"SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_EXCEEDED" occurred while running Event Broker.

epzmin Member Posts: 1
edited June 2024 in PubSub+ Event Broker #1

"SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_EXCEEDED" occurred while running Event Broker.
I have some questions regarding the issue.

Q1. What is the definition of SPOOL_FILES?

Q2. Where is the SPOOL_FILES stored?
or is it in the 'spool' directory?

Q3. How many SPOOL_FILES are created and is there an option in the CLI to control them?

Q4. Is it possible to check the number of SPOOL_FILES currently created through CLI or SEMP?

Q5. Is the 'defragment-spool-files/threshold)# usage-percentage' option based on a percentage of the spool's max-spool-usage?

Q6. Trying to use the 'defragment-spool-files/threshold)# fragmentation-percentage' option.
How do I know the maximum of fragmentation?

Q7. Is the "SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_EXCEEDED" error caused by exceeding the number of files stored in the spool managed by the broker?
or is the error caused by open files in the OS inside the Docker container in which the broker is running?

I have a lot of questions, but I expect good answers.
Thank you.


  • nowell
    nowell Member, Employee Posts: 1 Solace Employee

    Hi @epzmin,

    Thanks for posting this question. You may refer to this link for more information about this event, and any other Syslog Events: https://docs.solace.com/Admin-Ref/Solace-PubSub-Event-Reference/event_ref_boiler.html#SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_EXCEEDED

    To answer your questions:

    Q1. What is the definition of SPOOL_FILES?

    Spool files are used to store messages spooled to disk as well as any other information used for guaranteed messaging.

    Q2. Where is the SPOOL_FILES stored? or is it in the 'spool' directory?

    On a software broker, this is stored under the /usr/sw/internalSpool directory

    Q3. How many SPOOL_FILES are created and is there an option in the CLI to control them?

    The number of spool files will depend on the number of messages spooled to disk. There is currently no option to control them via CLI.

    Q4. Is it possible to check the number of SPOOL_FILES currently created through CLI or SEMP?

    You may check the Spool Files usage from the output of show message-spool detail. There is also a Spool Files Utilization field to determine the utilization percentage.

    Q5. Is the 'defragment-spool-files/threshold)# usage-percentage' option based on a percentage of the spool's max-spool-usage?

    Yes, this is based on the max-spool-usage

    Q6. Trying to use the 'defragment-spool-files/threshold)# fragmentation-percentage' option.
    How do I know the maximum of fragmentation?

    From the output of show message-spool detail, you may refer to the Estimated Fragmentation to determine the estimated fragmentation of the message-spool. This threshold is based on this value.

    Q7. Is the "SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_EXCEEDED" error caused by exceeding the number of files stored in the spool managed by the broker?
    or is the error caused by open files in the OS inside the Docker container in which the broker is running?

    This is caused by the exceeding the number of files stored in the spool managed by the broker.