Can OAuth authorization be used while using amqp10 package for amqps protocol to connect solace brok
In my nodejs based application I am trying to connect solace broker using amqps protocol and package I am using is **amqp10 ** however I am unable to connect it. As per the doc I am creating the uri as 'amqps://:@broker-host:5671?amqp.saslMechanisms=XOAUTH2'. But this is not working. Any suggestions? Please share if any…
golang publisher error message
Hi, i have written a golang base message producer using the solace golang API/SDK. I create random messages and can define a level of parallelism and a message length. The program works fine and creates some 1k's of messages per sec for 1k long messages. But after some time it always terminates with…
mqtt subscribe disallow does not trigger disconnect
Hello, i defined such a "subscribe acl" . I tested with paho mqtt client and can subscribe also not allowed topic without disconnect. Can anyone say, why i'm not disconnected during subscibe not allowed topic ? (i expect a disconnect, but this does not occur.) ...because if i try publish not allowed topic, there is a…
Docker and Configuration Files (Backup/Restore)
Hi all, Am semi-new to Solace but wanting to ensure it is solid and stable from the start, even during my early testing... Have successfully deployed Solace within AWS using Autoscaling group (1 of 1) to an EC2 behind a load balancer - all pretty standard server items. However i am struggling to find how to either launch…
Security Scan against solace/solace-pubsub-standard:latest (2 months ago) shows 6 HIGH prio vulnerab
Hello, Security Scan against solace/solace-pubsub-standard:latest (ec1886a90f54 2 months ago) shows 6 HIGH prio vulnerabilities is there anybody who knows when solace will fix it and also in enterprise versions ? Any hint / script fix this fast from community ? output generated with docker-desktop and extension trivy…
Not able to update JWT using updateProperties()
Hi Solace Community, I am using the Java Api version 1.1 Currently I am experiencing a problem that I am unable to resolve where calling the "updateProperty()" function for the messaging service isn't logging, returning feedback or actually changing the JWT token that I am sending. The JWT I am generating is successfully…
How to check if one of the brokers on both sides is down.
Hi Community, I wanted to check if one of the brokers on both side is down due to HA switch or similar issue. Is there any option available to find out if both sides are down or only one side is down ? I have checked the System logs but I can only see the HA redundancy state changes or VPN_BRIDGING_LINK_DOWN. Kindly let me…
Enable Distributed Tracing
Hello Everyone , I am using Solace Software broker Standard edition . I want to try out the Demo version of the Distributed Tracing . I get the blow error when I run the commands : Solace(configure/message-vpn)# create telemetry-profile test Invalid command input create telemetry-profile test ^ -> unknown…
Can Oauth be used with amqp10 lib?
I am connecting my nodejs based application to solace broker using OAuth & mqtts protocol. I am using solclientjs API and which is working perfect. Now I am trying to connect using amqps protocol in same application and using amqp10 package however I am unable to connect it. As per the doc I am creating the uri as…
Message Type Text versus Binary
The handling of messages and message type is quite confusing as even most examples of code assume to send messages in binary format. What is solace recommendation for structured text messages ? (like json, xml, csv,...) Here the facts as i understood them: Default is always sending as binary message type Rest Messanging…
Solace Metrics Documentation
I look for following information related to monitoring of solace. Following Levels i would expect metrics for: Broker Level Queue Level Client Level RDP 1.) Where can i find documentation of all metrics and a description for the metric ? Something like that: solace-monitoring-extension/metrics.md at master ·…
Can durable queue be created in producer flow using solclientjs package in nodejs?
Does createDurableQueueDestination() method in solClientFactory creates durable queue if not exist in producer flow? var message = solace.SolclientFactory.createMessage(); message.setDestination(solace.SolclientFactory.createDurableQueueDestination(producer.queueName)); message.setBinaryAttachment(messageText);…
Producer error of with golang API on Ubuntu libcrypto.so
Hi, I like to test a a golang based producer and I used the example code from https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-go/blob/main/patterns/hello_world.go I got the credentials generate from solace and also downloaded and referred the truststore pem file. When I start the program on an uptodate Ubuntu server I get…
Change max message size for mqtt queues
Hello community, i am using enterprise 10K broker in the cloud. Is it possible to change the setting for maximum message size of mqtt persistant queues? I want to set this config with an solace admin user and not in the client implementation. I tried it via the solace cli, but it is not allowed to set up the queues:…
Cloud broker command logs
Hello @all, i am browsing the command logs for the first time. I see a lot of log entries in the following pattern. What is the problem regarding these log messages (no subscribe-topic exceptions fail-if-already-exists smf)? The client has no problems subscribing to the queue and taking messages out of it. Best regards…
Activity: Creating Queues using PubSub+ Manager: Keep getting a timeout error on the Try Me
I've followed the activity video, not sure why this is happening. I have tried multiple browsers.
