How to Deploy Solace on AWS EKS with SSL/TLS Using Network Load Balancer (NLB)
Hello Solace Team, I have deployed Solace PubSub+ Cloud in my AWS EKS cluster, following the Solace documentation for deployment. I successfully set up Solace with a Network Load Balancer (NLB) as per the instructions. After the deployment, I was able to log into the Solace console and use the "Try Me" section, where I…
Exploring Solace Cloud Connection Status
I am using Solace Cloud's free trial event broker. I opened a connection to the broker using the Paho Python Client with the MQTT protocol to send some data. The connection is still active, but it is not displayed in the Status window as an MQTT connection, and also not a messages queue. However, as shown below, I can see…
Intermittent error - JCSMPErrorResponseException: 503: No Subscription Match [Subcode:70]
I am using Camel and Spring with Solace Pub Sub. The camel route is transacted, I am seeing the below exception while publishing to a topic intermittently - com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 503: No Subscription Match [Subcode:70] So when the process starts, the initial events are published, but after…
Solace Broker - Renew Message VPN Replication certificate
We have 2 clusters (cluster PRD + cluster DR). When renewing replication certificate do we apply the new certificates only on the broker where the VPNs are active? Kind of confusing when I need to apply new certificates on both nodes (4 brokers) and when only those where VPNs are active. Regards
What is the correct broker URL to use in a Terraform configuration for connecting to a Message VPN
While running GitLab CICD pipeline using terraform for message VPN below configuration get used for solace provider # Configure the provider provider "solacebroker" { username = var.broker_username password = var.broker_password url = var.broker_url } What is the correct URL is it PORT 943 Message VPN…
PERSISTENT Messaging in an Event Mesh
Hello Team, I've stumbled upon this discussion where @TomF mentioned a feature that would automatically abstract persistent message consumption from location in an Event mesh. I couldn't find anything in the documentation regarding this feature. Could you please point me to the right direction ? To give you some context…
Configure the subscribers to subscribe specific events only - for SAP Systems
How Solace can be configure to ensure that published events are delivered only to explicitly defined subscribers, preventing unauthorized or unintended parties from receiving the messages? From the above image I do have SAP Publisher and SAP subscribers. As per my understanding tis can be achieved using Add topic…
Is anyone worked upon the spark structure streaming with solace using scala , getting below error
Is anyone worked upon the spark structure streaming with solace using scala , getting below error <scala.version>2.12.12</scala.version> <spark.version>3.1.2</spark.version> Solace Jar : pubsubplus-connector-spark-1.2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPTransportException: CertificateException -…
Creating an MQTT bridge via PubSub+ Cloud
Hi everyone. We're looking to utilise MQTT bridges on our event broker which is deployed on the PubSub+ Cloud. We've read up about the MQTT connector and wondered if this is possible to utilise for the cloud-deployed event broker via the Mission Control's Cluster Manager in some way, or if we need to take a different…
Error registering listner:Transactions not supported [condition = amqp:not-implemented]
Hello, I am trying to register listeners dynamically to the queues whose names can be fetched at runtime. I am using the JmsListenerEndpointRegistrar from spring for dynamic listener registration. My application is started, and connection to solace broker gets established but the listener invocation fails with the…
Release notes for sol-jcsmp,sol-common,sol-jms - 10.25.0
Hi team, I am using the following dependencies : <dependency> <groupId>com.solacesystems</groupId> <artifactId>sol-jcsmp</artifactId> <version>${solace.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.solacesystems</groupId> <artifactId>sol-common</artifactId> <version>${solace.version}</version> </dependency>…
Do you have any guide to setup solace/solace-pubsub-standard over SSL?
I am looking for a guide to setup the docker container solace/solace-pubsub-standard with SSL and/or test-containers The guide focuses on the non-authenticated version I tried generating a self-signed certificate and adding it to /usr/sw/jail/certs but I have been unable to connect using SSL. After ClientHello all I see is…
How can I configure SSL with a key password?
According to this guide: I must add my certificates to `/usr/sw/jail/certs` as well as To maintain private key security and to prevent unauthorized users from copying private keys from the event broker, Solace strongly recommends that only password‑protected private keys are used for the server certificate. The guide…
How Solace makes an OAuth Token Call to APIGW
Recently, there was a concern from APIGW team that Solace is making more OAuth token calls than expected, which is impacting their license cost directly. Upon checking in details, it was found that the token expiry value was set to 900 by default at Solace. However, the token lifetime was set to 3600 from APIGW end.…
how to publish persistent message to a topic, which can be consumed by multiple consumers same time
Myself Owais, I have been working on a project, where I am implementing solace pub sub api service, but I am facing a problem , the problem is "Let's say, there are 100 consumer in my organisation, and I want to publish a message to a topic , but here only 50 people are subscribed and once I publish a message using queue…
Certificate error, Invalid provider type specified.
