Partitioned Queues and XA transactions
We noticed that we can not use XA transactions on a partitioned queues. Our primary use case is to process the messages in the order, and we wanted to use the "USER_ID" as the partition key and that would have taken care of our requirement of processing messages in order per user. With this restriction of XA not supported…
Facing issue in Building SolacePubSub in Go Project in different Environment
We have tried to implement solace in Go App. And we are facing some critical issue. I am having Windows Laptop with Intel i5 processor, I can build the project (via Debian in Windows WSL) and can run in Docker using the debian:buster image. But when one other Developer (his laptop is Windows with AMD Processor) tried to…
XA and Partitioned Queues
Will solace support XA transactions on partitioned queues ?
Issue with replication mode: Messages stuck in "Pending Replication" state
Hello all, I am trying to set up replication here between 2 nodes. I tried to follow the instructions as mentioned in the Steps-for-Replication-Configuration page. I tried to reach the replication state starting from both: kubernetes HA deployment fresh docker deployments (so not HA, just standalone instances (initially)).…
Regarding Token endpoints
I have configured an OAuth profile and need to test it. Could you please suggest where the token endpoint is located?.
Unable to Subscribe Topic in Solace Local from Streamset Pipeline (JMS Producer)
I have set up Docker containers for SQL Server, StreamSets, and Solace, following the steps outlined in the blog https://solace.com/blog/change-data-capture-solace-streamsets-dr/. My goal is to enable Change Data Capture (CDC) and stream data from SQL Server to Solace via StreamSets. In the setup, I'm able to configure…
Observing DNS resolution failed when connecting to external application through RDP for .com url
We are currently using Solace version deployed through Podman and observing this issue for many integrations whenever .com url is involved. Flow : MuleSoft—>EMS(Solace RDP)—>MuleSoft(.com url) - Not working But the same integration, when APIGW is involved in between it is working fine. Flow :…
"SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_EXCEEDED" occurred while running Event Broker.
Hello, "SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_EXCEEDED" occurred while running Event Broker. I have some questions regarding the issue. Q1. What is the definition of SPOOL_FILES? Q2. Where is the SPOOL_FILES stored? or is it in the 'spool' directory? Q3. How many SPOOL_FILES are created and is there an option in the CLI to control them?…
Can we copy files from Solace queue
We have a requirement to copy a csv file from Solace Queue to an Azure Data Lake location. I am new to Solace and I do not know if there are any existing services to directly copy a file from a queue instead of consuming the content of the file as a message and copying that. Please advise.
How can you track the topics being routed via DMR Subscriptions between an event mesh?
Trying to get a better understanding of our event mesh which is rather large and uses a lot of DMR subscriptions throughout. As a result - sometimes track the initial source of a message across the mesh can be quite difficult. I'm trying to find either a CLI command or SEMP query to get a list of DMR subscriptions arriving…
Connecting With NSE
Hi Guys, i am new solace user where i'm connecting with nse but i got error tcp_TxRx callback for session '(c0,s1)_username' in channel state ESTABLISHED: Subscription ACL Denied - Topic 'queue name' Subscribe: Response code: '403'; Flags: 'c'; , client name 'MSPL-BP5-21/5828/00000001/t7ZE4yY8zL', VPN name '***', peer host…
Issue in accessing the Solace Software Event Broker CLI
We are working on setting up the Solace Software Pub Sub + Event Broker of Standard Version in lower environments. We are observing "Access Denied"" error when trying to login to the cli using the below command. podman exec -it solaceusqa1 /usr/sw/loads/currentload/bin/cli -A However, we are able to login to the…
Disable consumer at solace broker
Can we control enabling & disabling of a consumer at solace broker end. Like if i have 3 consumer of my queue i.e c1, c2 and c3 (non-exclusive queue) but i want that only c1 & c3 will receive the messages . So, it is possible that i control it at solace broker only? (FYI- my consumer is MDB, listening to pubsub+ event…
Spring JMSListener fails all the messages in the queue
I have a queue endpoint that's configured with non-exclusive access redelivery enabled with the default redelivery delays delivery count of 10 a dmq queue name non partitioned and pretty much everything else is the default values. I also have a springboot message listeners that has a concurrency of 1 is auto acknowledge…
Is there any way to copy queues from one event broker to other
I am planning to create event broker service for PRODUCTION environment. Existing event broker instance I used for DEV and QA purpose. I know cloning whole event broker service but not sure about if we do have any way to copy the queue from one event broker to another.
