no means I feel like it's perfect, however at least…
Assert Durable Queues Into Existence Via AMQP?
Hello, I'm used to RabbitMQ / AMQP 0-9-1. Clients with the right credentials can assert queues into existence and bind them to multiple topic bindings. Clients can specify if queues are durable etc. It's quite convenient. I'm trying to get the same thing working in Solace via AMQP 1.0. Sorry but I'm not super familiar with…
PubSub+ Event Broker is Now Available in the Red Hat Certified Catalog
The following products have been released and are available for download: PubSub+ Event Broker Red Hat Certified Container PubSub+ Event Broker Red Hat OpenShift Certified Helm Chart Release Summary: Solace PubSub+ Software Event Broker is now available in the Red Hat Catalog. PubSub+ release 9.13.0 and all subsequent…
Solace Software standard version Upgrade for AWS
Currently we are using Solace Software Stand version 9.8 and we are planning to upgrade to 9.12. As per the documentaion available to upgrade solace version for AWS, We ahve to download entire AWS Instance. Is there a way we can upgrade only the solace service version instead of downloading the entire AWS Instance ?
REST Consumer (RDP) OAuth JWT Authentication
Hi All, I am trying to configure service account authentication from solace REST consumer using OAuth JWT Authentication as specified here: https://docs.solace.com/Configuring-and-Managing/Managing-RDPs.htm#managing_rest_messaging_1948951837_1004979. My HTTP endpoint is Cloud Run service in Google Cloud Platform and needs…
How can you find topics that have no subscriptions?
A publisher can be producing events on a topic that have no interested consumers. Is there a way to list those topics for the purposes of clean-up or decommission of unused flows? This condition would also be causing the client counter Ingress Discard - No Subscription Match to increment.
How do I publish a bytearray on the Solace Direct Publisher?
Hello everyone! Trying to publish a bytearray instead of an outbound message object on the direct publisher but it seems nothing is being published / subscriber is mishandling the received message. Can't seem to figure out which. Here is my publisher script: def publish_one(self, msg, _topic): try: topic =…
Issues with running Solace Helm chart with Redundancy and TLS enabled.
Trying to figure out what reason this would not work. I am able to use the solace helm chart (https://github.com/SolaceProducts/pubsubplus-kubernetes-quickstart) to run solace in my GKE kubernetes cluster with tls enabled using my cert secret, however when I enable redundancy, 2 of the pods will not become ready. I was…
Latest version and release notes of C API
Hi All, A quick question. How can I check the latest version of C API library(solclient) and release notes showing updates history? I can see server side release notes but not client. :< Many thanks in advance, Kia
Solace spring cloud stream - pubsub
I was going through this post and got to know how can i work with topic, i can have many queues subscribing to one topic and each get message right ? i can have one queue subscribing to many topic as well right ? Topic subscription on Queues makes it persist, but.. if the application is scaling up and down with many…
Pub-sub with multiple consumers having offline capabilities
Hi, We have an application running with multiple instances and consuming from a solace queue. We want all the instances to receive messages. Currently, only one of them receives messages. The instances can be scaled up and down dynamically and if one of them is offline, they should be able to receive messages after coming…
Persistent receiver with subscription-specific listeners
Hi, Is it possible to have multiple topic-specific receivers and handlers to consume messages from a queue? Like: var receiver1 = messagingService.createPersistentMessageReceiverBuilder() .withMessageAutoAcknowledgement() .withSubscriptions(topicSet1) .build(queue) .start(); receiver1.receiveAsync((message) -> { //...…
JMSToolBox : sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException
JMSToolBox is installed on my Windows machine. Step1: Trying to Connect Pub sub standard edition of Message VPN Step1: Used connection server as tcps://IP1:Portnumber,tcps://IP2:Portnumber Step3:Provided Client Username and Password who has permissions to publish and subscribe messages from the Queue Step4:Under Properties…
Publish REST Consumer payload with x-www-form-urlencoded
I'm investigating if I can possibly replace an old web hooks implementation with Solace (I sure hope so). This article has been a great read so far: https://solace.com/blog/how-to-maximize-microservices/ Sadly, my product has thousands of existing web hook subscriptions that rely on the the payloads being sent as…
How to integrate Publisher and subscriber code in a same c# file ?
Hi, I want to run publisher and subscriber in a same c# file to use it in unity3d does anyone did before?