Unsupported protocol on OAuth 2.0 JWT Authentication - Solace M1 EA
Hello, New Solace user here. I have Solace running as a Docker container in my Mac M1 with Colima version 0.4.6. I am running the EA version available at https://solace.community/discussion/1529/pubsub-support-for-mac-m1-early-release-now-available. We have a REST Consumer configured to use OAuth 2.0 JWT Authentication and…
Consuming message from specific Topic subscription added in Queue
Hi, I have created the queue with topic subscriptions(more than 1 topic subscription), as below. "queueName": "QUE_TEST" "subscription_topics": [ "Demo/Msg", "Demo" ] now, I am interested in consuming message published to specific topic, like from 'Demo/Msg'. I have created the flow with queue to consume the messages…
Getting messages from all topic subscription even if subscribing to specific topic
Hi, I have client code which creates the subscription on queue and its topic, now when i am trying to consume the message from specific topic subscription with below code, consumer is receiving the messages from other topic subscription too under the same queue For example, when I am subscribing to "Demo/Msg" , I am…
Default Configuration for Software Event Brokers
Of course, keep an eye on the page https://docs.solace.com/Software-Broker/SW-Broker-Configuration-Defaults.htm
Extracting message ID on solace pub sub broker in golang API
Hello everyone, currently I am researching Solace GoLang Api and I have few questions. Can you please help me because I cannot find the answer. How can I extract message ID or is there any unique ID that can be extracted from Inbound message and used for distinguishing messaged published to message broker I would also…
Solace Exposing Event Broker Services to External Traffic (outside k8 cluster)
Hi Team, I have installed Solace through helm on k8 cluster, i would like to expose it through mqtt - 8883 amqps - 5671 https - 1443 some one please help me how can i expose above solace outside k8 cluster note: I have gone through below docs as well,…
How to Use Docker to Try Out Solace PubSub+
Solace PubSub+ is the only advanced event broker technology that offers publish/subscribe, queuing, request/reply, streaming, and replay all in a single platform. The fastest and easiest way to get started with publish/subscribe messaging is to use Docker. In this post I will walk you through the steps. Specifically, I…
s/w broker Emulation library for Unit testing in automated environment
Is there a broker emulation library that helps developer unit test their code? Does not have to be full fledged supporting all the features of the Solace broker but basic functionality like publish/subscribe success/not-success. This allows developer to test their code in a automated testing environment like github/jenkins…
Docker container failed to start with Windows Bind Mount
I am using Docker Desktop on Windows 10. I followed this guide to externalize the storage of docker container: https://docs.solace.com/Software-Broker/Container-Tasks/Config-Container-Storage.htm#Examples_of_Configuring_External_Storage The container is created but failed to start with last record in log: "Unable to raise…
Getting error "solace failed to provision endpoint" while creating the queue manually
Hi, I am new to solace, trying to create the queue by referring the below tutorial https://tutorials.solace.dev/dotnet/persistence-with-queues/ , however i am getting error while executing the code. Also tried creating the topic with help of below article and code executed successfully but cant see topic created the on…
Feature Summary for the PubSub+ Messaging APIs
Hi All, If you have not checked out this page in the solace docs - I would highly recommend that. A matrix of API capabilities across languages in one place. Link to docs here - https://docs.solace.com/API/Messaging-APIs/Solace-APIs-Overview.htm
How to create multiple spans and identify as 1 trace in jaeger?
Hello all, I'm trying to implement multiple spans and those spans should be identified as 1 trace in jaeger. (As shown in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uwy26zPc-o&t=1118s at 24:12 timing he shows the same concept.) I'm using java to implement. Can someone provide some ideas, tips and tricks, which could be a…
Parallel processing of messages by Solace
Hi, We have a scenario to process the messages at a faster rate and in parallel with solace consumer/listener, so would like to get clarified on the questions below. If the scenario above is possible & supported by solace, how many threads are permissible & configured to do the parallel processing? Does it require any…
Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Python releases
The following product has been released and is available for download: * Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Python 1.1.0 Release Summary: The following new features have been added to this updated API: * Direct Messaging Request/Reply * Structured Data Type Support for Publish and Consume * Message Replay Support * Message…