Exploring Solace Cloud Connection Status

Fahad Member Posts: 5

I am using Solace Cloud's free trial event broker. I opened a connection to the broker using the Paho Python Client with the MQTT protocol to send some data. The connection is still active, but it is not displayed in the Status window as an MQTT connection, and also not a messages queue. However, as shown below, I can see both the MQTT connection and the queued messages when I open the Broker Manager.


  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 668 admin

    Hi @Fahad , you're probably setting "Clean Session" flag to 0, and not using the same client ID when connecting, so the broker keeps creating new Sessions for you, and keeping them around after you disconnect.

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 668 admin

    I don't think there's anyway to filter connected vs. disconnected MQTT clients in PubSub+ Manager (you can in CLI though: show client mqtt* disconnected ). But if you click on one of the clients, and look at the "Properties" tab, you should sed that its Uptime is 0.

  • Fahad
    Fahad Member Posts: 5

    Hi @Aaron, I set the Clean Session flag to False and used the same client ID, but still all the values on the Status window are 0 in terms of active connections, Queue usage, etc.

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 668 admin

    I dunno, not a big MQTT expert.

    If you highlight them all and click the "Actions" button in the top-right, can you delete them all?

    What happens if you connnect your client and set Clean Session to true?