PubSub+ Maximum Message VPNs
Hello. My team and I require a Message VPN for each and every one of us, all of which should be on a single Solace instance (so there's no resource wasting). I tried reducing all the settings (of the VPNs) I could get my hands on to the minimum possible, but i cant seem to create more than 3 VPNs (including the default…
consumer setting to connect solace system
What are the installation to be done at consumer system( windows) to connect solace system
Which correct protocol should I choose?
Hi! I'm new working on Solace PubSub and despite the fact I've been reading a lot, I didn't understand which is the correct protocol I should use. For example, I have an application publishing more than 1k events per hour on dynamic topics. It can be company/salesorder/usa/123/234, company/salesorder/usa/453/1/45,…
spool, spool-cache, and spool-cache-backup
I have reviewed the documentation on spool, spool-cache, and spool-cache-backup but need a more detailed explanation of their respective roles.
About spool size
I want to set the spool size. If the OS has a separate disk capacity of 1TB and the spool area is mounted separately, could you provide the optimal ratio for spool, spool-cache, and spool-cache-backup?
Number of Unacknowledged Messages
Hello All, I am trying to clean up the shutdown of my service, and delay it until all messages have been processed. I call the Stop() method on all of my IFlows, but I then want it to wait until the number of Unacknowledged messages drops to 0. I can see in the console the number of unacknowledged messages on the consumer,…
Drain Queue via MQTT
Hi everybody, I'm trying to drain a queue via MQTT. My queue is confingured like this: Following https://docs.solace.com/Messaging/Reserved-Topics.htm and https://docs.solace.com/API/MQTT/MQTT-Topics.htm#Special I created a client that subscribes to the Topics (_P2P/QUE/test-queue, _P2P/QTMP/v:default/test-queue ) that…
Is there a way to enable Audit logs in pub sub+ event broker and fetch those logs?
I want to enable audit logging in pubsub event broker which I am running it as docker container. Is there a way to do that? I see Audit logs are there in pubsub cloud but is it available in pub sub event broker? #audit
Is there a way to enable Audit logs in pub sub+ event broker and fetch those logs?
I want to enable audit logging in pubsub event broker which I am running it as docker container. Is there a way to do that? I see Audit logs are there in pubsub cloud but is it available in pub sub event broker?
Troubleshooting frequent / high amounts of fragmentation on an event broker
Hi all, Trying to get a better understanding of fragmentation and potential culprits of high amounts of fragmentation occurring in a particular event broker. Defragmentation is running daily on a schedule, not threshold. But we are seeing within an hour after defrag runs successfully the estimated fragmentation reaches 99%…
How to achieve Topic + Queue mechanism using NodeJS & AMQP
Hello, I'm using NodeJS as my tech stack and created a Queue and that queue is subscribed to the topic. Mechanism: Publish a message to the topic and subscribe to the msg from the queue, basically Topic to Queue Mapping. Query: I want to build the above mechanism using the AMQP protocol with NodeJS. Tried Approach: I've…
Showing exemplars on Prometheus
Hi All, I am trying to use prometheus to display data with exemplars to show traceID but I cannot seem to get it to display the exemplars I used this repo as a base and placed in prometheus and grafana tempo. #Docker Compose version: '3.5' networks: solace_msg_net: name: solace_msg_net external: false driver: bridge…
How to configure the @JmsListener and receive Solace Topic messages ?
Hi @marc , I followed your tutorial in this thread, how to listen to Solace Topic via JMS. I tried to configure it in my program as well, but I got an error of : unknown endpoint (503: Unknown Queue). I just started learning Solace, can you help me find the issue ? Think you~ This is my JMS configurations:…
how to configure the RDP reset-comsumer remote retry times limit ?
I have configured the RDP reset-comsumer remote retry delay, but when message delivery got failure due to 503/504, it keeps retrying and it doesn't look like it will stop. I want to set it to stop after 10 attempts. How can I configure it?
Protocol difference in publishing (AMQP vs REST)
Hi Community, We are using PubSub+'s multiprotocol capabilities for inbound and outbound communication. There are many general-fundamental differences between AMQP and REST in terms of usage however I would like to understand what difference it makes when we choose among them while "publishing" to the broker? (in terms of…