Solace Message Compression
Hi Team, I need some help with solace message compression.In our solace broker the maximum message size is configured as 10MB.So I used the below property to compress the message : message.setIntProperty(SupportedProperty.SOLACE_JMS_COMPRESSION_LEVEL, 9); As of now we don't have a specific broker to publish compressed…
How to use publisher and subscriber codes in a same script in unity3d?
Hello , I am working with unity and I am trying to use both of the subscriber and publisher in a same unity file so to do that I did following solutions: I use publisher script and add it to my button and I use subscriber and add it to another Game object but unity crashed Because it wanted to run subscriber and publisher…
How to add guaranteed subscriptions across a static bridge
How to add guaranteed subscriptions across a static bridge? I could add an incoming direct subscription- add subscription button unlike the incoming gauranteed subscriptions for which I do not see any button. What is the process for this. Is there any other way apart from adding these bridge subscriptions across solace…
Configure logging retention through SEMP v1
Hello everyone, I am back with a(nother) question about the SEMP v1. We are trying to set the logging retention for X amount of days through SEMP v1 in our terraform provider. So I checked which CLI command is needed logging - retention - days - 30 Then I try to add this command into the cli2semp to get the according SEMP…
Topic dispatching with guaranteed delivery using JCSMP
Hi there, The article here explains how one can have custom callback to handle guaranteed messages received with matching topics thru flows bound to queues using Java RTO. Is there something similar for the JCSMP API, or another way that we can achieve something like that? On a related note, there's normally only be one…
Topic replication on same vpn
Hi All, Is it possible to replicate the messages received on a topic to another topic. The use case is as follows producer application puts messages on a topic a/b/c/d with DeliverToOne set. Whenever a message is put, a copy of that message should go into a topic e/f/g/h ( with DeliverToOne set) on the same vpn The…
Consume messages from queue thru topic subscriptions
We have a publisher publishing messages to topics which are then spooled in a durable queue [endpoint] for guaranteed delivery, with several topic subscriptions for various subscribers. In our tests, the subscriber application acknowledgements do not seem to have any effect on the messages persisted in the queue; only a…
Setting up standards for publishers using JMS
We are using Solace Cloud PubSub+ and trying to standardize JMS properties for Publishers using the Solace API for JMS. So, some of the recommendations to developers would be like setting these. * DMQ always set to true * JMSMessageID * JMSTimestamp Can these set by default when not supplied by the publishers ?
[Solace-prometheus-exporter] Monitor mqtt broker status
Hi everyone ! First of all, sorry for my english. I started to use Solace prometheus exporter from solacecommunity. I'am a beginner with all of these things (Solace included). We use docker-compose to start Solace-broker: solace-broker: image: solace/solace-pubsub-standard: container_name: solace-broker # For…
Python API import issues
Hi Solace Community, I have a strange issue with the Python API - or I might just be dumb right now ;) I've started with a pretty simple script that connects to a broker and just reports the client id and disconnects. (removed sensitive values...) from solace.messaging.messaging_service import MessagingService,…
Python Starting Point
Hi all, am new to Solace and really struggling with the documentation. Have created a cloud account with a Cluster as per the demo video. Trying the 'try me' within the browser works a treat (thou i am yet to find the config option for try-me to have guaranteed queue option?) Anyhow, looking at the Python demo's, i have…
How to get the number of current consumers using SEMP V2
Hi, We're trying to find out how to retrieve the current number of queue consumers (TCP sessions) using the SEMP V2 API. The response of "GET SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}" does not contain this. Thank you :smile:
Durability of events in Solace PubSub+
As in Apache Kafka, the messages are durable on the partition for 7 days by default but can be configured based on the time or size, how is the durability aspect in Solace. Also where to configure the durability of messages. Is it a broker level setting or topic level setting?
Is solace 10.11 compatible with log4j2 (v2.15)?
Hi there. Because of the actual log4j issue (Log4j2 Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)), i was asked to change our jms client implemtation to use the latest version of log4j2 (v2.15). The previous log4j version used by the client was log4j-1.2.16. Everything was working fine there. I know this old version is not affected,…
Can you set compression port on JMS client?
When connecting to Solace via JMS JNDI LookUp with compression the lookup occurs over 55555 but the connection then connects of 55003. I have a network configuration where we port translate to multiple solace instances and trying to figure out how to map different servers to different ports but I can't seem to figure out…