Hi, I am facing an issue with an inaccessible private key and the error "invalid provider type specified" while trying to establish connectivity with Solace using .NET. We have generated the certificates multiple times but are still stuck at this point. After some investigation, we noticed that .NET and C have stricter…
Topic dispatching with guaranteed delivery using JCSMP
Hi there, The article here explains how one can have custom callback to handle guaranteed messages received with matching topics thru flows bound to queues using Java RTO. Is there something similar for the JCSMP API, or another way that we can achieve something like that? On a related note, there's normally only be one…
Salesforce and Solace Event Broker Connectivity
What are the different ways that Salesforce can connect to Solace Cloud Event broker? Please help with Solace Cloud only, skip appliance or software to avoid confusion.
what’s the best way to implement pub/sub for AdTech usability
what’s the best architecture in Solace for pub/sub in a Adtech. How do these big tech giants use persistent storage where the target audience is of huge size ? use case : within organization for publishing message to a huge audience, with varying topics
Trouble connecting to Solace and no descriptive error is being received? Certificate auth
Hi, I am trying to connect to event-broker. but could not connect. also the exception I am receiving is not very descriptive about what could be wrong. I have double checked: trust store path. certificate path certificate password. SSLValidateCertificate is set to true. HostName VPN and ClientName are all double checked. I…
Day-to-Day Metrics of Queues in Solace Software PubSub event broker
Is it possible to get the metrics of Queues based on date range within the CLI or Solace UI.
Having Trouble with connection retries? not able to reconnect ?
Hi, my application is running 10 consumers with a session. I tried to simulate connection retry mechanism but could not do it. Also I want to log retry events. Here are values. -Using 1 Host only. I took down internet connectivity in order to kick on this mechanism. ReconnectRetries set to 10 ConnectRetriesPerHost set to…
Timeout happened when reading response from the router when connecting to Solace
Please find below the error observed, when connecting to Solace PubSub Event broker from Boomi application. Process terminating -- some documents reached an exception which is set to halt all documents: [400] (Client name: GLCHBS-SP221335.eu.novartis.net/3830954/1c5ce0509/Pw3AJ4XZk9 Local port: -1 Remote addr:…
How to create session with Solace Messaging tcp protocol being in orgnization vpn network.
Hi Team, Session creation is failing while being in organization VPN. so tried with proxy settings as well given in but no luck. I tried with multiple debug. string host = $"tcp://mr-connection-l7ua5omxxxx.messaging.solace.cloud:55555%httpc://rb-proxy-de.bosch.com:8080"; string username = "solace-cloud-client"; string…
How to integrate Otel Solace Receiver with LDAP based Solace PubSub Event broker 10.4.121
Currently, we have enabled the Distributed Tracing in DEV environment and its all working fine . The authentication used in DEV is Internal Database. However, the same configuration is not working in QA, as we are using LDAP based authentication in Solace Broker. Below is the error observed in the Otel logs:…
Can I publish the SAP standard and Custom event to Solace
Can I publish the SAP standard and custom events directly to Solace Event Broker without ASPIO or RAP events
How Standard 100 Connections Broker can upgrade to 250 Connections Broker?
I am currently using a broker with a 100 connections standard. If I find that this capacity is insufficient in the future, how can I upgrade to a 250 connections broker? What is the process for scaling up from 100 connections to 250 connections, and are there any potential limitations or downtime I should be aware of…
Multiple consumer in DotNet not working in parallel despite having non-exclusive queue.
Hi, I am having an issue with Solace Consumer that I have implemented in dotnet. I have 10 consumers (my understanding is each consumer means each separate flow for message). So with this information I created multiple flows assigned them to separate threads/tasks. After Sending a burst of 5000 messages I did not see many…
Replay Queues
When I login into my cloud account, I do not see an option to enable replay upon selection of VPN. Is there something that needs to be done, I am logging in as the admin
SLB with PubSub+ Event Broker on VMware Tanzu
Is this necessary using load balance when PubSub+ Event Broker on Tanzu? Or when using PubSub+ Event Broker with Tanzu , Is there other way to do load balance? If we deploy PubSub+ Event Broker on Tanzu without load balance will be working ok? Thanks